Thinking about making some money on your blog? There are a lot of great ways that you can collect some revenue on your site. Even if you don’t have a lot of traffic, you can get started immediately! So here they are…
1. Sell Ads
Manage Your Own
You can manage your own ads simply by setting up an “Advertising Page” and getting potential advertisers to contact you!
(For WordPress: check out WP Pro Advertising System or the AdRotate Plugin).
PassionFruit / AdProval
These two websites automate the whole process of selling and posting ads so you can make money on your blog with little administrative work. First, you create an “ad shop” and embed the code on your site where advertisers can buy space for your set price. Once ad advertiser has purchased an ad spot, they upload their ad and it automatically gets put on your site and money goes directly to your paypal.
Passionfruit Ads on the Something Whimsy Blog
BuySell Ads
For Blogs with 50,000+ visitors a month, BuySell Ads connects you with a large network of advertisers. As a publisher, you create a media kit (give info about traffic, set price and set the placement on your site). Then, through their network, you are immediately connected with advertisers who are looking to buy ad space. Even big brands are looking for bloggers to advertise with so once you have the traffic, there is really no reason why your can’t make money on your blog!
2. Pay Per Click (PPC)
Google AdSense
Probably one of the most common ways to make money on blog is using Google AdSense. You simply copy their code on your site to display ads (text or banner ads). You get paid if someone clicks on your ad or for a certain number of impressions. With Google AdSense you can specify that category that your blog will fit into but you don’t have complete control over ads that are displayed.
Specific for fashion bloggers to display clothing, accessories and shoes through ShopSense-enabled ads, widgets, layouts, images, captions, or links from their site or application. Then, make money on your blog with every click!
3. Pay Per Impression (PPI)
Embed Blogher Ads and get paid per impression. Also, if you are just starting out, this network is sometimes a good way to get traffic because they publish your posts in their network of women bloggers.
4. Affiliate Links
Reward Style
Reward style gives you affiliate links for fashion products. You get a commission once purchased (popular brands include Asos, Target, Neiman Marcus, JCrew, Nordstrom, Nike, Sephora, TopShop, etc).
Amazon Associates
Get affiliate links to amazon products and receive 4-10% if purchased.
Affiliate Directories
A directory of affiliate programs that you can apply to join. Then, just copy and paste their banner or links on the site for a commission of a sale.
Visit: LinkShare, CJ Share Sale, Click Bank
Individual Companies
Have any favourite online product or service ? Check out their website and look for an affiliate link! They might run their own affiliate program.
5. Create A Store Page
Amazon Associates (again)
Amazon associates lets you create a store by simply dragging and dropping items they sell on amazon into your store. Then, you can embed your store on your website and make money by collecting a commission anything sells.
RewardStyle also has tools for fashion bloggers to create their own store of curated fashion items. Simply use their backend to create your collection of items then embed the code on your page and make money if you generate any sales.
An example of a great RewardStyle Page on Collage Vintage
A Custom Store Page
Perhaps you are an affiliate to one or more companies and they don’t offer the slick tools to build a collection of products; ok, why not make your own? Grab the products you like from your affiliated stores and put together your own store.
(For WordPress: create a page with column shortcodes or try a visual builder like Visual Composer )
6. Sponsored Blog Posts
Create an Advertising Page
Offer brands the opportunity to sponsor posts, pay for a review, run a giveaway or write a guest post on your site. Your advertising page should have details about your stats and reach.
CieraDesign has a fantastic Advertising Page
Linqia has an interesting model – a combination of sponsored post and Pay-per-Click (PPC). Their network connects your blog with potential advertisers who are looking for bloggers to write a full post relating to their brand – “tell a story”. Then, you make money when readers click on the links in your sponsored post. Linqia is looking for bloggers with at least 2,500 visitors a month and in these areas: Lifestyle (Men’s or Women’s), Fashion, Beauty, Weddings, Pets, Parenting, Home and Garden.
7. Accept Donations
Hey, why not! Maybe you have a loyal fan base, blog for your community or another cause. Why not offer people the chance to support you!
(For WordPress: try WPdonations or Donations Made Easy
Hope this list gave you some ideas for how you can make money on your blog! If your ultimate goal is to blog for money they you also might start looking at what types of blogs advertisers are interested in. What niche would you fit into? Also, keep blogging! Grow your audience and the money will come :)
7 ways to make money on your blog immediately #blogging
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