The wish to earn more money is something that all of us have in us. No matter how much money we already own, we would always wish that we had a little more, as we believe that through this extra income, we would be able to Improve Quality Of Life considerably. There are some people who look down upon this desire to earn more money and feel that it is a very wrong perspective of life and while we agree that making money as the sole aim of life may be wrong, but the fact remains that for finding purpose in life, you would have to have money in your pockets. While most of us spend our entire life struggling to find ways and means for earning more money for ourself, there are some people who have come up with ideas that help in earning money not just for themselves, but also prove to be a great business opportunity for individuals other than themselves as well.
Network Marketing
Network marketing is a great business opportunity for individuals who are looking for ways and means through which they can work, either part time or full time and make huge money for themselves. Some of the most important characteristics of network marketing, which make it a great way to improve quality of life and a good way of finding purpose in life, are as follows:
Partners Not Employees
When you decide to become a part of a business which gives you the chance to work for them by becoming a part of their network marketing chain, you become a partner in the business and not an employee of the company. Your job basically involves using your own personal skills and networks for selling the products and services of the company in whatever manner you deem fit. You do not have to report to any office or any particular individual in the company. You simply sell the products and services of the company as per your skills and in return take commission or incentive from the company for the said sales. Thus, this Business Opportunity For Individuals allows to improve quality of life by taking charge of their life and finding purpose in life.
Little Investment Needed
Another great thing about network marketing is that people who decide to take up this business opportunity do not need to have huge sums of money on themselves in order to become a part of this business opportunity. You need to have enough money on yourself to buy a sample kit of the products and services of the company, which you would require for showing to the customers and using them to convince the customers to buy the products, and once an order is received, you simply log in the order with the company and collect your commission. The rest of the sale would be completed by the company directly.
Hire And Get Paid
In some cases, companies do not even require you to sell their products, but simply pay you commissions for hiring other sales representative for them.
finding purpose in life