By the Clestial Voices
People often think the conversations we have about making spiritual progress are empty talk. The questions sent to the Masters this week for their advice tell quite another story and are well worth pondering.
The first writer is having a difficult time and is feeling self-doubt overwhelming her self-love. In a complex situation, with a partner who is not playing fair and a baby to look after, she needs to find out whether she is really listening to her intuition or making things up. The Masters clearly believe that she has made considerable progress in her search for answers. They are quite firmly on her side in relation to her partner, and they anticipate she will be well able to cope with her problems.
The second writer is rather more positive but still is heart-searching her future. For her the difficulty is not in a wayward partner but in the lack of one. She is seeking the support and love of a man in her life to be able to tackle the tough remainder of her university studies. Men, however, have not been prepared to give her much hope of a partner. The Masters' response is very gentle and loving.
The third writer is in the midst of coming to terms with the world of black magic and expresses puzzlement at the thought of some souls' not returning Home but being imprisoned in objects, without being rescued by their soul mates. The Masters are known as having taught that souls do return to their Home in the fifth dimension when they so choose. Some may be "lost" for a while, but all are fragments of Source energy, and all souls are always in contact with the life that flows from that eternal wellspring. The Masters comment on the dark arts and answer the specific question about lost souls.
Picking up the issue of negativity, have you read our first book in a trilogy of soul interviews, called Talking with Leaders of the Past? In it several issues of negativity are raised, most notably in our interview with Adolf Hitler's soul. You will find it listed on the Masters' website's book page.
Light, Love, and Laughter,
Toni and Peter
The Questions
How connection raises questions
Learning patience
Captured spirits
How connection raises questions
July 16th, 2013
QUESTION: Masters, I am really finding it very difficult at the moment keeping faith in my abilities, feeling self-love and trusting my intuition. I understand that situations of late have come up to help me deal with this and for me to heal past emotional wounds. But I am particularly struggling with my partner’s apathy, lies and betrayal. I wish to give my baby the best start in life and I really am undecided whether remaining with him (helping him to develop self-awareness and integrity) will benefit us and our growth. But most of all I am starting to question whether my suspicion and uneasy feelings are actually from intuition, and need to know whether it is just paranoia and fear based from his lies of the past.~ Moomi, UK
ANSWER: You have traveled very far along your path of enlightenment. As you progress you will find that those persons who have been accompanying you for years, and are seemingly on a par with you, suddenly no longer understand you—or you them. It is impossible for one person to get another to accept guidance unless that person is ready to move forward.
As you have grown, you have been bringing to yourself those things you need to experience to complete various life lessons. The choices of the type of energy, whether negative or positive, and the way you perceive your contact with others are solely within your purview. Your intuition has become clear and powerful; let it help direct your choices based upon how the feelings resonate with you.
Your partner is a selfish individual whose ego controls his actions. He is not interested in anyone else and does things for his own gratification. The tendency toward lies, betrayal, and spiritual apathy is part of his personality. He is not interested in developing self-awareness and integrity, so trying to assist him will only lead to wasted time and heartache.
With your heightened awareness, the suspicions of old are easy to recognize and diagnose for exactly what they are. Your only fear concerns your feelings about yourself and whether you can make the decisions that will be the best for you and your child. There is fear of the unknown: What will it be like if you go it alone? Can you make it?
You have been creating the reality you have needed to get the wisdom you currently possess. Use that same ability to create the world you wish to live in.
Posted in Enlightenment
Learning patience
July 16th, 2013
QUESTION: Masters, I never wanted to ask about my future before today because I know my future is my gift (is dynamic), however, I have doubts. My life has always been mired in negativity and consequently nothing flowed well. One year ago I discovered and learned many things. I’m grounded in positivity. My life has completely changed, I feel lighter, happier and with a lot of love to give. I learned to be a creative and experienced this very fast, creating everything I wanted. Now I feel like I’m stagnant. Two things are not solved: my scholarship and my PhD that both seek a companion. I am attractive, enjoyable with intelligence within. The normal men look very, very much, but they do not approach. Why? ~Daniella, Brazil
ANSWER: All souls have one major choice while in a human body: do I choose negativity or positivity? You have brought to yourself the decision to change the negative past and live in a positive future. You are the one creating this magnificent world. The initial choices to shed the darkness were relatively easy once you began the process and saw the great results. Replacing despair with love sheds a whole new light on your world.
As you have finished with the major aspect of your thinking, which has changed the way your whole world looks, the minor hurdles have become your immediate future. It may seem as if you have gotten to this point swiftly, but your spiritual awareness has been building over the years. You just reached a critical mass of all the information making perfect sense at one time about a year ago. You know you created everything you want, so it is time to redirect your creativity.
Plan out what you need and what you want. See what is needed to achieve these results and then start the creative process all over again, directed at these new goals. You had such success in the beginning; never doubt you can do it again. Realize it is going to take a bit of time to get there, and have patience.
