

A wonderful collection of resources for Ancient Egyptian texts, just perfect for those rainy days. Bookmarking this page will allow you direct access to this guide whenever the mood should strike you.  Follow the links to read the words spoken by our ancient brethren thousands of years ago. Greg

Version 21 (30 September 2013)
The below collection of online resources (plus some recent paper bibliography) for
ancient Egyptan texts has been collected by Michael Tilgner for the Egyptologists'
Electronic Forum (EEF). It is arranged chronologically and its items appeared individually
It might be (hyperlink) indexed at a later date.
For abbreviations used, see URL (common abbreviations, e.g., PT, p[], FIP, etc)
and URL (bibliographic abbreviations, e.g., Urk, Lichtheim, LD, KRI, etc).
The collections has been made over several years, so quite a few links may have gone
broken in time; next to each entry you may find the date (d/m/y) on which the links in
that entry have been checked last.
Corrections and additions are welcome with the editor.
Copyright 2012, Michael Tilgner

Preliminary Index (chronological order)
A Seal of Pharaoh Peribsen (in tomb P at Abydos)
The Inscriptions of the Statue of mTn / Metjen (Berlin 1106)
The Cannibal Hymn (PT Utterances 273-274)
The Annal Stone (Palermo Stone and associated Fragments)
he Decree of Neferirkare (Boston, MFA 03.1896)
Three Letters of Pharaoh Djedkare Isesi
The Pyramid Texts
The False Door of Mehu in his tomb in Saqqara
The Decree of Pepi I for the Pyramid City of Snofru (Berlin 17500)
The Autobiography of Weni the Elder (CG 1435)
The Letter of Pepi II to Harkhuf (in his tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa, no. 34)
The Autobiography of Pepinakht called Heqaib in his tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa (QH 35)
The Instruction of Kagemni (pPrisse 1,1 - 2,9)
The Instruction of Ptahhotep
The Teaching for King Merikare
The Stela of Irtysen (Louvre C 14)
Rock inscriptions from the Wadi Hammamat of an expedition under Mentuhotep IV
The Stela of the Priest Mentuhotep (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum E.9.1922)
The Autobiography of Amenemhet called Ameni in his tomb (Beni Hassan 2)
The Autobiography of Khnumhotep II in his tomb in Beni Hassan (BH 3)
Semna boundary stelae of Sesostris III (Berlin 1157; Berlin 14753)
A Cycle of Hymns to King Sesostris III (papyrus Kahun LV.1 / papyrus UC 32157 recto)
A Stela of Ikhernofret (Berlin 1204)
The Transport of the Colossal Statue of DHwti-Htp(.w) / Thot-hotep
The Stela of Khu-u-Sobek / Sebek-khu, named Djaa (Manchester Museum 3306)
A Letter of Reminder (pKahun II.2 / London UCL 32199)
The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor (pPetersburg 1115)
The "Kahun Medical Papyrus" or the "Gynaecological Papyrus" (pKahun (med.) / London UC 32057)
The Dispute of a Man with His Ba (pBerlin 3024)
The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant
The Stelae of Ameniseneb / imny-snb (Louvre C 11 and C 12)
King Kheops and the Magician / Papyrus Westcar (pBerlin 3033)
The Kamose Texts
The Autobiography of Ahmose, son of Abana
The Stela of Ahmose from Abydos / Tetisheri Stela (Cairo CG 34002)
The Donation Stela of Ahmose-Nefertari
Papyrus Ebers
The Coronation Announcement of Thutmosis I (Cairo CG 34006, Berlin 13726)
The Abydos Stela of Thutmose I (Cairo CG 34007)
The Northampton Stela of General Djehuty
The Obelisk Inscriptions of Queen Hatshepsut in the temple of Karnak
Dedication of the Obelisks by Hatshepsut (block 302 of the Red Chapel)
Graffito of Senenmut in Sehel concerning his work on Hatshepsut's obelisks
The Myth of the Divine Birth
The Speos Artemidos Inscription of Hatshepsut
The Poetical Stela of Thutmosis III (CG 34010)
The Temple Festival Calendar of Thutmosis III in Karnak, South of the granite sanctuary
The King-list of Thutmosis III in Karnak (now: Louvre E 13481bis)
The Obelisk of Thutmosis III from Heliopolis, now in New York
The Obelisk of Thutmosis III, now in Istanbul
The Battle of Megiddo (of Thutmosis III)
The Armant Stela of Thutmosis III (Cairo JE 67377)
The Gebel Barkal Stela (Boston MFA 23.733)
The Canal Inscription of Thutmosis III
The Dream Stela of Thutmosis IV
The Konosso Stela of Thutmosis IV
The Stela of Suti and Hor (BM EA 826)
The Commemorative Scarabs of Amenophis III
Hymns to the Aten
The Boundary Stelae of Amarna
A Graffito from Pawah in the tomb of Pere / pA-jrj (TT 139)
The Restoration Stela of Tutankhamun (CG 34183)
The Great Hymn to Osiris on the Stela of Amenmose (Paris Louvre C 286)
The Myth of the Destruction of Mankind / The Book of the Heavenly Cow
The King-lists on monuments of the 19th Dynasty
The Taking of Joppa (pHarris 500 = pBM 10060, verso)
The Tale of the Doomed Prince (pHarris 500, vs., 4,1-8,14)
The Nauri Decree
The Stela of the Era of 400 Years (JE 60539)
The Obelisk of the Luxor Temple, now Paris, Place de la Concorde
A Satirical Letter (pAnastasi I = pBM 10247)
The Victory Hymn of Merenptah / "Israel Stela"
The Book of Caverns
The Quarrel of Apophis and Seknenre (pSallier I / BM 10185)
The Great Papyrus Harris
The Harem Conspiracy
The Year 4 Abydos Stela of Ramesses IV in Honour of Osiris (JE 48876)
The Great Abydos Stela of Ramesses IV for Osiris and the Gods (JE 48831)
The Contendings of Horus and Seth (pChester Beatty I, recto 1,1-16,8)
The Misfortunes of Wenamun (pMoscow 120)
The Instruction of Amenemope (pBM 10474)
The Rogers Tablet (Louvre E 6858)
The Stela of Banishment (Louvre C 256)
Hymn to Re-Harakhte (pBerlin 3050)
The Piankhi / Piye Stela (JE 48862)
The Shabaka Stone / "The Memphite Theology" (BM EA 498)
The Stela of Tanutamun / Tanutamani (JE 48863)
The Election Stela of King Aspelta (JE 48866)
LP & Greco-Roman
The Long Biographical Inscription of Petosiris
The Bentresh Stela (Louvre C 284)
The Satrap Stela (Cairo CG 22182)
The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys (pBerlin 3008)
The Mendes Stela (CG 22181)
The invasion of Ptolemy III into Mesopotamia
The Decree of Canopus
The Decree of Memphis (Rosetta Stone and associated Fragments)
The Graffito of Esmet-Akhom (Philae 436)

