
555 feet 5.5 inch tall obelisk in Washington D.C.










In part three of our series we will discuss perhaps the most important information in regards to who is truly dictating the course of the lives of the citizens of this world.

Imagine if you will a pyramid, and this would not be very difficult would it, as it is no secret to anyone that the hidden rulers of this world aren't shy at all about placing their pyramids or obelisks all around the world. Well, there's a reason for their exuberance when building pyramids and obelisks, which can also be used as a graph for a power structure, as this shape is a very suitable model for the system of control over the people of this world. 


So let's imagine this pyramid or obelisk, and for our example today we shall split this shape into three sections, though the middle of our pyramid could be divided into several more sections of management. At the top of this pyramid are the secret rulers of our world. Sitting atop this pyramid are approximately 350 families of the most fabulous wealth and power. These families possess approximately half of the accrued wealth of this entire planet. Can you imagine that? About 350 families possess the same amount of wealth as the other 8 billion people calling this planet their home. Well, you can easily imagine why they are the rulers of this planet can't you? For the most part, these families are of European ancestry and still today live within the European continent.   

These families have ruled for centuries and set all policy that govern our world, though these individuals do not micro manage. In other words, they do not ‘roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty’. They have appointed others to do this labor for them, and it is here where we come to the middle of the pyramid.   

Many erroneously believe that all of the politicians, bankers and corporate fat-cats  are the elitists that rule our world. This would not be correct to say. Others feel that members of secret societies are the hidden rulers of this world, but this is also not accurate to say. It is more accurate to say that the secret rulers of this world recruit from these groups for global management positions, the positions that fill the middle of the pyramid power structure, as they are seen as suitable candidates for these positions. This pyramidal power structure  is set up and run not unlike a corporation, with the officers of the corporation giving instructions to a management team that oversees the employees.

So in the middle of the pyramid we have a management team. These are the faces that you see on television and in newspapers that may appear to call all the shots in our world, but in reality are only following orders. Many elected officials, officials of financial institutions, banks, the Federal Reserve, media companies, corporations, are in fact members of the world management teams, and it is these individuals whose job it is to control those who fill the bottom of the pyramid, and that is you and that is me, and almost eight billion of our brothers and sisters. 

It is true that occasionally the middle management team will make decisions for themselves, as at times their orders are more generalized, meaning, they may be told to achieve a certain goal, but just how to do this may be up to them. 

The members of the management teams that fill the middle of the pyramid have a lot in common with the citizens at the bottom of the pyramid, and this is what I’d like you to take away from our discussion today. The management team and we, the almost 8 billion citizens of this planet who make up the bottom of the pyramid are each slaves. We are all slaves, and our slave masters are those few families at the very top of the pyramid. Although the management teams of this world are slaves just like those at the bottom of the pyramid, they do enjoy perks the rest of the population does not, if you will, for selling out their fellow brothers and sisters in chains, as they are generously compensated for their efforts to control, manipulate and impoverish their fellow man, and if their agenda is permitted to move forward, kill off most of the slaves who dwell at the bottom of the pyramid.   

Many of the members of the management teams are given more freedoms than the slaves at the bottom of the pyramid, and they are also permitted to take home more money than the rest of us. The members of these management teams and their families are rewarded with high paying career positions in government and private corporations, book publishing deals, Hollywood careers, and low or even zero interest bank loans for whatever it is they may desire. 

Do you understand what you are up against when trying to succeed in this world? Do you understand that this world is nowhere close to a land of freedom and of equal opportunity? So, do not be down that your book never got published or your wonderful screenplay never made it past an agent or your talented child didn’t win that audition or get that promotion because, although from time to time some crumbs are sprinkled down to the people at the bottom of the pyramid, for the most part it is only those of the middle and top of the pyramid who enjoy the luxuries and opportunities of this world.

 Greg Giles

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