
Today we bring you Mark Manson's latest work with a ton of extra bonuses for only $20

Here at AppSumo, we get pitched all the time by authors asking us to promote their books.

But when we read the book, it's all the same "follow your dream" - "learn your passion" garbage.

Which is why, it's so refreshing reading Mark Manson's work.

Going against conventional advice, he writes advice like "Stop Trying to be Happy", "Screw your Passion", and "No, You can't have it all."

And so instead of Mark pitching me, last year I pitched him.

The only problem?

He didn't have any products to promote. He doesn't have a $600 course or $1,200 membership program.

At the time, all he had was his blog.

And so when he told me earlier this year he was finalizing his book and wanted to put it on AppSumo, I got pumped.

That book? The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck.

This book is for anyone who rolls their eyes reading a self-help book, feels disenfranchised with traditional personal development blogs - but still wants to live a better life.

I was sucked in within the first few pages.

If you want a copy, you could easily go on Amazon and scoop up a hardcover for $15.

But for only $5 more, we can throw in extra bonuses that you can't purchase anywhere else.

(Some might even say they're priceless...)

Well we put a price on it!

So, for only $20, you can get:

A hardcover copy of the book (shipped free domestically, internationally shipping rates vary)


The Build A Better Blog Bonus Package.

Mark's site brings in 2 million page views PER MONTH! He wants to teach you how to do the same.


Bonus #1: 5 Keys to Becoming a Great Writer Video Course: One hour video course on how Mark was able to improve his writing so people actually want to read (and share) his content.

Bonus #2: Viral Victories: How to Win Big on Social Media Video Course: 68 minute behind-the-scenes look into how Mark accumulated millions of likes and pageviews and the key to reproducing those results.

Bonus #3: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Niche Report: Mark is in a very crowded niche - Personal Development. This PDF report breaks down how Mark differentiates and built one of the biggest self-help brands on the internet from scratch.

This book has taken Mark years to write and compile. If you enjoy any of the articles on his blog, I have no doubt you'll enjoy this book as well.

Click here to get the whole package for only $20! (Free domestic shipping, international shipping rates vary)

Here are what other authors have to say about it:

Interested in grabbing the book?

Get the whole package right now (with hardcover copy and extra bonuses) for only $20 with free domestic shipping! (International shipping rates vary).

Click here to grab your copy now!

P.S. As an added bonus, Mark is also throwing in the following extras:

Behind the Scenes on Writing The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck: A chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the ideas behind the book and Mark's writing process.

Self-Publishing vs Conventional Publishing: My Experiences: Mark discusses the pros and cons between the two and gives you guidance on what you should do for your book.

Mark's top 10 favorite interviews: Mark discusses the concepts in the books and gives more behind-the-scenes access on the Art of Charm, Tropical MBA, and 8 other top podcasts.

Mark Manson "Subtle Art" Bundle

Hardcover copy of Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Free domestic shipping. International shipping rates vary

Bonus #1: 5 Keys to Becoming a Great Writer Video Course

Bonus #2: Viral Victories: How to Win Big on Social Media Video Course

Bonus #3: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Niche Report

Extra Bonus: Behind the Scenes on Writing The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

Extra Bonus: Self-Publishing vs Conventional Publishing: Mark's Experiences

Extra Bonus: Mark Manson's Top 10 Favorite Interviews

This offer is non-refundable.

AppSumo Price: $20

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