
Instagram has warned 3rd party app developers using its API to not use any likeness to its name in their apps. The popular image sharing service has sent an email to Luxogram stating that it must stop using "gram" in its app name. Jeff Broderick of Luxogram has posted the email from Instagram on his Twitter account, where the company takes exception to the app name, suggesting that it is "harmful to the Instagram brand". It further asks the developer to develop a distinctive branding and use Instagram's trademarks only as authorised by the company policies.

Instagram mentions two issues that bother it. Firstly, the app name is too similar to its own, so it generally tells not to use "insta" or "gram" in the name of apps that work with Instagram. Secondly, it mentions that the Camera Logo used by Luxogram is either similar or appears like a modified version of its own. While this email has been sent to Luxogram, it has wider ramifications for 3rd party apps that use the Instagram API, and seek to benefit by using names similar to the original app. Instagram is known to be restrictive towards such apps, and you can take at its new guidelines to find out just how much more restrictive it has become.






3rd party app developers have been asked not to use likeness to the app name.





Snippet for Twitter: 

@Instagram warns 3rd party apps to stop using "insta" and "gram" in their names

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