Transwomen (MtT) and crossdressing males have a record of raping and molesting women and children. There are no known recorded cases of cis women or labelled “terfs” raping and molesting transgender people.
Crossdresser cabbie convicted of rape
Cross-dresser jailed for raping bondage partner
It was in 1975, at the age of 47, that Cook was sentenced to life in prison at Norwich Crown Court for raping six women, wounding two more and committing an act of gross indecency on a ninth
Hunt for the man in the black bikini
The Comeback Pig: Marv Albert, And How To Survive Any Sex Scandal
POLICE investigating complaints of a man dressed in women’s clothes being sexually suggestive to children on a school bus saw a 49-year-old motorist in a purple leotard, blonde wig and high heeled boots.
Man posing as woman solicits child to commit a lewd act
Transwoman raping and killing six year old girls
And twelve year old boys
Man, Dressed as Woman, Charged With
Sexually Assaulting of Boy
They say a man, aged somewhere between mid-20s and early 30s, has committed indecent or intimidating acts on each occasion. Each time he was dressed in women’s clothing.
California: Male rapist claiming “transgender” status placed in CA WOMEN’S prison:
David Megarry (“Sandy Jo Battista”), a convicted sex offender who has molested girls, expects tax payers to pay for his feminizing hormones.
Sex offender sentenced after dressing as a woman and going in women’s locker room
Man dressed as woman arrested for sexual assault
Transvestite arrested for groping women while seeking “fashion tips”
Cross-dressing suspect arrested for raping woman
Cross-dressing child molester will serve 15 years in prison
Cross-dressing fake nurse targets the elderly
Man dressed as a woman solicits child for sex
A transsexual killer who tried to rape a woman must be moved to a female prison because holding her with men breaches her rights, a judge has ruled.
Founder of the “TERF TRACKER” outed as a violent sexual offender
Transwoman rapes 13 yr old boy, is identified in press as a woman
Transwoman sex offender arrested for not registering as a sex offender after befriending and moving in with a woman with young child
A cross dresser and sex offender sneak in elementary school
Cross dresser arrested for being a serial child rapist
Male child sex predator identifies as a woman in prison and is allowed to change name
Child rapist is arrested and found to be living as “a woman”
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation
Plymouth transgender sex offender jailed after coming into contact with child
Dothan Man Sentenced for Child Pornography
Christopher Hambrook, who claimed to be a woman in order to gain entrance to a woman’s shelter, where he raped two homeless women.
Purdue police investigate report of man taking photographs in women’s restroom
Police: Man in bra and wig found in women’s bathroom - admitted to other offense where he showered in the girls’ locker room for sexual gratification
Police: Sex offender posed as woman, went into women’s locker room
Police: Predatory Sex Offender Entered Girls Locker Room …
Man dressed as woman arrested in Central stabbing …
Australia - Registered sex offender dressed as woman busted …
Predator who claimed to be transgender declared dangerous offender…
Transsexual wife killer who was granted tax-payer funded sex change will also have his legal fees paid, judge rules
James Joseph Allard Registered Sex Offender
Nastasia Laura Bilyk is a Man serving a life sentence for murdering a Woman in 1987. He decided he was a Woman in 2008, and now wants to be transferred to a Women’s prison in Canada.
Name (and gender) change for convicted pedophile. In April 2010, corrections officials were concerned the convicted pedophile might re-offend and put special monitoring provisions on the convict, who has a history of befriending parents to sexually prey on their children.
Sex-change suit by California inmate Philip Rosati (convicted of murder) OKd by court
James Hundley, who is serving time for child abuse and sexual assault, is serving a life sentence. He lost his lawsuit for hormones while incarcerated.
Duchesne County prosecutors have charged Susan Elizabeth Rye, 60, with three counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, a second-degree felony. Rye is accused of sexually abusing a 5-year-old girl on three occasions in 1989 and 1990. Born Randall Donald Rye, court records show Rye had his name legally changed in January 2009.
Janet Mock celebrated a man who decapitated his wife getting getting approved for a “sex change” while imprisoned for life as a victory for trans rights.
