
Cards Info for MTG
Kategorie: Unterhaltung
Preis: 0,99 $ -> kostenlos
Version: 1.6
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Cards Info for MTG lets you browse all the cards inside each Magic The Gathering set!

- offline database, don't need a connection or to download something the first time
- filter cards by color, type (artifact, land) and rarity
- search cards for name
- save cards as favourite
- browse all cards of a set (or a search) trough a simple carousel
- I'm feeling lucky: browse cards randomly
- images are provided by http://mtgimage.com/ and internet is required

Latest Magic The Gathering sets provided: Dragons of Tarkir, Fate reforged, Commander 2014, Khans of Tarkir, Magic 2015, Vintage Masters, Conspiracy, Journey into Nyx, Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska, Born of the Gods, Commander 2013 Edition, Theros, Duel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters, From the Vault: Twenty, Magic 2014 Core Set, Modern Masters, Dragon's Maze, Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt, Gatecrash, Commander's Arsenal, Return to Ravnica

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