(Hello everyone, today's article will represent the last of its kind concerning the synthetic telepathy technology and associated program of mind control and behavioral modification. I wished only to present my views and describe my particular experience with this technology, and I feel today's article will act as appropriate closure of this chapter.)
Throughout the course of history, the powers that controlled the world and the citizens within it have gathered to discuss how they would change, or update, the god or gods they wanted you to believe in, worship, and obey. From the pagan sun god, to polytheistic beliefs of many gods, to monotheistic beliefs of one god, times had changed and a god more fashionable, more believable, and more befitting of the times was called for and ushered in.
Due to our level of technological development, our new gods will be very special gods. Through the use of synthetic telepathy technology, each of us will personally communicate with our chosen deity, a higher power customized to fit perfectly our predetermined belief system. If it is ascended masters with whom you resonate with, an ascended master may eventually contact you through government sponsored synthetic telepathy. If it is benevolent extra-terrestrials that you believe are more likely our 'higher powers' (having demonstrated your belief through your internet usage and comments you leave throughout online social networks, then it is an E.T. that may eventually contact you, offer you advice, and influence your decision making and therefore your entire life. If your beliefs are more traditional, and it is Jesus, or God, or Archangel Michael that you better resonate with, then it is these religious figures that may one day introduce themselves to you, very gently and briefly at first, until you hang on their every word and live your life just as they want you to. The choice will be yours; listen to your heart, your very own heart, strengthened through years of hard lessons, or a voice (a thought really, as there is no sound accompanying these communications), a strange silent voice that may be coming from anywhere, sent by anyone with any kind of agenda, to harm you, to experiment on you, to control you. Its all up to you, as is the choice of your new god.
Greg Giles
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