
Waking Times
The 4 Ages are:
1. The Satya or Krita Yuga, a Golden Age
2. The Treta Yuga, the Age of Ritual
3. Dvapara Yuga, the Age of Doubt: Man loses the sense of the Divine Reality of the world and grows away from natural law
4. The Kali Yuga, the Age of Conflict and
confusion began in 3012 BC and will end with the nearly total
devastation of the present humanity
When you study the Hindu theory of the
Cycles of Time and the yugas, you will find a confusing divergence of
opinion concerning the dates of their duration. Considering that we are
now living in the Age of Confusion, the Kali Yuga, it is not surprising
to find so much disagreement on these matters.
Writing is the symptom of a degenerative culture
What is more important to me than precise
numbers is the fact that we are living in an era where there is almost
no memory of the previous cycles of time. Most of us wrongly believe
that civilization begins with written history, however writing is
actually the symptom of a degenerative culture - because it is sound
that communicates meaning, not the markings that seek to represent it.
Reach beyond the limited frequencies of
this Veil of Illusion you have been confined within - all of your lives.
The experience of expanding and projecting your thoughts, consciousness
and imagination back into primordial time is in itself liberating,
revealing and uplifting.
The realization that time is in fact a
function of consciousness will alter your perception of reality. We all
experience time relative to our own specific consciousness. You can
verify this for yourself by simply reflecting on, for example, how time
flies when you are happy - as opposed how time drags when you are
depressed or bored.
Time does not exist outside the temporal illusory hologram.
All increments, meaning measurements of
time and space, are relative to the consciousness of the perceiver and
thus the product of variations in waveform frequencies, based on and the
result of the specific degree of the illusion of Separation from
This is similar to the quantum physics
theory, The Copenhagen interpretation, Part II: Reality is created by
observation. Or you might say more accurately, reality is created by the
consciousness of the observer.
In ‘While the Gods Play’, the French
scholar Alain Danielou explains that the length of a moment is
established by the rhythms of consciousness that perceive it:
“It is energy, by producing vibratory waves
having direction and length, that will give birth to the rhythms whose
perceptions will create the dimension of time, the measure of space, and
at the same time the structures of matter. … For man, the perception of
the dimension of time is determined by his vital rhythms, his
The duration of each of the four yugas is
relative to each other as 4:3:2:1. This implies that the Golden Age is
the longest and our current Kali Age is the shortest. In a Twilight of
the Kali Yuga, time actually continues to speed up and increases ever
more so, as we reach the end.
The cycles of time are rather like
classical Indian Ragas that begin slowly, serene, increase in tempo and
passion, and end in a frenzy of energy.
Alain Danielou’s dates differ from others.
Danielou says that the Twilight of the Kali Yuga began in 1939 with the
discovery of atomic fission.
According to him, the final catastrophe
will take place during this twilight and the last traces of this present
mankind will have disappeared in 2442.
This doesn’t necessarily imply that we have
an extra 400 years to fool around in. God only knows what earth changes
will be taking place on this planet during that time.
In Hindu metaphysics of time is cyclical
and each period of manifestation is called a KALPA of Brahma, equivalent
to 4.32 billion human year.
The KALPA is subdivided into 14 MANVANTARAS.
We are now in the seventh MANVANTARA of this KALPA.
Each MANVANTARA is divided into 71 MAHA-YUGAS of 4,320,000 years each.
We are in the 28th MAHA-YUGA of this MANVANTARA.
Each MAHA-YUGA is made up of four yugas
Each Yuga is preceded by a period of a dawn and followed by a period of twilight. [Linga Purana 1.4.3-6]
The KALI YUGA, the Age of Conflict & Confusion
The Kali Yuga is the only yuga most of us
are familiar with because we have been living all our lives within these
dense frequencies.
Our mind, the way we think, and thus our
perception of ‘reality’ has literally been cooked by the vibratory
frequencies of time within the Kali Yuga. We humans have been ‘cooked by
time’ to the point that only the fives senses remain available to us to
understand the world around us. The five senses are easily confused.
The five senses can indeed be programmed
and tricked by tyrannical wizards who want to control our lives. Today’s
monopoly media is very aware of how to entrain and manipulate the five
senses. In our modern world most of the information received around the
planet suits the agendas of the multinational corporations, who also
happen to own the monopoly media.
The five senses are vulnerable to deceit
and manipulation by any and all. In other cycles of time, information
gathered solely by the five senses would have been highly suspect. The
ancient Rishis, ‘SEERS’ - those who see - were trusted as the source of
wisdom concerning mankind’s future and our interconnection with the
It is only the ‘SEER’ within you, the one
who has quieted the mind and achieved a connection to the God-within,
who can offer insight into the true nature of reality. Only an
inner-knowingness can lead us out of our current predicament - out of
our miasma of amnesia, the soup we are still ‘cooking’ in. Only by
transcending differentiated perception, the illusory powers of the five
senses, and an understanding of GUNAMAYA, will we human beings return to
the Real.
