
Things have changed and have changed for the good. The web is no longer a boring place with static websites and boring texts. JQuery and HTML5 are the game changer here as they are adding more excitement to the web by helping designers creating websites that do not only inform us rather they are interacting with us and exciting us in hundreds of ways.

However, Flash has been playing the same role for quite sometimes until it is sidelined by these two powerful and popular coding languages. You may have a thing or two for Flash, but you have to accept that the loading time of flash based application is simply unacceptable in this age.

By the way, you would not necessarily have to learn HTML 5 or JQuery to be able to make your website interactive. Thankfully, we have easy access to some popular jQuery and HTML sliders that can help us rev up our websites in no time.

Liquid Slider:

The ‘Wow’ Slider, as it is called by the web designers. It is a fully responsive and swipe enabled slider that run smoothly irrespective of the type and size of the devices. There is an advanced Hash Linking feature, that allows you to open a specific panel from anywhere on the page, using a custom link. If the custom functionality is needed, it can be done using the internal functions. The Liquid Slider accepts all new tags, and is future ready for building and designing the new web applications.

Infinite Photo Grid With Lightbox:

A photo grid is added on to a HTML page that has a fluid / flexible / responsive layout. A feature of the grid is that it can adapt according to the dimension of the division, where it is added. It uses pure OOP (object oriented programming) Javascript code, that does not calls for the jQuery or other libraries, so is compatible with the other applications that may be using these queries at the same time.

The rendering speed is good on the personal computers, and extraordinarily impeccable on mobile devices. It uses CSS3, but if not available, uses CSS1 and CSS2, as they are still being used for the IE7 and IE8.

Buzz+Vegas: HTML5 Audio and jQuery:

Buzz is a small, yet powerful Javascript library. It is an Audio library that can take advantages of an HTML5 audio element.

Vegas is a jQuery Plugin, to add beautiful full screen background to the web pages. Even amazing slideshows can be created.

Buzz and Vegas together makes the amazing slideshows with the audio added. It is a work of art, that will not let the viewer move ahead, without grabbing a word of appreciation.

Slot Machine Gallery:

Another flexible application that can be used on any kind of website. The Gallery come in with four different embed styles- Fixed Dimensions, Full Width, Full Screen and Lightbox Style. We have tried this cool application for Vinyl banner section of our website and it seemed that it worked pretty well.

The HTML5 Slot Machine Gallery Plugin can be seamlessly embedded in WordPress. Installation and maintenance is easy, since it is fully driven on XML. One will surely be impressed by its unique way of presenting the images.

CSS3 Cube Slider:

Its a jQuery 3-dimensional slider, that uses CSS3 transform property to create 3D cubes first, and then transform them into slides using animation elements. In case of incompatibility with the browsers, the plugin falls back to CSS1 and CSS2 modes to show the regular images.However, it works best with CSS3 browsers like Chrome and Safari. The vertical and horizontal rotation, and the Auto-Play mode, provides an additional ease of convenience to the plugin.

Seaside Slider:

Easily a very modern content slider, with a separation of content, style and behaviour. It is one of the few sliders, where the Javascript is disabled, and still the complete content can be accessed. Any HTML content can be used inside the slides, that can be an image, a video, an audio or a text. The performance of this slider on a touch screen device, greatly depends upon its RAM, and the number of sheets presented. A very cool and elegant slider that makes the users and the search engines equally happy.

Written by Simmon Pierre: Simmon Pierre is a passionate blogger and a budding website designer closely associated with UK’s No1 printing company – Discountbannerprinting.co.uk.

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