Old Kingdom and FIP
A Seal of Pharaoh Peribsen (in tomb P at Abydos) (27/7/12)
The first known sentence of AE (other than a name)
date: dyn. 2, reign of Peribsen
-- Drawing [= IÄF III, no. 368] bottom left - (200 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and short commentary: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in WinGlyph notation, transcription, English translation
and commentary in posting of Michael Tilgner to AEL on May 27, 1998: URL

The Inscriptions in the Tomb of mTn / Metjen (Berlin 1105) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 3, reign of Snefru
Consisting of title sequences and excerpts from legal and administrative documents.
-- Photographs of some scenes and inscriptions in the exhibition catalog:
L'art égyptien au temps des pyramides, Paris, 1999, pp. 176-178
-- Drawings of the inscriptions in: LD II, 3-7: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 1-7: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 170-175: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and discussion by Eugène Revillout,
Nouvelle étude juridico-économique sur les inscriptions d'Amten et les origines
du droit égyptien, in: Journal asiatique, sér. 10, vol. 6, pp. 473-508 (1905): URL
-- French translation by: Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 83-88
-- German translation by: Karin Barbara Gödecken, Eine Betrachtung der
Inschriften des Meten im Rahmen der sozialen und rechtlichen Stellung von
Privatleuten im ägyptischen Alten Reich, Wiesbaden, 1976, pp. 1-45
-- Discussion of Metjen's titles in: Wolfgang Helck, Untersuchungen zur
Thinitenzeit, Wiesbaden, 1987, pp. 268-274

The Inscriptions of the Statue of mTn / Metjen (Berlin 1106) (27/7/12)
date: date: dyn. 3, reign of Snefru
-- Drawings of the statue and its inscriptions - name and titles: LD II,
120 a-e: URL

