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Photography Links and Resources

Have a Look and Find Some InspirationThese are some of the places I draw inspiration from and also where I go to in search of new photographic knowledge. "Never stop learning" as they say. This resource list is constantly being updated as time goes on because I'm always finding new interesting things to share. Feel free to add your own ideas and resources in the comments below. Click on the name of the website to open that link in a new browser window. Enjoy :-)Photographer Websites and Personal BlogsZack Arias' Blog - Commercial portrait photography. He's nitty-gritty and tells it like it is. Lot's of creative process writing. Non gear-centric.Chase Jarvis Blog - Commercial advertising photographer and film maker. Have a look at "Chase Jarvis Live" where he interviews various artists from authors to hip hop artists. Very inspirational.bythom.com - Gear reviews, technique articles. "Nikon camera, DSLR, Lens, Flash and Book site". pretty in-depth.@Cazillo Photography -  Beginner tutorials and good YouTube channel.Martin Bailey - Wildlife and landscape photography. Incredibly good weekly podcast on photography.Rick Sammon - "The Godfather of Photography" Shoots everything and that's not a joke. Writes about inspiration and creativity.Scott Kelby - Commercial fashion and sports photography. Founder of Kelby Media Group, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) and is the lead organiser of the Photoshop World conferences.Matt K - Landscape photography. Great blog on various topics. Lightroom guru and head instructor at Kelby Media.RC Concepcion - HDR portraits and landscape photography. His blog is mainly personal lifestyle stuff. Instructor at Kelby Media.Stuck In Customs - Home of famous HDR master Trey Ratcliff. Tutorials, gear reviews and daily photo blog. Very down to earth personality who writes great articles.David Hobby - Environmental and commercial portraiture photorapher. Jedi master of flash photography and author of The Strobist blog.Joe McNally - Commercial photography. Great blog articles on creativity and some behind the scenes of his shoots.Ben Horne - Large format landscape photographer. Great YouTube videos of his multi-day hiking trips into the wilderness with his GIANT camera.John Paul Caponigro - Landscape and fine art shooter. Intensely passionate articles discussing creativity in image making.Articles and Tutorial WebsitesFStoppers - Curated photo blog, interesting stories and links from around the web.SLR Lounge - Huge library of articles, tutorials and videos.The Luminous Landscape - Everything to do with landscape photography and printing.dpreview - Photo news, reviews and current events. Good buyers guide tool.Digital Photography School - Tutorials and articles for beginners just starting in photography.Cambridge in Colour - Good photo basics with simple clean layout.dpBestFlow.org - Tutorials on workflow and DAM - digital asset management.Strobist - All things flash photography from reknowned photog David Hobby. From beginner to advanced tutorials.If you find these links useful click here to subscribe for more updates and FREE HD WALLPAPERPhotography PodcastsThe Martin Bailey Photography Podcast - Insights into digital photography and has been going for over seven years straight. Great information for photographers of all levels. My favourite podcast by far.The Candid Frame - Weekly interviews with different photographers ranging from amateurs all the way to ultra-famous artists such as Jay Maisel.Camera Position - Short 5-10 minute conversations dealing with creativity and image making.Tips From The Top Floor - The longest running photo podcast online. Produced by Germany based photographer Chris Marquardt. Lots of great info with every episode having dealing with a theme and lots of listener questions.Digital Photo Experience - Rick Sammon and Juan Pons host this show, released twice a month. Lot's Q and A, gear advice and interviews.The Digital Story - Gear guru and technology nut Derrick Story gives the weeks photography news and insider info in this 30 minute production.TWIP - This Week in Photo with host Frederick Van Johnson is a weekly round table discussion between the host and guests on various photography topics. One of the livelier podcasts for sure, it's great to get varying opinions on a subject from the different guests.Video WebcastsKelby TV - A dozen or so weekly shows on Photoshop, photography tips and tricks and lots more.That Nikon Guy - Many many tutorials on flash and lots of gear reviews.TWiT Photo - This Week in Tech series focusing on photographers. Sadly discontinued but I recommend watching all the past episodes.Creative Live - Free live two day courses on digital creativity including photography, graphic design and marketing.Serge Ramelli - Incredible retouching and post processing tutorials. Serge is funny and a very personable teacher.Nik Software Webinars - If you use the Google Nik Software plugin collection for Lightroom or Photoshop and want to get the most out of the software then this series is for you. Tips and tricks on using their most popular programs.Phlearn - Photography + Learn = Phlearn. Genious photoshop composoting tutorials and other post processing how-to's.Trey's Variety Hour - Weekly Google+ hangout video with Trey Ratcliff and friends, discussing various topics in photography. Entertaining to watch.B&H Event Space Videos - Talks by well known photographers and artists, filmed in the B&H Event Space. Some very interesting discussions by very interesting peopleMac On Campus Webinars - In-depth photography webinar series on various topics. Very well done and informative.See More

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