At a panel at PAX East this morning, Penny Arcade founders Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins announced plans for PAX South, to be held for the first time in San Antonio from January 23 through 25, 2015.
The show is the fourth fan exposition to be put on by Penny Arcade since PAX started in 2004 as an informal gathering of about 3,300 people in a Seattle convention center. The franchise has since expanded to include Boston's PAX East, started in 2010, and Pax Australia, started last year. The two US shows now routinely draw upwards of 60 to 70,000 video, card, board, and role-playing game fans from around the world, with tickets selling out in a matter of hours each year.
"Since its launch in 2004, PAX events have doubled in size almost every year, and our Seattle and Boston events represent the two largest gaming festivals in North America," Penny Arcade Business Manager Robert Khoo said in a statement. "We've been hearing for years that those in the south had a tough time making it to the northern corners of the country; PAX South has always been a matter of 'when' rather than 'if.'"
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