The Cannibal Hymn (PT Utterances 273-274) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Kurt Sethe, Die altägyptischen Pyramidentexte nach
den Papierabdrücken und Photographien des Berliner Museums, vol. 1,
Leipzig, 1908, pp. 205-216; (first page): URL
-- Photograph of the Unas version based on: Alexandre Piankoff,
The Pyramid of Unas, Princeton, 1968, pls. 28-30 - read cols. 1-29
from right to left: URL
-- English translation based on Faulkner, Piankoff and Speleer: URL
A French translation (partial) based on this: URL
-- English translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer, The Pyramid Texts, vol. I,
New York / London / Toronto, 1952, pp. 92-95: URL
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Altägyptische Dichtung, Stuttgart, 1996,
pp. 113-116: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and French translation by: Gaston Maspero, Les inscriptions
des pyramides de Saqqarah, Paris, 1894, pp. 67-70: URL
-- French translation in: Louis Speleers, Les Textes des Pyramides Egyptiennes
(Bruxelles, 1923), pp. 30-31: URL
-- Spanish translation in: Francisco López, Rosa Thode, Los textos
de las pirámides, 2003, pp. 72-75 [98-101 of the pdf-file] -
complete pdf-file: 2.1 MB: URL
-- recently: Christopher Eyre, The Cannibal Hymn. A Cultural and
Literary Study, Liverpool, 2002
The Annal Stone (27/7/12)
date: 5th dyn., reign of Neferirkare (date of original composition; the
stone itself may may be dated to the 25th dyn., according to Helck)
Lettering [ ] according to Wilkinson (see below).
a) The Palermo Stone (Palermo Museo archeologico 1028) [PS]
-- A. Pellegrini, Nota sopra un'iscrizione egizia del Museo di Palermo, in:
Archivio storico siciliano, nueva serie, anno 20, pp. 297-316 (1896),
3 pls. - (pdf-file, whole issue: 36 MB): URL
This article has two nice drawings of the Palermo Stone, pp. 583 and 585 of
the pdf-file.
-- Photographs, drawings of the different sections, German translation and
commentary by Heinrich Schäfer, Ein Bruchstück altägyptischer
Annalen, 41 pp., 2 pls., in: APAW, philos.-hist. Kl., Jahrgang 1902, Berlin,
1902 [begins p. 483 of the pdf-file] - pdf-file (whole issue: 29 MB): URL
-- Photograph (recto) only [= pl. I] - 320 KB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 235-249 [4th and 5th dyn. only; including
CF1 - CF4]: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 76-167: URL
-- English translation in: Nigel C. Strudwick, Texts from the Pyramid Age,
Atlanta, 2005, pp. 65-74 [4th and 5th dyn. only], (partly) online readable
at: URL
-- French translation in: Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 36-52 [including other fragments]
b) The Cairo Fragments 1 - 4 (JE 44859, JE 39735, JE 39734, JE 44860)
[CF1 - CF4]
-- Photographs, typeset hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary
by Henri Gauthier, Quatre nouveaux fragments de la pierre de Palerme, in:
G.Maspero, Le Musée égyptien: recueil de monuments et de notices sur les
fouilles d'Egypte, vol. III, Le Caire, 1915, pp. 29-53, pls. XXIV-XXXI: URL
-- Photograph of CF2 (25 KB): URL
-- Photograph of CF3 (26 KB): URL
-- Photograph of CF4 (22 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 235-249 [see above]: URL
c) The London Fragment (UC 15508) [LF]
-- Photographs of LF recto and verso: URL
-- Photograph of LF recto with roll-over translation: URL
-- William Matthew Flinders Petrie, New Portions of the Annals, in: Ancient
Egypt, vol. III, pp. 114-120 (1916) [article begins on p. 564 of the
pdf-file, foldout not scanned properly; LF recto only]: URL
-- Photograph, drawing and English translation of LF verso by C.N. Reeves,
A Fragment of Fifth Dynasty Annals at University College London, in: GM,
no. 32, pp. 47-52 (1979)
d) The Cairo Fragment 5 (JE 18220) [CF5]
-- Photograph (28 KB): URL
-- Jean-Louis de Cenival, Un nouveau fragment de la Pierre de Palerme, in:
BSFE, no. 44, pp. 13-17 (1965)
e) Basic book on the theme (combines for the first time all seven of the
Toby A. H. Wilkinson, Royals Annals of Ancient Egypt. The Palermo
Stone and Its Associated Fragments, London/New York, 2000 [includes line
drawings of all fragments, no photographs]
The Decree of Neferirkare (Boston, MFA 03.1896) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5, reign of Neferirkare
"... decree forbidding interference with the priests or with the temple income ..."
-- Photograph (zoomable): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 170-172: URL
-- Drawing and English translation by Nigel C. Strudwick, Texts from the
Pyramid Age, Atlanta, 2005, pp. 98-101, online readable at: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary by Gaston Maspero,
Sur une stèle d'Ousirkhâou, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et
d'archéologie, vol. VIII, Paris, 1916, pp. 199-203 [originally published in
Recueil de travaux, vol. 26, pp. 236-238 (1904)]: URL
-- Drawing, French translation and commentary by A. Moret, Chartes
d'immunité dans l'Ancien Empire égyptien (troisième partie), in: Journal
asiatique, série 11, vol. 10, pp. 359-447, this decree: pp. 428-436,
drawing on pl. VI [between pp. 428-429]: URL
-- Drawing, German translation and commentary by Hans Goedicke,
Königliche Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich, Wiesbaden, 1967, pp. 22-36
Three Letters of Pharaoh Djedkare Isesi (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5, reign of Djedkare Isesi

a) First letter to Senedjemib (Giza G 2370) [A 2]
-- Drawing in: LD II, 76d. LD II, 76: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 60,12 - 61,14: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, section 271: URL
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
1990, no. 4, p. 19
-- Drawings, transcription, English translation, and commentary by Edward
Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, Boston, 2001, pp. 92-94: URL
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, § 93, p. 125
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
b) Second letter to Senedjemib (Giza G 2370) [B 2]
-- Drawing in: LD II, 76f [see under a]
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 62,13-63,11 [see under a]
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, section 273 [see under a]
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
1990, no. 3, pp. 18-19
-- Drawings, transcription, English translation, and commentary by Edward
Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, Boston, 2001, pp. 96-101 [see under a]
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, § 95, p. 126
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
c) Letter to Rashepses (Saqqara mastaba)
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 179,8-180,10 [see under a]
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta,
1990, no. 2, p. 18
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, § 58, pp. 78-79
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
d) Basic work on the theme:
-- Eckhard Eichler, Untersuchungen zu den Königsbriefen des Alten Reiches,
SAK, vol. 18, pp. 141-171 (1991) - includes drawings of all inscriptions,
including one of a letter of Pepi II to Harkhuf, German translations, and commentary
The Pyramid Texts (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 5-6, also later versions
-- LÄ V, 14-23, s.v. "Pyramidentexte"
-- Contemporary report about the discovery: "Nouvelles explorations dans les
Pyramides d'Égypte", in: La Nature. Revue des sciences et leurs applications
aux arts et à l'industrie, vol. 9, p. 415 (1881): URL
-- Audran Labrousse, Les Textes des Pyramides (2002): URL
-- Short bibliography: URL

