
Richard Gaudion Darvall is a 33 years old Male artist born in United Kingdom, currently working in Australia.

*{color:blue}Born*: Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK.

*{color:blue}Education*: Barclay, Stevenage, Herts, UK.

*{color:blue}Home*: St Kilda East, Melbourne, Australia.

*{color:blue}Study*: (BA) Hons, Fine Art & Art History,
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.

*{color:blue}Medium*: pen, pencil & pastel drawing, painting, collage.

*{color:blue}Likes*: Dada 1920s, French Poster Art 1940s,
Pop Art 1950s, collage 1960s, street art.

*{color:blue}Collage sources*: personal artifacts and nostalgic curiosities such as train tickets, record covers and images from vintage children's books.

*{color:blue}Exhibition*: _Beside the Seaside_.

*{color:blue}Current series*: _Genartrification_.

*{color:blue}Image*: _Ned Kelly Robot #1_
(Collage on wooden panel, 2013)

Original work sold before exhibition.

Framed prints available.

*{color:blue}Please visit*: richarddarvall.com
to browse artworks or make an appointment to visit my studio
in Balaclava.

Click on *{color:blue}"link":http://richarddarvall.com* here.

Thank you.

*Artist Statement.*

I would like to talk briefly about the three mediums I use.
Drawing, collage and painting.
It’s a love triangle.

*Drawing* is a divine mystery to me.
You can never stop learning.
I always have pencils, pens or oil pastels on my person.
I love a quick sketch.
It’s amazing what you can create with a few well-placed scribbles.
The oil pastels come out for large, expressionistic works where colour is king.

The art and history of *collage* fascinates me.
I love the process of reinvention. How a striking picture from a vintage children’s book, for example, can be ripped from it’s former existence and be planted into a new world, where it suddenly enjoys a new identity, purpose and meaning.

My *painting* style is swift, bold, vibrant and direct.
No fancy stuff.
I keep a basic palette.
Red, white, blue and black.
Simple and primal.
I am not too concerned with hyperrealism and detail.
Hopefully, my paintings evoke an immediate sensation and emotional atmosphere.
Character, expression and humour are essential.

I do not copy anybody’s work.
I simply do whatever I feel like doing.
Do you know the strangest thing?
Sometimes I do not even think about what I am doing.
It just happens.
There is a big blank page. A white canvas.
Whatever is going to be born emerges from nothingness, and, curiously enough, has always been there.
I am as surprised as anybody when a new artwork says it is finished.

Richard Darvall,
Melbourne, Australia.

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