
aint appropiate for you once you turn 30 guys and they aint smart at any age. I carried a 1911 govt model for several years and an alloy Commander, ACP, Star PD, Star BM, p35 for a lot more years and frankly, they just suck when it comes to having one as a constant companion.

i was using hot handloads in the locked breech star 380, 90gr jhp's, at 1100 fps or so, but they were unimpressive on critters. Once I started hollowbasing the 85 gr Silvertip to 70 grs and driving it to 1500 fps, for almost 350 ft lbs and real expansion of the jhp, as well as moving to S. Cal (on the run, dealing coke daily) I just completely gave up on the idea of a belt gun.

with real skill, body armor and a decent pocket gun, there is SO little that you can't handle (that a belt gun WOULD handle) that is' just not worth the extra hassle. Now that a 356 TSW split nose offers 500 ft lbs in a controlable pocket gun, belt guns can go jump, other than for firing the massive amounts of training ammo needed to assure yourself of class A placing in any relevant type of match. Such performance is very good for your confidence, so should be encouraged, but once you achieve it on a regular basis, you should strive towards doing the same with your pocket 9mm

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