a) Collection of pyramid texts
-- Typeset hieroglyphic text and French translation by: Gaston Maspero, Les
inscriptions des pyramides de Saqqarah, Paris, 1894. 458 p., pls. First
translation of the pyramid texts (Ounas, Teti, Pepi I, Mirinrî I, Pepi II):
-- Hieroglyphic text (Unas, Teti, Pepi I, Merenre, Neferkare Pepi II) in:
Kurt Sethe, Die altägyptischen Pyramidentexte, nach den Papierabdrücken und
Photographien des Berliner Museums, neu herausgegeben und erläutert,
Leipzig, 1908-1910 [only vols. 1-2 out of 4]. XVI, 508 pp.; IV, 543 pp. -
low and high resolution images available (ca. 130 KB and 300 KB per page resp.)
vol. 1: URL
vol. 2: URL
-- English translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer, The Pyramid Texts, vol. I,
New York / London / Toronto, 1952. 320 pp.: URL
"The famous Pyramid Texts herein translated for the first time in English
... are those of the kings Unis of the Fifth Dynasty, and Teti, Pepi I,
Merenre' and Pepi II of the Sixth Dynasty. To this translation has been
added that of recently discovered additional texts, parallel and
complementary, in the pyramids of Oudjebten, Neit, and Apouit, queens of
Pepi II, and of Ibi, a king of the Seventh Dynasty ..."
-- English translation by R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid
Texts, Oxford, 1969
-- English translation by James Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (SBL, 2005).
This is the modern standard translation. For some countries a free copy is available at SBL: URL
Some critical notes in: Timofey T. Shmakov, Critical Analysis of J. P. Allen's "The Ancient
Egyptian Pyramid Texts"(2012) - URL
-- Spanish translation by: Francisco López, Rosa Thode, Los textos de las
pirámides, 2003 - pdf-file: 2.1 MB: URL
-- Older French translation: Louis Speleers, Les Textes des Pyramides égyptiennes, 2 vols.,
Bruxelles, 1923-1924. Tome premier: Traduction, Bruxelles, 1923. - V, 127 autographed pp.,
and Tome deuxième: Vocabulaire, Bruxelles, 1924. - II, 128 autographed pp. [bound together] -
pdf-file (21.3 MB) [PDF]: URL
b) Unas version [W]
-- Photographs [based on: Alexandre Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas,
Princeton, 1968] and English translation compiled by J.D. Degreef [from
translations by R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Oxford,
1969; Alexandre Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas, Princeton, 1968; Louis
Speleers, Traduction, index et vocabulaire des Textes des Pyramides
égyptiennes, Bruxelles, [1934]]: URL
-- Transcription, French translation and commentary by Raphaël Bertrand, Les
Textes de la Pyramide d'Ounas, vols. 1-2, Beuvrages, 2004-2005
-- English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Transcription and German translation, by Doris Topmann [Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required]: URL
c) Pepi I version [P]
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Jean Leclant, Catherine Berger-el Naggar, Bernard
Mathieu, Isabelle Pierre-Croisiau, Les textes de la pyramide de Pépy Ier,
vol. 1: Description et analyse, vol. 2: Fac-similés, Le Caire, 2001

d) Ankhesenpepy II version
-- Dobrev Vassil, Labrousse Audran, Mathieu Bernard, La dixième pyramide à
textes de Saqqâra: Ânkhesenpépy II. Rapport préliminaire, in: BIFAO, vol.
100, pp. 275-296 (2000): URL
The False Door of Mehu in his tomb in Saqqara (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Teti
-- Large photograph in: Regine Schulz, Matthias Seidel (eds.), Ägypten. Die Welt
der Pharaonen, Köln, 1997, p. 8 [there are also editions in other languages]
-- Transcription and German translation by S. Grunert (Thesaurus linguae
aegyptiae; registration required): URL
-- General info about the tomb of Mehu: URL
-- Book on the theme:
Hartwig Altenmüller, Die Wanddarstellung im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara, Mainz
1998, pp. 198-202, pl. 75
The Decree of Pepi I for the Pyramid City of Snofru (Berlin 17500) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Pepi I
-- Drawing and French translation in: Alexandre Moret, Chartes d'immunité
dans l'Ancien Empire égyptien [troisième partie], in: Journal asiatique,
série 11, vol. 10, pp. 359-447 (1917) - section "II. Texte de Dahchour.
Charte d'immunité de Pepi Ier", pp. 387-427; pls. V-VI [between pp. 388-389
and 402-403 resp.]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 209-213: URL
-- Drawing, German translation and commentary by Hans Goedicke, Königliche
Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich, Wiesbaden, 1967, pp. 55-77

The Autobiography of Weni the Elder (CG 1435) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Merenre
-- Color photograph in: Marc Desti (ed.), Des dieux, des tombeaux, un
savant: En Egypte, sur les pas de Mariette pacha, Paris, 2004, pp. 186-187
-- B/W photographs in: G. Maspero, E. Grébaut, Le Musée égyptien: recueil de
monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte, vol. I, Le Caire,
1890-1900, pls. XXVII-XVIII, comments on pp. 25-26: URL, or URL, or URL
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 98-110: URL
-- Drawing [based on: Patrizia Piacentini, L'autobiografia di Uni, principe
e governatore dell-alto Egitto, Pisa, 1990, pp. 10-12], hieroglyphic text,
transcription and English translation with commentary [AEL]: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 291-294, 306-315, 319-324: URL
also: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim I, 18-23]: URL, URL
-- French translation in: Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 187-197
-- German translation: Tobias Hofmann, Die Autobiographie des Uni von
Abydos, in: Lingua Aegyptia, vol. 10, pp. 225-237 (2002)
-- recently: Mahmoud el-Khadragy, Some Palaeographical Features of Weni's
Biography, in: GM 188, pp. 61-72 (2002) - includes a drawing of the inscription.
-- About the excavation of Weni's tomb in Abydos by Janet Richards: URL, URL
-- recently: Janet E. Richards, Text and Context in late Old Kingdom Egypt:
The Archaeology and Historiography of Weni the Elder, in: JARCE, vol. 39,
pp. 75-102 (2004)

