
So I have a 1.5 gallon setup with some live plants. Nothing living in it right now, I was thinking of trying a betta or some cool shrimp. It is currently unheated since the weather is still warm but I do have a 5 watt heater that raises the temp a few degrees for chilly winter nights. The temp range is 74-80.

Then my niece stopped by this morning, her school is a block away from my house. She had a little dwarf frog in a plastic bowl that she was bringing to school for an ecosystem project. She only needs it for one day. Apparently all the kids are bringing in live animals for a one day project (I won't even go into the utter nonsense of this right now). Her mom got it for her last night. Her mom says she's going to flush it tomorrow unless I want it, they don't have a tank for it. So of course I will take the little guy in.

I can put him in my 36 gallon, but he's so tiny I'm afraid he'll get lost in there and maybe bullied by the bigger fish. There's a yellow gourami, some tetras, barbs, platies ... a hodgepodge of fish. It's actually a little overstocked but doing very well. I don't want him to become a snack or be unable to fight off the crowd for food. I also have the little 1.5 gallon ready to go.

I've never kept frogs before. Will he have to be alone in the small tank, or can I get him a frog friend? If I add a couple of ghost shrimp will he eat them? Will he try to climb out if I don't block up all the holes? My niece said they told them at the LSF just to feed the frog fish flakes or betta pellets, but I know they like bloodworms. I have the freeze dried kind at home already, will he eat these? I hear they are messy eaters and he will have to be cleaned up after often, which isn't a problem for me.

Any froggie advice welcomed :)

ps. I do have an empty 10 they could move to later, but I don't have all the accessories it needs right now. In a few months I might get it set up again, maybe.

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