
Business is all about making money. And in order to make money, one needs to have a productive workforce. Admit it or not, the employee and not the upper management is the backbone of a company. Think about it, who does all the tasks? Is it the managers, it is the CEO? Nope,it's the regular Joe and Jane working behind his or her cubicle.

Now with this analogy comes the question of how to make one's employees happy.

There are numerous ways to achieve this. Some companies resort to incentives in the form of bonuses, vacations and even expensive gifts.Though this may be a common practice for huge companies with deep pockets, what about regular or startup companies with limited finances?

The answer is simple, and it is "comfort"!

An incentive need not be in the form of a monetary reward. It can bein the form of something basic that every human being desires.

Comfort is one of the most basic "want" each of us crave for. Why doyou think we buy cars with better suspension? Why do we yearn for better beds to sleep on? Why did we ever coin the phrase "comfort food"? We all want to live a comfortable life. And when we talk about work, we strive for something to make our daily grind more bearable.

Investing in a decent air conditioning fitzroy system for the workspace is imperative if you want your employees to be more productive. The better the working environment for your employees, the better their output becomes.

It is but logical to provide your workforce with decent air conditioning melbourne as a humid working environment can breed complaints which hinders ones workflow.

Though some might argue that this is more of a luxury than a necessity, just think of this. Do you really want your employees calling your office space a sweatshop? I guess not. If you really care for your employees and the quality of their work, you should first make sure the environment will also stimulate them to do just that. I have been to different offices that do not have efficient heating and cooling system and it was a terrible experience. I did not want to stay one minute longer inside the office. How much more those people who have to work.



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