There are numerous descriptions of the
symptoms of the Kali Yuga in the ancient Sanskrit Puranic texts. Bear in
mind that writing is itself a symptom of the Kali Yuga.
These texts were composed and transmitted
orally in the previous cycles of time and handed down through memory,
based on verbatim repetition, from one generation to the next.
It was only in 500 BC that the grammarian
Panini codified the Sanskrit language and these memorized texts were put
into the form of writing. Sanskrit’s arduous precision was
intentionally designed to protect the ancient knowledge from the
confusion ensuing in the Kali Yuga.
The symptom that completely convinced me
that the Cycles of Time were true was this: “Ready cooked food will be
on sale.” [LINGA Purana Ch. 40] The ancients foresaw ‘fast food’! They
knew that pre-prepared food loses its nutritional value.
The Light is primarily unmanifest, hidden.
The Kali Yuga is the Age of Darkness. The
Light is primarily unmanifest, meaning not completely gone, just veiled
and hidden in the Kali - and the Darkside rules.
You can lighten the world around you by
realizing and Remembering the God-within you, and by letting that
frequency flow out around you. Even if people don’t accept what you say,
they will be uplifted by your silent consciousness.
However don’t expect them to love you or
even like you. Their Kali Yuga egos are firmly enthroned and will feel
unconsciously threatened by your presence. The small identity-self ego
has no wish to give up its power and if the person is unwittingly
hosting denizens of the Phantasmal Hierarchies - perhaps in the form of
an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or tyrannical power - then these
parasitical entities will attack you and do just about anything to get
you away from their ‘food’ supply!
The Kali Yuga seems to actually reward the
Darkside, those ruthless ratzoids that are weak and greedy, liars
without any integrity, morals, or principles often succeed.
While the maverick thinkers, who possess a
quiet sense of honor, who feel compassion for others, and respect
primordial truth, are quickly pushed aside and berated, often brutally
and publicly, by the elite.
In today’s culture almost everything that
is being held up to us as great, desirable, and worthy is a short-term
fix and sadly - rubbish. All of the power and money in the world will
not give you the Remembrance of Oneness.
The fastest red-hot racecar available will
not bring you to the destination of enlightenment and liberation - JIVAN
MUKTI. The pleasures enjoyed with the most gorgeous super model, male
or female, will soon become tiresome and a burden.
As Krishna says, both pleasure and pain reside in the objects of the senses:
“… the pleasures that spring from sense
impressions are sources of unhappiness, because they have beginnings and
ends.” - Bhagavad Gita V.23
Another strange phenomenon of the Kali Yuga
is the externalization of faith to such an extreme that people became
obsessed and crazed with their individual belief systems.
For 1000s of years now human beings have,
in the name of their various interpretations of God, inflicted endless
stupid destructive wars on each other - mass murder, torture, theft, and
slavery all in the name of God!
When you realize that God is within each
and every man woman & child, the idea of forcing any religion upon
another is the height of absurdity!
Corrupt priests have been the willing
accomplices to such heinous conflicts. They often became the imaginative
torturers of non-believers and even sold tickets-to-heaven in the form
of ‘indulgences’ to the rich, to line their own pockets, and build
enormous, however lovely, cathedrals and temples while many of the
common people remained perpetually close to starvation.
The Age of Confusion is mobbed by - yes,
confusion! Practically everything you have ever read is clouded over by
the miasma of Kali Yuga fog. As the saying goes: History is written by
the conquerors - while the loser’s side of the story is routinely
When you think about it, throughout most of
written history all the great works of Art are the symbols of
propaganda bought and paid for by ruling tyrants and religions seeking
to dominate the world’s populations.
Just ask Leonardo da Vinci who worked for
the likes of Cesare Borgia, or Michelangelo who labored under the iron
hand of a Vatican priest. Today’s artists are often answerable to the
power of big money from the multinational corporations that own our
Even the wonderful descriptions of
enlightenment that give us all hope were not experienced in the density
of time we currently are living in. With no disrespect intended, it
occurs to one that Lao Tzu, Jesus, and Buddha did not have to fight off
chemtrails, microwaves, endocrine disrupting chemicals, or childhood
television programming!
These days, in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, it’s the Razor’s Edge - every step of the way Home.
Knowledge of our essential Oneness is hard
to come by in the Kali Yuga. Beneath the curtain of multiplicity - there
is only ONE! This means that behind the apparent diversity of billions
of individuals living on planet Earth, they are all only One. All are
For those of you who have remembered past
lives, you may have noticed a striking perplexing similarity in the
basic character of each life. There may be certain repeating flaws and
compulsions, traits or qualities that you begin notice have shown up
over and over in lifetime after lifetime.