Posted in Life Lessons
Captured spirits
July 16th, 2013
QUESTION: Masters: In the occult tradition of spirit keeping spirits are bound to objects. Supposedly, in Thailand and India the black magick magicians and black tantra practitioners create gruesome things such as “corpse oil” and “Gumanthong” to augment their psychic ability without passing spiritual tests to prove themselves worthy, and to have entities that grant wishes for them and luck. My question is why are the child spirits the “Gumanthong” bound to objects for hundreds or even thousands of years without being rescued by their soul group, higher self, or spirit guides? Why are they just being left there for years and years? ~Jim, USA
ANSWER: In the US the objects of luck are rabbit’s feet, horse shoes, and “lucky” pennies found or gifted from a favorite person. None of these things has any religious or cult connotations. Religious practices give psychological power to objects, imbuing them with magical implications. Statues, candles, snakes, incense, wooden objects such as crosses or rosaries, certain books and prayers are all held to have power over people. Relics are the closest to the objects you speak of. The “power” of an object is with the beholder—if you give it deference it can influence your thinking.
Analyze what these magicians say of the creation of their Gumanthong or other objects. The basic premise is that the child died, or was never alive as in the case of a fetus, and they retrieve the carcass from a graveyard. Once a human, or bundle of cells that contains a soul, ceases to be alive, the soul departs the physical and goes back home. What remains in the physical is nothing more than an old discarded shell once used by a soul.
It is impossible to return the soul to the shell once it has vacated it. Therefore it is impossible to imprison a soul within an object. The whole process of creating a horrible object, allegedly containing the soul of an unwilling child, is to produce fear that is then used to control the devotees.
Most of the traditions that deal in this type of black magick are from areas where the population is uneducated and ignorant of everything but what the magicians tell them.
Each soul has freedom of choice. You create and accept the series of beliefs that become your belief system. They can be changed at any time they do not feel right or do not serve your purpose and direction in life. General statements like the Earth is flat, the Earth is the center of the universe, and Santa Claus is a real person who delivers gifts to you each Yule can be part of your beliefs—or not. What resonates with you? Keep it and discard the rest.
Posted in Psychic Contact
Reincarnation Guide
Monica, Brazil, asks the Masters: I was married to a very nice man, but just today I recognize that I am divorced for over 20 years and never managed to find another companion. Me feel unhappy because of this. How to live with this loneliness?
ANSWER: You are waking up at last to the fact you have been so defensive of yourself that you have not lived life to the full. Start by forgiving yourself and forgive your ”very nice man.” Shake loose from the past, leaving it behind because it will never change. Embrace the present and work hard on loving yourself and seeing yourself with a new sparkle of adventure in your eyes.
Erin, USA, asks the Masters: I have moved on from a relationship. This man and I have been together many lifetimes. I know this lifetime is for us to grow individually. Will we find each other again? Are we conquering our quest of independence so we can love one another the right way next time? Or am I another lovelorn soul?
ANSWER: There’s nothing lovelorn about your magnificent soul. It is you who needs to move on and be in charge. Your soulmate came to give you a lesson in ambivalence. We don’t know what your soul will do next. Souls are completely free to follow their own path. Perhaps your quest for individuality can lead you into a brand new relationship, with no more regrets.
Aristotelis, Greece, asks the Masters: why do I feel so trapped and so alone, what is my mission?
ANSWER: Your mission is to find and know your beautiful soul. Doing so will conquer loneliness and help you to feel free to live as you desire. Compare your most positive feelings, with your reaction to the negative experiences you are having now. Making this comparison you will grow to understand your soul's essence of unconditional love. So you may choose to follow your intuition rather than things people say and your brain tells you is right or wrong. That can be your future path.
Siya, India, asks the Masters: I want to have a message from my boyfriend. Is he reincarnated in his last family or anywhere else? Am I going to meet him again in this life time? Does he still love me?
ANSWER: He has been sending love energy to you regularly and, yes, your souls will meet again at Home where we are. He is here, busy and also planning for his next incarnation. It is not something souls are usually in a hurry to do. He wants you to feel as happy as he is.
“Joecool,” Asia, asks the Masters: I have a friend who keeps having these recurring dreams of zombies. The zombies are trying to catch all humans and eat them. He tries to escape or hides from them. Lately, he's been dreaming of himself trying to fight back the zombies and killing them. What could this mean?
ANSWER: A current trend in zombie movies is hitting the screen and adverts are everywhere that remain in the thinking brain. Either your friend is kidding you, or you are just having fun and you don’t have such a friend. So, what was the real question that you did not get round to asking us, Joecool?
Erika, Sweden, asks the Masters: How to know if one can make a relationship better or if one should leave it, even if one might be afraid of being without one's partner?
ANSWER: You need to know that you alone are responsible for how you live your life. There is no judgment, no right or wrong when relationships are dissolving. You are quite free to choose whether to stay or go. This may feel tough when you have depended on someone. But if the result was not good enough, you are quite able to answer the call to manage your own life. Do what feels right for you – not what others might think.
Simone, Brazil, asks the Masters: I consider myself Universalist Spiritualist. I am always looking for improve me, but don't understand why I'm always working in places that feel [unrelated to my divine purpose], and being underpaid and under-valued. Why can't I attract a job where I can feel really helpful, happy and be well remunerated?
ANSWER: Being undervalued by others is a call for you to value yourself more. As you achieve the energy of a strong self-regard others will think more highly of you. Take note of the way your higher mind gives you substantial help by way of daily positive feelings about things large and small in your life. You may choose these feelings as the starting point of new thoughts and actions. Turn away from listening to judgment calls by your ego, and embrace the path of your soul.