Crossdressing Suspect Arrested For Raping Woman
Bad, Barbie! Man dressed as doll tried to sexually assault woman in San Diego restroom: cops
The murder of Rita Powers and a male transgenderist’s narcissistic rage
Edmonds Tennent Brown IV, a man who identifies as a woman named Katheryn Brown, is seeking state-funded hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery (“SRS”) while serving a life sentence without parole in a South Carolina prison for the rape and murder of Mary Lynn Witherspoon. Although Brown pled guilty, he now claims he did so “under duress during an emotionally difficult time…likened to PMS.
”Transwoman attempts to set fire to “sex change” clinic.
Repeat Transgender Bathroom Offender Charged With Battery
Cross-dressing Russell Williams, a highly decorated Canadian Air Force colonel, was sentenced to life in prison in 2011 for 88 sex crimes including 2 counts of murder and 2 counts of sexual assault. After each of these crimes, he photographed himself in his victims’ underwear and bras. One victim who survived was subjected to a three and half hour sexual assault.
University of Toronto reduces the number of gender-neutral bathrooms after two different voyeurism reports
Man who portrayed himself as ‘cross dresser’ arrested for alleged role in sexual assault, state police say
Bar owner who saw trans patron attack woman who questioned his presence in the bathroom thinks MTFs with penises belong in unisex/men’s rooms; protests ensue
Clare Lawton & Peter Steel – transgender rapists jailed
Unnamed transvestite rapes dog
Transwoman Activist Cherno Biko confesses to Raping a Transman
Transwoman murders woman therapist for not signing medical papers okaying him for SRS. Trans activist Gwen Smith, founder of Transgender Day Of Remembrance, writes sympathetic eulogy to the murderer
Some of the many violent Transwomen (MtT) Offenders Seeking or Granted Sex Reassignment Surgery.
James Randall Smith – kidnapping and raping a 17-year-old girl
Luis Morales/Synthia China-Blast – rape and murder of a teen girl:
Wolfgang “Beate” Schmidt – serial rapist and murderer
Rodney Quine/Shiloh Quine – murder, kidnapping and robbery
Jeffrey Bryan Norsworthy/Michelle-Lael Norsworthy – murder
Steve “Nikkas” Alamillo – murder
Lyralisa Stevens – killing a San Bernardino County woman with a shotgun in a dispute over clothes
Noel Crompton/Maddison Hall – murder of a 28 year old hitchhiker, charged with rape after he was moved to a women’s facility
Michelle Kosilek – killed his wife by nearly decapitating her with a piano wire
Dillon Andrew Shadle/Riley Nicole Shadle – sexual assault of a child
Peter Laing/Paris Green – beat, tortured and murdered a man, moved to another women’s prison after having sexual relations with female inmates
Vance Egglestone/Shauna Taylor – serial rapist
James Elliot Wolfe/Jessica Elaine Wolfe – child rapist
Mark Brooks/Jessica Brooks – murder
Man stabs woman to death for mocking him, is allowed to become a “woman” in prison
Transwomen (MtT) and crossdressing males have a record of other violent attacks and homicide against women, men, and children. Cis men, but not women, have no record of violent attacks and homicide against transwomen or male crossdressers:
Report: Knife-wielding man in dress, high heels arrested
Man dressed as woman beats up mother-in-law
Man dressed as a woman jailed for beating real estate agent
STAMFORD, Conn. – A dispute early Monday that began when a woman insulted a man who identifies as a woman and ended with his arrest and her headed to the hospital with facial injuries, Stamford police said.
Boyd “Fallon Fox” Burton is a violent autogynephilic psychopath who gets his jollies from beating the shit out of women
Transwomen (MtT) and crossdressing males have a record of intimidating others by exposing their genitals to them and masturbating in public places. Cis women or those labelled “terfs” have no record of intimidating transgender people by exposing their genitals to them and masturbating in public places.
Houma Police are on the lookout for 49-year-old thong-wearing man who may be repeatedly exposing himself to residents of the Mulberry area.
Off-duty constable Peter Karras, 51, of Green Valley, was found sitting in a dark and secluded Punchbowl street putting on women’s clothing while touching himself, the Herald Sun reported
Jason Bray, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga was found masturbating in the park wearing only a pair of pink high heels. Mr. Bray said he was on his way home from work in Pasadena when he decided to stop at the park with an urge to masturbate.
