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Qustion No. 1

There are four tabbed regions In the Supplier Item Catalog window (Negotiated Sources, Prior Purchases, Sourcing Rules, and Requisition Templates), but function security can be used to determine whether a user will be able to see all of them.

In release R12, where is the requisition setup option that determines which of the tabbed regions is the default?

A. in the Profile Options setup

B. in the Lookup Codes setup

C. in the Document Types setup

D. in the Purchasing Options setup

E. in the Expense Account Rules setup

F. in the Requisition Preferences setup

Answer: A

Qustion No. 2

ABC Company uses serial numbers for the following transactions:

1. Purchase order receipt

2. Miscellaneous receipt

3. Account alias receipt

The company wants to reuse the same serial numbers for work order completion transactions.

Which setup would allow it to reuse the same serial numbers?

A. INV: Validate Returned Serial: No B. INV: Validate Returned Serial: Yes C. INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials: No D. INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials: Yes

E. INV: Validate Returned Lot: Yes and INV: Validate Returned Serial: No

F. INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials: Yes and INV: Validate Returned Serial: No

G. INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials: Yes and INV: Validate Returned Serial: Yes

Answer: C

Qustion No. 3

While implementing Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle General Ledger at GLO Ltd., you are informed by the accountant that the AP Clearing Account balance Is Increasing daily. To solve this issue, what would you check in the accounting process?

A. whether journals are posted regularly

B. whether suppliers are sequentially numbered

C. whether the month-end accrual process is run

D. whether invoices are matched to purchase orders and receipts

E. whether Oracle Payables transactions are reconciled with Oracle General Ledger

Answer: D

Qustion No. 4

Identify two features of Oracle Workflow In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. (Choose two.)

A. enhances data security

B. helps you focus on managing individual business transactions

C. has each activity in a workflow as a PL/SQL function or a notification or a subprocess

D. can integrate business functions only between business processes within a single company

E. can integrate business processes within an enterprise, as well as between different organizations and different systems

Answer: C,E

Qustion No. 5

An approved supplier list (ASL) is being defined in a multiorganization environment, which two statements are valid?

A. Setting up a Global ASL is mandatory.

B. If a supplier item has a local ASL setup, you cannot set it up on a Global ASL.

C. The supplier for an item-supplier association must be global, while the supplier site can be local.

D. Company X has set up Planning would source planned orders. The approval status of the supplier can be set to New or Approved.

Answer: C,D

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