

Beloved masters, the process the world and humanity are now
experiencing has been spoken of by many wise sages and masters over the
past several hundred years, and yet, the masses have not taken heed and
have continued on a downward path of self-destruction. Humanity has
built an illusion of wealth and abundance, but it has been built on the
quicksand of greed and fear of scarcity. This giant bubble of illusion
has burst under the pressure of the Living Light of truth. What humanity
is now experiencing is the cause and effect or the karmic results of
following the impulses of the ego-desire body insteapd of the
whisperings of Spirit. Many dear souls have never experienced lack or
deprivation–they have lived a life of instant self-gratification–while
others, who believed the old teachings that they were not worthy of
abundance, have lived many lifetimes of scarcity and impoverishment.
You, the StarSeed, are in the midst of the astounding process of
awakening to the awareness of your celestial heritage, which has been
encoded within atom seed crystals and stored within your Sacred Mind.
Also, be aware that there is a magnificent history of bravery and
excellence woven into the violent and often tedious journey of human
evolution. You are experiencing a resurrection of extra-sensory
abilities and higher consciousness abilities which have been dormant for
many ages. However, it is not always an easy or comfortable process,
and it takes dedication and effort to open the sealed door to your inner
wisdom; the Sacred Mind. It is vitally important that you learn to
trust your own inner guidance once more. A loving and grateful heart
purifies the consciousness and creates tranquility and peace of mind. It
gradually develops into a constant state of serenity and
Self-assurance, rather than just an occasional occurrence.
It is apparent in every facet of earthly existence that humanity is
awakening from the illusional dream of past ages as the refreshing Light
of God-consciousness permeates all Creation. Each Soul has an unique
consciousness code within their Diamond Core God Cell. This code
contains the perfect resonance or harmonics for each lifetime. One of
the wonders of recalibrating your Energetic Signature with your Soul
Song is that the attuned frequencies begin to resonate with the streams
of Living Light, which gradually connect your OverSoul-self to the many
other fragments of your Higher Self. At that time, your ascension
process truly begins. You still cannot comprehend that you are strongly
interconnected with all the facets of your Higher Self. One of the
greatest, most astounding awakenings is when you become aware that you
are a facet of a great, multidimensional Being of Light.
It may be unbelievable at this time of great suffering, but the
conditions the people of the world are presently experiencing with
regard to abundance will eventually result in great blessings. When the
suffering and pain of loss become great enough, more and more dear souls
will turn inward for answers, and all the mighty forces of the higher
realms will be waiting to answer humanity’s pleas and will be ready to
offer assistance.
It may seem as if your lifeline is being tugged and pulled in many
different directions as Spirit tries to get your attention You can
resist and hold back, kicking and screaming; however, you will
eventually move forward on the spiral of ascension. There will be no
denying that the evolutionary cycle, which is now in full swing, is
creating chaos and a momentous breaking down of old belief systems and
structures. Remember what we have often said, “Out of chaos comes new
creation.” Every person’s Soul-self is nudging and prodding, to one
degree or another, in an effort to get his/her attention. No one can
maintain the status-quo, coasting and drifting, and ignoring the call to
awaken. You must either grow and ascend in consciousness, or sink
deeper into chaos and limitation–only postponing the inevitable.
Beloveds, rise above the fear and sense of helplessness that are
rampant around the world. See yourselves in your fifth-dimensional,
Pyramid of Light and ask that the infinite abundance of all Creation
flow to you and through you. You are to take what you require and then
allow the rest to flow out into the world of form.
Remember, when you are infused with the Light of Spirit, it affects
everything and everyone around you. As your radiance grows and expands,
you will draw more and more like-minded people into your sphere of
awareness. The spiritual trumpet to awaken is growing louder and it is
reverberating throughout the land into the most sparsely populated
places of the Earth, as well as the most densely populated areas. The
Light has no favorites, it will infuse and bless anyone or anything that
is receptive to Its transforming, enlivening energies.
You must also be aware that some dear souls will not be able to stand
to be in the aura of your Lightness, for it is too painful. Whether
intentional or not, they will try to throw you “off Center,” and
reestablish the status quo or keep things as they were in the past, no
matter how chaotic or unsatisfying. It is more important than ever that
you, as the transducers and transformers of the refined Creator Light,
stay focused and steadfast as you strive to incorporate and radiate more
and more of the refined Light of Creation out into the world. Many
around you will wonder and ask why you have changed so much, and why you
are no longer willing to participate in the old games of drama and
lower-frequency entertainment. As you move further up the path toward
Self-mastery, the energies and actions of others will affect you less
and less.
As we have often told you, first you must teach by example, via your
intentions and actions, and finally through words of wisdom offered at
the appropriate time. However, if those around you are not willing to
learn to act and react in a more positive, harmonious way through
observation or listen when you offer loving suggestions and moral
support, it is important that you withdraw from the drama they are
creating and assume the stance of an impartial observer.