The Letter of Pepi II to Harkhuf (in his tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa, no. 34) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Pepi II
-- Photograph in: Rosalie David, Ägypten. Kunstschätze am Nil, Hamburg, 1981,
p. 181
-- Hieroglyphic text: Urk. I, 129-131: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 350-354: URL; also: URL
-- English translation [= Lichtheim I, 26-27]: URL
-- English translation (partial), also as an audio-file (RealPlayer): URL
-- French translation in: Claire Lalouette, Textes sacrés et textes profanes
de l'ancienne Égypte, Paris, 1984
-- Transliteration and German translation in: Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
-- Bibliography: URL
-- recently: Eckhard Eichler, Untersuchungen zu den Königsbriefen des
Alten Reiches, SAK, vol. 18, pp. 152-155 (1991) - includes a drawing of
the inscription
The Autobiography of Pepinakht called Heqaib in his tomb in Qubbet el-Hawa (QH 35) (27/7/12)
date: dyn. 6, reign of Pepi II
-- LÄ IV, 929, s.v. "Pepinacht"
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. I, 131-135: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 355-360: URL
-- English translation by Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies
Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 15-16
-- French translation by Alessandro Roccati, La littérature historique sous
l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Paris, 1982, pp. 208-211
-- Transcription and German translation by Rolf Gundlach, Die
Zwangsumsiedlung auswärtiger Bevölkerung als Mittel ägyptischer Politik
bis zum Ende des Mittleren Reiches, Stuttgart, 1994, pp. 204-205 [without the titles]
The Instruction of Kagemni (pPrisse 1,1 - 2,9) (27/7/12)
date: likely dyn. 6
-- Hieroglyphic text and English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transliteration and German translation by 'Astrodoc': URL
-- Bibliography, transliteration and German translation, in Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae: URL
-- Transliteration and Spanish translation, by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
-- English translations by Joseph Kaster, The Wisdom of Ancient Egypt: Writings from
the Time of the Pharaohs, New York, 1968 and by Alan H. Gardiner, The instruction addressed
to Kagemni and his brethren, in: JEA, vol. 32, pp. 71-74 (1946): URL
The Instruction of Ptahhotep (27/7/12)
date: likely dyn. 6
-- Photographs of the Hieratic text of pPrisse: URL
-- Photographs of the Hieratic text of BM 10371 and BM 10435: URLURL (and following pages)
-- English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- Transliteration and English translation (pPrisse) at UCL: URL
-- English translation, from Lichtheim I, 61-80: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transliteration and German translation, by 'Astrodoc': URL
-- German translation by Erik Hornung, Altägyptische Dichtung, Stuttgart, 1996,
pp. 59-72 (partial): URL
-- The standard edition is: Zbynek Zaba, Les maximes de Ptahhotep, Praha, 1956;
before that there was: Eugène Dévaud, Les maximes de Ptahhotep: d'après le Papyrus Prisse,
les Papyrus 10371/10435 et 10509 du British museum, et la Tablette Carnarvon. Fribourg, 1916
-- Recent book on the topic: Friedrich Junge, Die Lehre Ptahhoteps und die Tugenden
der ägyptischen Welt, 2003 (OBO 193).
-- Recent book on the topic: F. Hagen, An Ancient Egyptian Literary Text in Context:
The Instruction of Ptahhotep. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 218. Peeters Publishers, 2012.
The Teaching for King Merikare (27/7/12)
date of composition: dyn. 9-10 or dyn. 12 (Quack);
date of the papyri: late dyn. 18
-- LÄ III, 986-989, s.v. "Lehre für Merikare"
-- English translation, by philosopher Wim van den Dungen: URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 97-109
-- English translation by Vincent A. Tobin in: William Kelly Simpson (ed.)
The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed.,New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 152-165
-- German translation by Hellmut Brunner, Altägyptische Weisheit. Lehren
für das Leben, Zürich / München, 1988, pp. 137-154; excerpts: URL
-- Spanish translation by Juan de la Torre Suárez and Teresa Soria Trastoy: URL
a) pPetersburg 1116 A verso
-- Hieroglyphic text in: W. Golénischeff, Les papyrus hiératiques
1115, 1116A et 1116B de l'Ermitage impérial à Saint Pétersbourg,
St.-Pétersbourg, 1913, pls. 9-14
-- English translation [= by R. O. Faulkner in: William Kelly
Simpson (ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, New Haven
and London, 1973, pp. 180-192]: URL
-- Transcription and German translation by P. Dils: URL
(Thesaurus linguae aegyptiae; registration required)
b) pMoscow 4658
-- Transcription and German translation by P. Dils: URL
(Thesaurus linguae aegyptiae; registration required)
c) pCarlsberg VI
-- Photographs of the Hieratic papyrus, hieroglyphic text,
German translation and commentary in: Aksel Volten,
Zwei altägyptische politische Schriften, København, 1945
-- Transcription and German translation by P. Dils: URL
(Thesaurus linguae aegyptiae; registration required)
d) Books on the theme
-- Wolfgang Helck, Die Lehre für König Merikare, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden, 1988
-- Joachim Friedrich Quack, Studien zur Lehre für Merikare, Wiesbaden, 1992
[includes the hieroglyphic text (synopsis of all texts)]

