Effects of disruptions:
Supply chain is the vital cog in the machinery of modern corporate firms. They enable the manufacturers to reach the customers in a timely manner and in good condition. Any disruption has serious consequences on their delivery mechanism. They can even hamper their import and export schedule and play havoc on their time charts. Disruptions can be in the form of strikes, natural disasters, technology malfunctioning etc. Companies need to be prepared with back up plans to take corrective measures to deal with supply chain disruptions.
Steps to manage disruptions:
Supply chain disruptions can introduce a sense of uncertainty in a company’s operation. Their schedules get affected and their service deliverables are thrown to the wind. This inevitably raises costs which in turn affects their margins. It is also time consuming to resolve such disruptions effectively. Hence it is imperative that companies follow the below steps religiously and without delay.
1. Impact assessment
Disruptions have impacts. Unless you put in efforts to study the various impacts and effects of disruptions, you will not be able to formulate an effective response. Any deviation in supply chain management can cause you to deviate from existing plans and phenomenally increase the expenses as compared to the services rendered. Companies should strive to find out cost efficient ways to deal with such disruptions.
2. Option management
Being rigid will not help in cases of supply chain disruptions. If your company is affected by such events, you can start looking out for options. These can include finding out alternative sources for raw material inputs, building inventories and evaluation of other methods of transportation. Searching for options helps you to face challenging situations with confidence. There are many courier services in UK and India who have expert personnel to deal with such emergencies.
3. Plan responses
Plan your responses for supply chain disruptions beforehand. This helps you to get some breathing time to plan your options. You will be better prepared and adaptable for handling supply chain disruptions. You also need to introduce the element of priority in your response planning. The priority can depend on detection, occurrence and severity of the disruption. Not to plan is to plan to fail is an adept proverb in the field of supply chain management.
4. Monitoring situation
You should continuously monitor the situation to find out the status of progress in normalizing the supply chain. This action will help you to get the supply mechanism back on track, faster. International courier services continuously monitor and update their stake holders about the progress of minimizing supply chain disruptions.
The above four methods and steps will help you regulate the supply chain and minimize overall damage to your company.
About Author:
Snehal Verma is a Management graduate and writes on Air Express Courier Service and Shipping from USA to India.
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