Seekers of wisdom and self-transformation learn from their own
actions and reactions, whether positive or negative. From a spiritual
point of view, negative events offer an opportunity to learn which
course of action brings forth the most positive results. Your Higher
Self always tests you, over and over again, until you reject those
things that are not in your best interest, and authenticate that which
is your truth.
An important component of Self-mastery is to learn to focus on your
inner world or the sanctuary of the Soul. The Soul, the physical vessel
and particularly the mind have their own rhythmic cycles and agendas.
The Soul’s desire is focused on becoming en-Lighten-ed. The mind is
focused on attaining and retaining information. The physical body is
focused on experiencing the physical world via the senses. Humanity is
constantly experiencing cycles of growth, stagnation and decay, which
make way for a new cycle of growth and expansion. The master turns
inward and strives for an enhanced quality of life, while the unawakened
Souls seek outwardly for stimulus and gratification through
pleasurable, physical sensation and material possessions. Love as an
external focus, exterior to yourself, will always bring a sense of
vulnerability, always needing constant validation by someone or
Love as an internal focus projected outward is a constant flow of
self-assurance, of self-acceptance, always striving to incorporate and
project more of this blissful feeling of unity and harmony with all
creation. You will begin to feel more and more levels of intelligent,
unconditional love, and eventually, Sacred Love, when the Soul becomes
the dominating force within, and the ego desire body and personality are
brought under control. As you turn inward, your thoughts become more
harmonious and less critical and resonate at a higher frequency, which
refines your Energetic Signature. You must keep the channel of
communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This
initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland, and the
opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at that back
portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. When your
frequencies reach a certain level of compatibility, the membranes of
Light that guard entrance to your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind begin to
dissolve, and you gradually gain access to the treasure chests of love
and wisdom stored within.
Once again we will remind you of this important fact: All Creation is
constantly moving in and out of specific vibrational patterns, which we
call energetic signatures, or OCTAVES OF ENERGETIC SOUND. You are
identified by your energetic signature and your Soul Song, which
determine the Light brilliance of your auric field. Your energetic
signature is composed of the frequencies of your physical vessel in your
third- /fourth-dimensional environment. The balanced frequencies of the
higher fourth and fifth dimensions are stored within your Soul-self and
become part of your Soul Song. Beloveds, ingrain this thought firmly
within your mind. There are an incalculable number of unified fields of
consciousness. You are in the process of connecting to the magnetic
power of many of these higher frequency fields of Cosmic awareness. You
are beginning to attune to the vibrations of Divine Will, Divine Wisdom
and Divine Love, which are primary attributes and qualities of our
Father/Mother God.
Another important attribute of your powerful, inborn condition is
that your two hands are among the most highly developed links to your
brain, for there are etheric generator crystals embedded within the
palms of the hands. They were designed to be some of the strongest,
electromagnetic impulses of the physical vessel. That is why those who
have activated or developed the healing power within their hands are so
effective in the healing arts. In the future, you have the potential of
redeveloping the memory cells within your fingertips so that you may
access conscious and subconscious information through touch.
A good exercise would be to hold a crystal which you have
Self-programmed as a generator healing crystal in one of your hands as
you focus on activating the healing abilities within the palms of your
hands. Via the Infinity Breath exercise, concentrate on sending/feeling
the Adamantine Particles of Light within your palms. Your palms may
become very warm or begin to tingle. It may take a while for you to feel
the sensations; however, you will gradually gain the ability to send
healing Creator Light to localized parts of your own body. Future
healing will include en-Lighten-ed, dynamic healers with the ability to
send almost laser-like healing beams of Divine Light to their patients.
Reiki and other energy modalities are based on this ancient, esoteric
The chakra system also has both magnetizing and radiating
capabilities. The higher the frequency patterns you can accommodate, the
faster and more perfectly your chakras will spin, thereby radiating a
greater force and higher frequency patterns throughout your bodily form
and out into the world. Energy is always in motion. Creation is always
in motion. The only pause is during the STILL POINT moment of Creation.
As many of you are aware, over the past several years, the term
“Earth Angel” has become a common term in spiritually-focused messages
and channeled missives. To clarify, this can mean any Soul who is
steadfastly striving to attain Self-mastery so that he/she may join the
ranks of World Servers. There are many blessed Souls who agreed to
embody on the Earth in order to be representatives of the Archangels,
who RAY-diate the energies of the Twelve great Rays of God-consciousness
within this Sub-universal experience. Remember, the major focus of your
mission on Earth is to help intensify the Love/Light of the lower
dimensions, thereby gradually returning the third/fourth dimensions into
a balanced and harmonious state of existence. We of the angelic realms
are here in great force to help you move through these times of
evolution and great change with ease and grace; however, you must ask
for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. Reclaim
your rightful place as a Master of Light, dear ones, and remember, as
you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, we ask you to
go forth and share your wisdom. We are ever near to guide, protect and
inspire you, but mostly to love you

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