Middle Kingdom and SIP
The Stela of Irtysen (Louvre C 14) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 11, reign of Mentuhotep II
-- LÄ III, 181-182, s.v. "Irtisen"
-- Description of the Louvre database: URL
-- Photographs:
Stela (51 KB): URL
Stela (97 KB): URL
Stela (3.5 MB): URL
Detail (87 KB): URL
-- Drawing in: Prisse d'Avennes, Monuments Égyptiens, Paris,
1847, pl. VII (53 KB): URL
-- Drawing without the offering scene (75 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (typeset by Serge Rosmorduc): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text and early English translation by Gaston Maspero,
The Stèle C 14 of the Louvre, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de
mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 3, Paris, 1898,
pp. 527-434: URL
-- Maspero's English translation, appearing in: S. Birch (ed.), Records
of the past: being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian
monuments, vol. X, London, [1878], pp. 1-4 - pdf-file (192 KB): URL
also: URL
-- There was a thread about this stela with a rather detailed
discussion in the Ancient Egyptian Language list (AEL) during
the weeks 127-143 (1999) - cf. AEL archives: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription, translation and lexical
analysis (in French), line by line, of Projet Rosette: URL
-- French translation by Serge Rosmorduc: URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis -
Herakleopolis - Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der
7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens, Wiesbaden, 1965, § 403
-- Spanish translation by Ana Ma Vázquez Hoys: URL
-- Recent article: Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert, Das verschwiegene
Wissen des Irtisen (Stele Louvre C 14). Zwischen Arcanum
und Preisgabe, in: Jan Assmann, Martin Bommas (eds.),
Ägyptische Mysterien?, München, 2002, pp. 27-35
-- Book on the theme: Winfried Barta, Das Selbstzeugnis
eines altägyptischen Künstlers (Stele Louvre C14), Berlin, 1970
Rock inscriptions from the Wadi Hammamat of an expedition under Mentuhotep IV (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 11, reign of Mentuhotep IV
-- LÄ VI, 1099-1113, s.v. "Wadi Hammamat", expedition E14 (1104-1105)
Some 20 [not: 30] inscriptions of this expedition are known. The labelling
[M ...] points to the catalog of J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les inscriptions
hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire, 1913.
a) The first wonder [M 110]
"Year 2, second month of inundation, day 3" of Mentuhotep IV
-- Drawing: LD II, 149c [some signs are lacking in this drawing]: URL
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 77-78, pl. XXIX (top)
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 3 pp.,
pdf-file (18 KB): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 435-438: URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 441
b) The purpose of the expedition [M 192a]
"Year 2, second month of inundation, day 15"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149d - except the last three cols. [URL: see under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 98-99, pl. XXXVII
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 4 pp.,
pdf-file (18 KB): URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 439-443 [URL: see under a]
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 113-115
-- Early French translation (partial) by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments
égyptiens de la vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie
et d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this
inscription, pp. 8-9: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, French translation and commentary by Charles Kuentz,
Autour d'une conception égyptienne méconnue: l'Akhit ou soi-disant horizon,
in: BIFAO, vol. 17, pp. 121-190 (1920) [the inscription is discussed on
pp. 121-125] - pdf-file (6.3 MB): URL
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 442
c) The account of the vizier Amenemhet [M 113]
"Year 2, second month of inundation, day 15"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149e [URL: see above under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 79-81, pl. XXIX (bottom)
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 4 pp.,
pdf-file (24 KB): URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 444-448 [URL: see under a]
-- Early French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments égyptiens de la
vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et
d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this inscription,
pp. 9-11 [URL: see under b]
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 443
d) The second wonder [M 191]
[Year 2,] "second month of inundation, day 23"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149f [URL: see above under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 97-98, pl. XXXVI
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 3 pp.,
pdf-file (16 KB): URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 449-451 [URL: see under a]
-- Early French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments égyptiens de la
vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et
d'archéologie égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this inscription,
pp. 11-13 [URL: see under b]
-- Transcription and German translation, at website of Marburg University: URL
-- Photograph (in color) and German translation by Klaus Koschel,
Altägyptische Steinexpeditionen. Felsinschriften im Wadi Hammamat als
Quellen pharaonischer Steinbruch-Großunternehmen, in: Antike Welt, vol. 33,
no. 1, pp. 51-64 (2002) [fig. 15; translation: pp. 59-60]
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 444
e) The completion of the work [M 192b]
[Year 2, second month of inundation,] "day 27"
-- Drawing: LD II, 149d - the last three cols. [URL: see above under a]
-- Photograph and hieroglyphic text in: J. Couyat, P. Montet, Les
inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât, Le Caire,
1913, pp. 99-100, pl. XXXVII
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof [URL: see under b]
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 452-453 [URL: see under a]
-- Early French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les monuments égyptiens de la
vallée de Hammamât, in: Gaston Maspero, Études de mythologie et d'archéologie
égyptiennes, vol. 4, Paris, 1900, pp. 1-14 - this inscription, p. 9 [URL: see under b]
-- German translation by Wolfgang Schenkel, Memphis - Herakleopolis -
Theben. Die epigraphischen Zeugnisse der 7. - 11. Dynastie Ägyptens,
Wiesbaden, 1965, section 445
f) Basic book on the theme
-- Karl-Joachim Seyfried, Beiträge zu den Expeditionen des Mittleren Reiches
in die Ost-Wüste, Hildesheim, 1981 - This expedition on pp. 245-247
-- see also: Rolf Gundlach, Mentuhotep IV. und Min. Analyse der Inschriften
M 110, M 191 und M 192a aus dem Wâdi Hammâmât, in: SAK, vol. 8, pp. 89-114 (1980)
The Stela of the Priest Mentuhotep (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum E.9.1922) (24/9/12)
date: late dyn. 11
"Its unusual text portrays a self-made man who became a successful cattle
farmer and holder of a minor office in the Abydene priesthood." (Lichtheim)
-- Photograph (pl. XXIII, 1), drawing (pl. XII), description (p. 10) and
English translation (by Alan H. Gardiner, p. 19) in: William Matthew Flinders Petrie,
Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos, London, 1925 - pdf-file: URL
-- Photograph and English translation by Alan H. Gardiner [from Petrie, see above]: URL
-- Photograph,from: Janine Bourriau, Pharaohs and Mortals. Egyptian Art
in the Middle Kingdom, Cambridge, 1988: URL
-- Description in The Fitzwilliam Museum Online Catalogue: URL
-- English translation: Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies
Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 68-69
The Autobiography of Amenemhet called Ameni in his tomb (Beni Hassan 2) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris I.
-- Drawing in LD II, 122: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. VII, 14-16: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 515-253: URL
-- German translation, from Walter Wolf, Das alte Ägypten, München, 1971, pp. 192-194: URL
-- French translation (partial, unclear source): URL
-- Recent book on the theme: Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of
the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 135-141
The Autobiography of Khnumhotep II in his tomb in Beni Hassan (BH 3) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris II
-- LÄ I, 955-956, s.v. "Chnumhotep II."
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Champollion Le Jeune, Monuments de l'Égypte et de
la Nubie: notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés
sur les lieux, vol. 2, Paris, [1889], pp. 418-422 - [go to "Consultation" -
first page (420)]: URL
-- Drawing of the inscription: LD II 124-125: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. VII, 25-35: URL
-- Early English translation by Samuel Birch, Inscription of Chnumhetep, in:
Records of the Past, vol. XII, London, [1881], pp. 65-76 - pdf-file: 375 KB: URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 619-639: URL, URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof - 13 pp., pdf-file: 48 KB: URL
-- English translation: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature of
Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 420-424
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by P. Le Guilloux,
La biographie de Khnoumhotep II, prince de Beni Hassan, Angers, 2004
-- Alan B. Lloyd, The Great Inscription of Khnumhotpe II at Beni Hasan, in:
Alan B. Lloyd (ed.), Studies in Pharaonic Religion and Society for Gwyn
Griffiths, The Egypt Exploration Society, London, 1992, pp. 21-36

