
I figured I’d start a journal here now. This is post beginning, the tank was setup May 11, 2014. So starting at July 8th, 2014.


30”x30”x13” standard glass cube ?frag? tank (equivalent to around 50gallons)

Lighting: 2 30” finnex planted plus, 1 finnex original fugeray (started 1 month with the 2 planted plus only)

Filtration: SunSun I believe 303-b, uv sterilizer does not work, rated for 75 gallons I think

Co2: cheap unknown to me regulator, atomic gla largest diffuser, feeds into the filter intake

Substrate: ada Amazonia (2 9l bags), ada Africana (2 9l bags)

Water: pure ro water reconstituted w/seachem equilibrium


Pair japan blue endlers

Some royal blue tiger culls


Some of these are single stems, looking to be propagated

Syngonanthus hybrid

Syngonanthus belem

Syngonanthus manaus

Syngonanthus madeira

Syngonanthus lago grande

Tonina fluviatillis

Tonina fluviatillis lotus blossom

Eriocaulon japan shiga

Eriocaulon aussie type II

Eriocaulon sieboldanium

Trithuria blood *****

Eriocaulon parkeri

Ludwigia tornado

Ludwigia senegalensis

Ludwigia North Carolina

Ludwigia …. pantanal

Rotala Mexicana goias

Rotala pearl type?

Rotala Mexicana green

Rotala Mexicana bangledesh

‘monte carlo’

Elatine hydropiper

Rotala macrandra green

Rotala macrandra japan red

Alternanthera reineckii variegated

Buce brownie red

Lileaposis Chinensis 'Maryland'

Some key tips on how I was successful:

I must of tried like 5 times or so and failed each time with algae or plants melting. Well, try try and try again, I gave up many times, wasted a lot of money, but passion to grow the syngonanthus plant alone kept me coming back.

First off if your gonna use ada Amazonia then you must do water changes. Water change is a must anyways, I believe in low tech and high tech, high tech being the greater amount. I did almost daily water changes in the start. Ammonia leech may or may not melt plans but it will cause algae, which nobody wants unless its that red algae.

Pack as many plants as you can in there

O2, Co2, get this right and it will solve most of your issues, I didn’t need to fertilize the first month or so on, diffusion method is vary important too. You can blast a glass diffuser and all the bubbles are going to do is rise to the surface with less diffusion rate. I’d suggest not adding fish right away so you can really mess around with the co2. Lots of flow is a good thing, keeps o2 levels up and mixes the co2 in the water level too. Proper mixing is important when doing a co2 tank.

Photoperiod, start off with 5 hrs a day, make sure you don’t get algae(it can get bad very fast), plants will do fine, then when the system is ready you can really up your lighting period

Start off with lower light, you may have a lot higher light then you expect.

Learn to trim, plant. This will keep things neater and not let your tank get too overgrown(I am guilty of this). Propagation? Trim a sideshoot and replant or however a plant produces, do it fast and you multiply that plant fast.

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