




I mean seriously. Saying the sex binary doesn’t exist because there are intersex conditions is basically telling intersex people “don’t worry, I don’t think you’re normal.” You’re so eager to fight terfs you don’t even think about what you’re saying. Like if someone told you “I’m female and I suffer from [x intersex condition]” would you fucking tell them they can’t be female? Like I honestly really hate some of you

The worst of recent memory was the user who insisted intersex conditions couldn’t be abnormal or dysfunctional, concluding with, “We force intersex people into male or female, but they are born as something else.”

But like the silver lining to the cotton ceiling, these become peak trans/libfem moments, and we educate ourselves and find new people with a more reality-based approach. I have never talked as much about being intersex as I have this year, nor have I known other intersex people. But they keep coming into my inbox. We’re not supposed to have a community. Either our conditions are mild enough we never find out or do so later in life, parents and doctors collude to conceal our medical history, or we hide our issues in shame. Without the bizarre fixation of genderists on our genitals, we might never have gotten angry enough to assert our humanity against them, and learned to accept ourselves in the process.

This is one of the truly greatest additions I’ve had to a post! I’m so happy for you sister!! I’m proud of you for building your community, I hope it continues to flourish.

Thank you! But you’re right, their assumptions are projections. They’re so smug in their worldview they don’t question for one moment if the terf they’re debating could be intersex herself. They take advantage of secrecy and alienation common among intersex experiences. They try to use us to prove biological nonbinariness in their endless back and forth whether sex=/=gender or gender IS sex. All without realizing historically, our medical treatments make us gender critical. Why wouldn’t we be?

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being Intersex. It’s a disorder, but that’s all it is. No more or less than a sixth finger, or a pair of crappy lungs.

It doesn’t change who you are as a person, a child, a friend, a lover or a human being.

It doesn’t make you weird or wrong and it /certainly/ doesn’t make anyone some amorphous third sex. It definitely doesn’t mean you deserve to be some rhetorical point dropped in conversation by a third party. That’s super rude.

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