Semna boundary stelae of Sesostris III (Berlin 1157; Berlin 14753) (24/9/12)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris III
-- Hieroglyphic text (drawing) in: LD II, 136 h [= Berlin 1157], i [= Berlin 14753]": URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (drawing of stela) by Claude Obsomer: URL [ Berlin 14753], URL [Berlin 1157]
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by Sylvie Griffon:
URL [Berlin 14753], URL [Berlin 1157]
-- Digitized slips from the Wörterbuch Archive, Berlin, with passages from this stela used
for lexikographic studies: URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. I,
Chicago, 1906, sections 651-652 [Berlin 14753], sections 653-660 [Berlin 1157]: URL
-- Recent article on the theme: Christopher J. Eyre, The Semna stelae: quotation, genre,
and functions of literature, in: Studies in Egyptology. Lichtheim, pp. 134-165 (1990).

A Cycle of Hymns to King Sesostris III (papyrus Kahun LV.1 / papyrus UC 32157 recto) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- Hieratic and hieroglyphic text in: Francis Llewellyn Griffith, The Petrie
Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom),
Plates, London, 1898, pls. 1-3 - pdf-file (8.4 MB): URL
-- English translation by Francis Llewellyn Griffith, The Petrie Papyri:
Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom),
Text, London, 1898, pp. 1-3 - pdf-file (4.2 MB): URL
-- Photographs of the papyrus, transcription and English translation [at UCL]: URL
-- English translation: William Kelly Simpson (ed.), The Literature of
Ancient Egypt, 3rd ed., New Haven and London, 2003, pp. 301-306
-- French translation by Claude Obsomer: URL
-- German translation by Jan Assmann, in: ÄHG, nos. 228-231
-- Massimo Patanè, La structure de l'hymne à Sesostris III, in: BSEG, vol. 8,
pp. 61-65 (1983) - pdf-file (123 KB): URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim I, 198-200
-- English translation in: Mark Collier, S. Quirke, The UCL Lahun Papyri: Religious, Literary,
Legal, Mathematical and Medical, Oxford, 2004 [info: URL]

