
“Half a century ago, there were the Two Cultures. Today many see the arts and sciences as being poles of a singular culture. But others believe that art, technology and science are starting to merge to create a new art movement they call ‘art-sci’.

That is the view of Arthur Miller of University College London, who has popularised this idea in his book, Colliding Worlds: How Cutting-Edge Science is Redefining Contemporary Art, where he explores the quirky and fantastic results of this symbiosis at CERN, MIT Media Lab, Ars Electronica and more.

With Miller, the sound/video performance artist Paul Prudence, an internationally known audio-visual performer, and media artist Mike Phillips, Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at Plymouth University, I discussed how the relationship between art and science has evolved, and where it is heading, at The Times Cheltenham Science Festival. […]”

Read full article by Roger Highfield: http://blog.sciencemuseum.org.uk/colliding-worlds-the-advance-of-art-sci/

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