You may be a high priest in Atlantis, or a
dancing slave girl in 8th century Kashmir - but there is a pattern that
continues throughout all your lives. This is because the genes in your
current physical body are the latest ‘product’ of a long line of many
bodies, lineages.
You have access to the memories contained within the DNA of the body you currently inhabit.
It is as if the Creator generates certain
rays or waveforms, which contain qualities of expression that remain in
the genes throughout the cycles of time.
As time descends down through the yugas
further and further into density and ‘apparent’ solidification, ever
more variations of expression are created, such as habits, impulses,
likes & dislikes, etc. etc.
But underneath all this temporal
multiplicity is the Oneness that we all are: meaning you and me, factory
workers in China and the farmers of rural India, the world leaders and
corporate tyrants, the Aborigines in Australia and the Pigmy tribes in
We are all ONENESS beneath the temporal
illusory Curtain of Multiplicity. This knowledge of Oneness has been
hidden from us in the Kali Yuga, but once you truly Realize the
God-within, you will Become that which you always have been.
The floodgates of Knowledge and Love will
open - and you will never be the same. You will never be able look at
another human being without compassion and you will never again judge
them - for you will KNOW that YOU ARE THEM!
As you judge them, so you judge and condemn
yourself. And it turns out that as harrowing, dreadful and boring as
the Kali Yuga is - in fact it is the fast lane to God Realization. The
intensity of the Kali Yuga pressures you to WAKE UP!
Time does not exist outside the temporal
illusory holographic matrix. Thus the Four Cycles of Time are
simultaneous as are all your so-called ‘past’ lives.
Acceptance of the theory of the Cycles of
Time might lead you to a sort of complacent resignation. After all, if
we are ineluctably snared in the frequencies of confusion - then why
Because what is really exciting about the
Kali Yuga is the understanding that in fact it is the easiest cycle to
Remember who you are. The end of the Kali Yuga is a particularly
favorable period to pursue true knowledge.
“Some will attain wisdom in a short time,
for the merits acquired in one year during the Treta Yuga can be
obtained in one day in the age of Kali.” - [Shiva Purana, A. Danielou]
45. Hence during the Kali longevity, strength, and features become less and less. Men attain perfection within a short time.
46-47. What is gained by the practice of
dharma for a year in the Treta Yuga is attained by the practice of it
for a month in the Dvapara Yuga. In Kali an intelligent devotee attains
the same in a day by practicing Dharma strenuously. - [Linga Purana,
Section1, Chapter 40]
It’s a Cosmic Bargain Sale of sorts!
Therefore, take up the challenge to Remember who you are! Do not give
in! So, the Darkside is fulfilling its own kind of dharma, doing its job
of spreading the hand of tyranny over the planet and poisoning
everything in its wake.
What will you do? In these moments of
challenge, of sorrow and of awakening consciousness, how will you
behave? Can you find courage within yourself and compassion for others?
Can you master the divine detachment that
comes from knowing that what is unfolding is the grand Cosmic Design.
Can you remember that every one and everything is God, Oneness - and
this ONE is you.
You are this world, and you are the Love
that breathes this temporal illusory holographic matrix out into
multiplicity and inhales it back into quiescence - and back out again,
eon after eon after eon. World without end! This universe is here for us
all to play in.
Surely, when you look at your life or
perhaps many lives, in spite of all the pain, you do recognize the grand
beauty of Creation.
Thus the question is what will you do now
in this intensified exciting moment? And are you ready to move on into
one of the 1000s of other universes - some without polarities or form or
even time - all waiting, inviting you to come to yet another
magnificent adventure in consciousness.
Symptoms of the Kali Yuga
Writing itself is a symptom of the Kali
Yuga. Human beings have been living on planet Earth for 100s of 1000s of
years before we have any record of the written word. From the Sanskrit
texts the Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana:
Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves.
Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.
Base men who have gained a certain amount
of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be
esteemed as sages.
There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.
Predatory animals will be more violent.
Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers.
People will prefer to choose false ideas.
No one will be able to trust anyone else.
People will be envious.
There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years.
People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in underground shelters.
Young girls will do trade in their virginity.
The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains.
Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses.
There will be many beggars and unemployed people.
Everyone will use hard and vulgar language.
Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.
The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.
Water will be lacking.
[And my favorite]: Pre-cooked food will be readily available!
The fact that our food supply contains very
little nutrition and is full of toxins reveals a great deal to me about
the frequencies of Time we live in.
(From the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana
and the Linga Purana; and also a remarkable book entitled, While the
Gods Play: Shiva Oracles and Predictions on the Cycles of History &
the Destiny of Mankind, by Alain Danielou; Inner Traditions
International Ltd., paperback, 1985.)

About the Author
V. Susan Ferguson is the author of Inanna
Returns, Inanna Hyper-Luminal; her own commentary on the Bhagavad Gita
and the Shiva Sutras; and Colony Earth & the Rig Veda. Her website
is Metaphysical Musing.

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