
A word sapphire has been driven from Greek word sapphirus which means “blue”. Blue Sapphire Stone which is also called Neelam stone is naturally occurring gemstone composed of corundum and touched with a slight dash of cobalt and some other metals which lead to its beautiful hue. This stone attracts each and every person fromtravelers to kings and queen. Cutting and carving of the natural stone made this gemstone the most precious stone. Sapphires are usually heat treated and enhance their blue brilliance, but the Natural Blue Sapphires are the most valuable one.

The significance of the Blue Sapphire: Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and Precious Gemstones nowadays. Most commonly used and famous sapphires are blue and Yellow Sapphires. But the blue sapphire is considered as a gem that symbolizes royalty, wealth, fame and wisdom. This promising and precious stone is found in a wide variety of hues and shades of blues.

The blue sapphire stone is generally connected to the planet Saturn. The powerful planet whichis associated the kingly luck and abundance. Natural Blue Sapphire Gemstone has a positive impact on wealth and profession and also the wearer of blue sapphire is become more charismatic and intelligent. It leads to peace of mind through acceptance and good judgment. It has the positive capacity to turn negative situations into apositive one.

During medieval and old times the blue sapphire signifies hope and faith and was believed to bestow protection, good luck and spiritual insight on the wearer. It was considered as a stone which had power and strength and symbolizes kindness and wise judgment as well.

Every religion and countries have their own visions about the Blue Sapphire Gemstone. Greeks believe that this stone is worn for wisdom while the Buddhist believes that it bestow spiritual and vision insight on the wearer. The Hindus considered it as the greatest gem which they used in temples and to balance their astrological influences. In Christianity, it is the religious ring and is popular in kings for their power and protection.

This Blue Sapphire Gemstone also signifies love, loyalty, and commitment and is usually wear as an engagement ring. Though, in the cases of separations or divorce, couples asked to remove the sapphire jewelry which is gifted by the spouse because this stone is a symbol of attachment.

Diseases treated by blue sapphire: The Blue Sapphire Gemstone, protect its wearer from poison, plague, fever and skin diseases and had great power in warding off the effects of black magic. It also heals ailments of the eyes, enhances concentration but it also believed that it would turn useless if it is worn by an uncontrolled or a sinful person.This gemstone also treated the throat and the third eye chakras.

Buy blue sapphire online: Loose Blue Sapphire Ggemstone and the jewelry of this stone are easily available online. Buy Natural Loose Blue Sapphire or Buy Loose Blue Sapphire from the https://allsapphires.com/gems/sapphire/blue-sapphire/ we have the jewelry and the loose stone of blue sapphires at good prices.



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