
Davar Hebrew
Kategorie: Bildung
Preis: 3 € -> kostenlos
Version: 1.02
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Back to school celebration: Davar Hebrew is free!

Simple. Intuitive. Time saving. Davar Hebrew was created with the Ancient Hebrew student in mind. Review verb paradigms, learn pronominal suffixes, or study Hebrew vocab. Davar boasts over 1000 Hebrew vocabulary words and translations. If Davar doesn’t have the vocab word you need, you can add your own. You can even edit any word or translation that comes with Davar Hebrew to meet your study needs.

Davar Hebrew comes with pre-made study sets including:
The Hebrew Alphabet
Matres Lectionis
Gender and Number
Cardinal Numbers
Irregular Plurals
Personal Pronouns
Pronominal Suffixes
Verb Paradigms
Qal Perfect/Imperfect
Niphal Perfect/Imperfect
Piel Perfect/Imperfect
Pual Perfect/Imperfect
Hiphil Perfect/Imperfect
Hithpael Perfect/Imperfect
Hophal Perfect/Imperfect

Stop spending your study time making Hebrew flash cards, and start studying with Davar Hebrew.

Video demonstration of Davar Hebrew:

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