
Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

LinkedIn Now Shows How You Sparked That Engagement

LinkedIn is giving users more detailed information about what prompts people to interact with their profiles and content on the business-oriented social media network. The feature, new on LinkedIn’s “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” page (which you’ll find listed under Profile in LinkedIn’s navigation menu), is an overlay that shows the actions a user took that […]

Pinterest Scares Up Media Partnerships For Month-Long Halloween Campaign

Halloween is very big on Pinterest with 176 million pins and 51 million people following boards about the holiday. So it’s only natural that the company is leveraging All Hallows Eve to promote Pin Picks, a new editorial product. Pinterest has partnered with about 10 media companies, including Funny or Die, eHow and YouTube star […]

How A Google Mistake That Killed BuzzFeed’s Traffic Turned It Into A Social Media Powerhouse

What helped turn BuzzFeed into a site that is the poster child for riding social media into massive popularity and traffic? Ironically, search goliath Google. Early on in BuzzFeed’s history, getting mistakenly hit by a Google penalty caused BuzzFeed to focus on social — a decision that’s been phenomenally successful for the media company. BuzzFeed founder […]

How Business Leaders Can Overcome Burnout

Is it stress? Or is it burnout? Contributor Chuck Sharp shares his experience with business burnout and what worked to help him overcome it.

Will Apple’s “Location Warnings” Be Educational Or Scary?

Last week the subscription-only The Information wrote about Apple’s new “location warnings” and its potential impact on developers. This is something I explored from a user perspective on my personal blog last month. Previously Apple enabled users to turn location off or on. Now there are three potential settings: “always,” “never” or “while using the […]

Nescafé Locks Thousands Of Red Mugs To Fences Then Provides Combination With Facebook App

Finding inspiration from love locks on bridges around the world — along with research that showed the red Nescafé cup to be a meaningful representation of the brand – Croatian agency Drap put together an interesting outdoor activation with a little digital tossed in. Earlier this year, the agency locked thousands of red Nescafé mugs to bridges, benches […]

Proven Tactics from 40+ Successful Brands – Register Now for SMX Social Media Marketing, Save $200

Many of the world’s most skilled and knowledgeable social media specialists will take the stage at SMX Social Media Marketing in Las Vegas, November 19-20. Speakers from brands and agencies will share challenges they’ve overcome and result-driving tactics that make them successful. You’ll hear from: They’ll be tackling paid, earned and owned social media marketing […]

In A First, Mobile Ad Network Offers “Guaranteed Outcomes”

InMobi, which describes itself as “the world’s largest independent mobile advertising platform,” is betting that its new advertising program called “guaranteed outcomes” will grab attention and ad dollars from rivals. The program appears to be the first of its kind. InMobi is taking on financial risk by saying that it can contractually deliver against selected advertiser […]

How Digital Is Shaping Auto Marketing

Contributor James Green lays out the state of the automotive industry’s digital transformation, suggesting ways companies can take advantage of the opportunity.

How To Turn Prospect Priorities Into Email Sales Ammunition

Discover how a few email campaign tweaks and audience research can help you build trust, meet customer needs and get better results.

Facebook Shows Its Fake-Like Fighting Teeth, Says It Has Won $2 Billion In Legal Judgements Against Spammers

Touting its efforts to cut down on spam, Facebook revealed some of its fraud-fighting tactics today — including that it has won nearly $2 billion in legal judgements against spammers — and offered advice to businesses to avoid being fooled by fake-like scams. Fake likes are a particular target for Facebook, and much of the […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Google: Panda 4.1 Still Rolling Out

The Internet’s Front Page — Reddit — Now Worthy Of Being In Google News

Google Releases Video Series On Taking Your Local Business Online

12 Things To Check In Your Local Homepage SEO Audit

Proven Tactics from 40+ Successful Brands – Register Now for SMX Social Media Marketing, Save $200

Up Close @ SMX: Making Mobile SEO Perform For You – Design, Approach & Speed

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Affiliate Marketing

Free Insight Report for Publishers, blog.affiliatewindow.com


Attention! There’s A New Kid On The Measurement Block, Ad Exchanger

Business Issues

A mid-year update to our 2014 Transparency Report, Official Pinterest Blog

Google to Make Security Guards Employees, Rather Than Contractors, Wall Street Journal

Sheryl Sandberg Sells 283,334 More Facebook Shares, All Facebook

Content Marketing

Together We Make GIFs: Why the Madden GIFerator Is Viral Content Marketing at Its Best, Contently

Use Content Marketing ROI to Stop Blogging, Luna Metrics

Copywriting, Design & Usability

Four Hacks for Writing an Article That Sounds Genius (And Actually Is), KISS Metrics

Making Mobile Design More Productive in Three Simple Steps, uxmag.com

Troubleshoot User Experience (UX) for Better Conversions, Crazy Egg

Ways to Boost Your Website Content With Greater Social Intelligence, Content Marketing Institute

Display & Contextual Advertising

Accounts.name changes in the AdSense APIs, googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com


.NYC Adds 1,147 Landrush Domains & Now Sits 4,549: Here Are The More Interesting One’s, The Domains

.Attorney & .Lawyer Launch Wed & Each Have Only 140 Sunrise/Early Registrations, The Domains

National Association of Realtors Wins Rights To The New gTLD .Realestate, The Domains


Explaining Apple Pay: Pros, Cons, Practical E-Commerce

French Ecommerce Sales Topped €13 Billion in Q2 2014, eMarketer

Email Marketing

Gmail updates for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus displays, Slashgear

General Internet Marketing

4 Pillars of Online Marketing Success, Jeff Korhan

Internet Marketing Industry

AgilOne Enhances Predictive Marketing Cloud to Empower Brands to Act Quickly and Intelligently on Customer Data, Business Wire

Thank You for 10 Incredible Years, moz.com

The Customer Journey Officer Is the New CMO, Ad Age

Reputation Management

Mining Your Online Reviews: 25 Nuggets You Can Use to Get More Local Customers, www.localvisibilitysystem.com

Five ways to ensure a 1-star reputation, Trackur

Social Media

Exploring Optimal Post Timing…Redux, Web Analytics Demystified

What Content Goes Hot on Google+?, BruceClay.com

Instagram Turns Four, Salutes Brands, All Facebook

Is local the next big Facebook advertising market?, Inside Facebook


Nielsen TV: Loyal TV Viewers are the Desirable Viewers, Nielsen

Conversant Enters Video Advertising Market, performancein.com

Six Viral Video Myths That Refuse to Die, Reel SEO

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Marketing Land. Staff authors are listed here.

(Some images used under license from Shutterstock.com.)

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