
Most of the young adults struggle with irregular sleep patterns. Experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of regular sleep for optimal health. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to poor immunity, indigestion, risk of heart diseases, depression, weight gain and problems with vision. Here are some practical ways to improve your sleep:

1 . Exercise Regularly. Studies show that people who exercise daily have better sleep quality and pattern.

2 . Spend 15-30 Minutes In Morning Light. This helps in regulating your sleep/wake cycle.

3 . Avoid Napping At Odd Hours. You maybe tempted to take a nap in the evening after a day’s hard work, but this will disrupt your sleep cycle.

4 . Try Power Nap of 10-15 minutes in the afternoon. This will keep you energetic throughout the day and help regulate your circadian rhythm.

5 . Avoid Strenuous Exercises After 8pm. This will release adrenaline and other hormones that will end up keeping you awake.

6 . Have Early Dinner. The later you eat, the lesser is the body prepared for sleep, eventually leading to bloating and acidity which may lead to sleep disorders.

7 . Include Magnesium Rich Foods. Magnesium is essential for proper functioning of brain receptors that regulate sleep, called GABA receptors.Include green leafy vegetables, banana, legumes, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds in your evening snack.

8 . Keep Gadgets Aside. Studies have shown that the blue light ( HEV light-high energy visible light) from your gadgets suppresses release of sleep hormone melatonin. Switch off all gadgets at least 45 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime.

9 . Cut Down On Caffeinated Drinks 2 hours prior to sleeping.

10 . Try Sleep Inducing Teas like chamomile tea, passion flower tea, magnolia bark tea,peppermint tea, lavender tea.

11 . Try Healthy Bedtime Rituals. These include warm shower, reading a book, soothing music and sleeping at a fixed time.

12 . Try Sleeping In Complete Darkness. Get rid of night lights and any other light coming from outside. This helps in secreting melatonin.

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