Male transgender exposes his genitals in a maternity store
Male transgender exposes his genitals to women and children
Male trannsgender exposes his genitals to students
Cross-dressing man arrested for exposure at Walmart
Man dressed in women’s clothes flashes children
Even more alarming, in 2012, in Olympia, Washington, female high-school students sharing a college campus swimming pool were shocked to see a naked, 45-year-old male student who identifies as “Colleen” sitting in their sauna. (The police report stated that “she” was exposing “her male genitalia.”)The girls were traumatized and the parents outraged, but college officials said they could not do anything because of state policies against gender-identity discrimination: “‘The college has to follow state law,’ Evergreen spokesman Jason Wettstein told ABC News affiliate KOMO. ‘The college cannot discriminate based on the basis of gender identity. Gender identity is one of the protected things in discrimination law in this state.’”Adding to the insanity is the fact that it was subsequently discovered online that Colleen also identifies as a lesbian and is strongly attracted to women, in other words, just like most heterosexual males. Yet it is perfectly legal for Colleen to sit in a sauna with naked teenage girls.
Transwomen (MtT) and crossdressing males spy and record women and girls in restrooms and locker-rooms. No known record exists of cis women or those labelled as “terfs” spying or recording transwomen in restrooms or locker-rooms.
Student wore a female rubber mask and wig to spy on women in public toilets
Man disguised as a woman takes pictures in women’s locker room
Male transgender spies on women in university restrooms
Cross-dressing man allegedly videotaped women in restroom
Man dressed as a woman peeps on women in bathroom at Wal-Mart
Cross-dressing man arrested for filming Alabama woman in public bathroom
California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Ladies Bathroom (4/01/2016)
Man Dressed As A Woman Was Busted While Allegedly Trying To Take Pictures In A Female Dorm
Idaho Transwoman caught filming teen girls in Target dressing room
Transgender MtF’s use status as “women” to try and receive lighter sentences on crimes committed; avoid registration as sex offenders:
Suspected Transgender Serial Killer Donna Perry Defense Says She Shouldn’t Be Punished For Alleged Crimes Committed As A Man
Philadelphia man who dressed as woman to scam bank …
FBI investigating two Monday bank robberies in Oak Park
Cleveland Heights fraudster who sought leniency for being transgender gets 14 years
Jayke Baldwin – avoids jail because of transgender status
Transwomen (MtT) and crossdressing men attempt to ban feminist and lesbian books. No known record of “terfs” attempting to organize and ban transwomen books or speeches :
Female Erasure : What You Need To Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights
Petition to stop “Gender Hurts” by Sheila Jeffreys to be published.
Germaine Greer gives university lecture despite campaign to silence her
Transwomen silence women at press conference.
No platform: my exclusion proves this is an anti-feminist crusade Julie Bindel
Transwomen hate-crimes and conflicts with the LGB communities and women’s groups:
Transwoman burns rainbow flag in protest of increased trans visibility resulting in him getting increasingly clocked as male
Manhood Has Limits For Transmen Who Prefer Women’s Facilities
Milwaukee Pride Parade strips Veteran Lesbian Activist Miriam Ben-Shalom of Grand Marshall Honors
Georgia ACLU Director resigns over the organization’s failure to balance transgender rights with women’s rights
Transgenderism is the new therapy for homosexuality: Forced transitions
Georgia ACLU Director resigns over the organization’s failure to balance transgender rights with women’s rights
Women’s Groups Protest Transgender Conference: Demand
Representation in Debates over ‘Transgender Equality’
Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies
Baby’s First Dildo -courtesy of the Transgender Movement
“It would appear this project has some affiliation with Gender Spectrum, the organization involved in public school programming to elementary school children. See for yourself.”
Male transgenders (MtF) are 18 times more likely than biological females to be convicted of violent crime. In essence, MtF trans are just as likely as biological males to be convicted of violent crimes.
Stories of Re-transition and sex-change regret:
FtM Transgender: Why I Quit Testosterone
Rethinking “Trans” : Transgender detransition / retransition and alternative narratives to standard Trans talking points
MtF de-transitioning after 5 mo HRT, you radfems saved my ass - Reddit
Wish I Had Been Told About These Risks Before I Had Gender Surgery
Wow! A dentransitioned woman exists!