A Stela of Ikhernofret (Stela Berlin 1204) (12/10/12)
date: 12th dyn., reign of Sesostris III
-- Photograph in: William Kelly Simpson, The Terrace of the Great God at Abydos:
The Offering Chapels of Dynasties 12 and 13, New Haven and Philadelphia, 1974, pl. 1
-- Drawing: LD II, 135 h: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (typeset by Serge Rosmorduc): URL
-- Transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof (in pdf): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by Sylvie Griffon - URL
-- English translation in: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 661-670: URL; idem at: URL
-- English translation in: Lichtheim I, 123-125
-- German translation in: Dietrich Wildung, Sesostris und Amenemhet. Ägypten
im Mittleren Reich, München, 1984, p. 137
-- Recent book on the theme: Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of
the Middle Kingdom, Freiburg / Göttingen, 1988, pp. 98-100
-- Article on the stela, with a drawing of the stela:
Naomi L. Gunnels, "The Ikhernofret Stela as Theatre: A Cross-cultural Comparisson",
in: Studia Antiqua, Journal of the BYU Student Society for Ancient Studies, Volume 2, No. 2,
Fall 2002, pp. 3-16.
The Transport of the Colossal Statue of DHwti-Htp(.w) / Thot-hotep (12/10/12)
Scene and inscriptions in his tomb in el-Bersheh (no. 2)
date: dyn. 12, reign of Sesostris III
-- Photograph (by Michel Malfliet): complete scene - URL; detail - URL
-- Drawing: LD II, 134 (335 KB): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Urk. VII, 47-50: URL
-- English translation by: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt,
vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 694-706: URL; idem, at: URL
-- German translation in: Dietrich Wildung, Sesostris und Amenemhet. Ägypten
im Mittleren Reich, München, 1984, p. 160
-- Transliteration and Spanish translation by Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez: URL
-- Press report about recent works in DHwti-Htp's tomb - URL
-- Website of the ongoing Dayr al-Barsha mission: URL
The Stela of Khu-u-Sobek / Sebek-khu, named Djaa (Manchester Museum 3306) (12/10/12)
date: 12th dyn., reign of Amenemhet III
-- Photographs and description [at Manchester University]: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in: Kurt Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke, Leipzig, 1928, pp. 82-83
-- Drawing (autobiographical part of the text): URL
-- English translation by James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records
of Egypt, vol. I, Chicago, 1906, sections 676-687: URL; idem, at URL
-- Photograph, drawing, English translation and commentary
by T. Eric Peet, The Stela of Sebek-khu. The Earliest Record of
an Egyptian Campaign in Asia, Manchester, [1914]. 22 pp., 2 pls. -
The drawing is scanned incompletely, the missing part can be found
at the link above. - pdf-file (B/W: 1.7 MB): URL
-- English translation and commentary by John Baines, The Stela of
Khusobek: Private and Royal Military Narrative and Values, in:
Festschrift Fecht, 1987 (= Ägypten und Altes Testament, vol. 12), pp. 43-61
-- German translation by Christian Beyer in: Susanne Petschel,
Martin von Falck (eds.), Pharao siegt immer. Krieg und Frieden
im Alten Ägypten, Bönen, 2004, pp. 158-159
-- recent discussion: Hans Goedicke, Khu-u-Sobek's Fight in "Asia",
Ägypten und Levante, vol. 7, pp. 33-37 (1998)
A Letter of Reminder (pKahun II.2 / London UCL 32199) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- Photographs of the hieratic text and hieroglyphic text in: F. Ll.
Griffith, Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob, Plates, London,
1898, pl. XXIX (II.2) - pdf-file: URL
-- English translation by F. Ll. Griffith, Hieratic Papyri from Kahun
and Gurob, Text, London, 1898, p. 72 - pdf-file: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text in Kurt Sethe, Ägyptische Lesestücke, 2nd ed.,
Leipzig, 1928 (reprinted often), p. 97
-- Hieroglyphic text , transcription and English translation in Mark
Collier, Stephen Quirke (eds.), The UCL Lahun Papyri: Letters, Oxford, 2002,
pp. 96-99 (color photographs of the papyrus on the accompanying CD-ROM)
-- English translation by Edward Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt,
Atlanta, Georgia, 1990, pp. 79-80
-- Drawing of the hieratic text and English translation by R.B. Parkinson,
Voices from Ancient Egypt. An Anthology of Middle Kingdom Writings,
London, 2004, pp. 90-92
-- Transcription and German translation by I. Hafemann in the TLA
(registration required): URL
The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor (pPetersburg 1115 [= P. Hermitage 1115]) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- LÄ V, 619-622, s.v. "Schiffbrüchiger"
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and English translation by Mark-Jan Nederhof (in pdf): URL
-- Hieroglyphic text (autographed), transcription ("a new system devised by myself")
and English translation by Jacob Rabinowitz, Isle of Fire, A Tour of the Egyptian Further
World, rev. ed., vol. I, 2005, pp. 21-35 - pdf-file: 2.2 MB: URL
-- Hieroglyphic text, transcription and French translation by Sylvie Griffon: URL
-- English translation by W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egyptian Tales Translated
From The Papyri, vol. 1, 2nd ed., London, 1899, pp. 81-96: URL, URL
-- English translation: Lichtheim I, 211-215
-- English translation from Eva March Tappan, ed., The World's Story:
A History of the World in Story, Song and Are, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914),
Vol. III: Egypt, Africa, and Arabia, trans. W. K. Flinders Petrie, pp. 41-46: URL, URL
-- French translation by Gaston Maspero, Les contes populaires de l'Egypte ancienne,
4th ed., Paris[, 1911], pp. 104-114: URL
-- Transcription and German translation by H. Felber (TLA; registration required): URL
-- German translation: Emma Brunner-Traut, Altägyptische Märchen, 8th ed., München, 1989, pp. 34-41
-- Transcription and German translation: Markus Mode, "Das Gleichnis des schiffbrüchigen Gefolgsmannes
(Bemerkungen zu Papyrus 1115 der Staatlichen Ermitage in Leningrad)", Hallesche Beiträge zur
Orientwissenschaft 2 (1980), pp. 5-57. : URL
-- Index to passages from the tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor by K.B.Saunders: URL
-- Some articles on the topic:
--- John Baines, "Interpreting the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor," in: JEA, vol. 76,
pp. 55-72 (1990) - pdf-file (2.4 MB): URL [site temp. down?]
--- Rendsburg, Gary A. "Literary Devices in the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor",
in: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 120, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 2000), pp. 13-23
The "Kahun Medical Papyrus" or the "Gynaecological Papyrus" (pKahun (med.) / London UC 32057) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- Photographs (b/w) and hieroglyphic text in: Francis LLewellyn Griffith,
The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the
Middle Kingdom). Plates, London, 1898, pls. V-VI - pdf-file: URL
-- Description and English translation by Francis LLewellyn Griffith, The
Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the
Middle Kingdom). Text, London, 1898, pp. 5-11- pdf-file: URL; idem, at URL
-- Photographs (in color, low and high resolution), hieroglyphic text,
transliteration and English translation by Stephen Quirke - two passages are
also provided as audio files: URL
-- French translation by Thierry Bardinet, Les papyrus médicaux de l'Égypte
pharaonique, Paris, 1995, pp. 437-443
-- German translation by Wolfhart Westendorf, Handbuch der altägyptischen
Medizin, 2 vols., Leiden / Boston / Köln, 1999 - see index, pp. 825-826
The Dispute of a Man with His Ba (pBerlin 3024) (12/10/12)
date: dyn. 12
-- LÄ II, 571-573, s.v. "'Gespräch des Lebensmüden'"
-- Drawing of the

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