
Pushpin for Pinboard 3.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: News
Price: $9.99, Version: 2.1.1 -> 3.0 (iTunes)


Pushpin is a beautiful, blazing fast, and feature packed Pinboard client for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Designed for both power users and newbies alike, Pushpin lets you browse, search, add, edit, and delete bookmarks seamlessly with a gorgeous interface. Combined with its flexible URL scheme, full support for Pinboard feeds, and integration with read later support like Instapaper, Pushpin is the best choice for using Pinboard on iOS.

# Testimonials #

"I wished hard enough and it came true: the clean, clear, and stable Pinboard iOS app of my dreams was written and released by someone much smarter than me and you should give them your money" - Jim Jazwiecki (@jimbecile)

"[T]he only option out there for a full-featured Pinboard experience" - Shawn Blanc (@shawnblanc)

"This is exactly what I want in a Pinboard app" - Alex Payne (@al3x)

# Features #

* Search bookmarks at ridiculous speeds across titles, descriptions, URLs, and tags.
* View bookmarks by unread, starred, private, untagged, public, or specific tags. You can even filter by multiple tags!
* Share links on Twitter, Facebook, or Messages.
* Send your links to Pocket, Instapaper, or Readability.
* View tag suggestions and autocompletions when adding or updating bookmarks.
* Browse Network, Popular, Wikipedia, Fandom, and Japanese feeds.
* View and save feeds for specific users, tags, or any combination of the two.
* Browse tags along with the number of times they've each been used.
* Add bookmarks by switching to Pushpin with a URL on your clipboard.
* Comes with a full-featured in-app browser with support for popular mobilizers.
* Extensive URL scheme support for adding bookmarks on the fly, opening URLs with the in-app browser, or viewing feeds for users or tags. Visit http://bit.ly/PushpinURL for more information on Pushpin's URL scheme.

What's New

* Gorgeous, brand-new, built-for-iOS 7 interface.
* Add proper split pane interface to iPad version.
* Swipe right to edit and swipe left to delete.
* You can now search by all fields, full text (for those of you with Pinboard archival accounts), titles, descriptions, or tags within your bookmarks.
* Significantly expand tap areas for tags (you can tap on them to filter bookmarks by that tag).
* Enable or disable autocorrect and autocapitalization when editing bookmark descriptions.
* Add ability to set the default bookmark feed when starting up the app.
* Add the option to automatically mark unread bookmarks as read when opening them.
* Started work on bulk-editing mode. At the moment you can mark multiple bookmarks as read in the main bookmark list.
* You can now mark bookmarks as read when viewing a bookmark in the in-app browser.
* Add a "compressed mode" that limits descriptions to two lines and tags to one line. You can enable it in settings or by tapping the title bars. You can tap the ellipsis when tags are limited to one line to view additional tags.
* Share to Riposte, Netbot, Happy, or Felix (for those ADN users out there).
* Sync saved feeds with iCloud.
* Significantly speed up searching and remote syncing.

Pushpin for Pinboard

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