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I honestly feel terrible for all “terf” lesbians who attempt to find positivity in being female attracted and are instead called disgusting. It’s nothing but re-packaged homophobia and I hate hate hate it.

okay but terfs are disgusting and arent something to be proud of. you can be penis repulsed and not be an ass about it

since when did being a lesbian have to be called “penis repulsion”?
being female and being attracted to females is lesbianism. sexual attraction is based on biological sex and people can’t help their sexual orientation and should not be called disgusting for it.
I have never seen a terf be vile about a trans person’s identity the way people are vile about their sexuality.

so by that logic, lesbians can be attracted to trans men and still be lesbians.

I suppose they can, yes, provided the transman was pre-op.

Sexual attraction is what it says on the tin

welcome to 2016, where trump is running for president and the word lesbian has no meaning anymore.

the definition of lesbian is “a homosexual woman”
the definition of homosexual is “attracted to members of the same sex”

if you are a woman attracted solely to members of the same sex you are a lesbian
if you are a woman attracted to both sexes you are bisexual
if you are a woman attracted solely to the opposite sex you are straight

it is not “reducing people to their genitals” to understand what sexual attraction is.
it is however homophobic to call homosexual women disgusting for being homosexual


it’s homophobic to call a lesbian who is in no way attracted to men bisexual because she would date a trans girl.
it’s homophobic to say a woman can be attracted to trans men and still be a lesbian.

1) You can identify your sexuality as whatever you like and whatever makes you comfortable and I’m not going to try police that. However by definition lesbianism is a female’s sexual attraction to only the same sex.
2) I am not a “terf”. I am generally very confused by all kinds of feminist and lgbt politics on this website. The opinions I hold are solely based off my experiences and beliefs.
3) The jist I was getting at is that “terfs” who identify as lesbians and are not attracted to transwomen should have their sexuality respected and not be called disgusting for not being attracted to biological males.

1) There’s very much a strong lesbophobia streak towards inclusive Lesbians and having some folks try to reassign that lesbians sexuality based on her inclusion.

2) TERF does not equate lesbian but there are TERF’s determined to make that a thing for the power they can take for their ideology by colonizing L spaces and voices.

3) There in an in-L-community disagreement to the definition of lesbian.

Ah ok that makes a lot more sense thank you. I’ve only ever had experience with lesbians being female attracted females etc.

Valyriaan, heads up–tyger’s a bit of a creep. If you don’t agree with him, he’ll harass you nigh to the end of time. He did it to me and to @auntiewanda as well.

In any case, as a lesbian, allow me to set the record straight. Tyger believes that a lesbian is anyone who is attracted to a feminine identity.
Now, that’s whatever, but Tyger has a very simple reason for saying that:

He identifies as one.

Of course, he’s not female and hates being reminded of it, and launches into a frothing rage when you point out that no lesbian will ever find a male body desirable–not even a feminized one–but that doesn’t change the fact:

Your definition is the correct one.

Lesbian means “female exclusive homosexual”, and we’re very proud of that.

I too am an exclusively female attracted woman and I had the general idea that made me a lesbian & being new to the whole “trans politics” thing I had no idea that was considered transphobic.

Yeah, unfortunately women like you and I are transphobic terfs just for having a sexual orientation.

Or so the trans women on here like to tell me–you can see it all over my blog.

I’m just sorry you had to be exposed to it. You keep rocking out!

Lesbians including self identified lesbians date/marry trans men and are still lesbians. That is all.

Right, or at least, still homosexual–because trans men are female, so someone who is exclusively attracted to other females, well.

See where I’m goin with that?

WOAH. EXCUSE ME?! Did you just refer to a woman using male pronouns? Seriously? She is female. She is a woman. I AM A MAN. Period. I am just floored. Your transphobia and homophobia is seriously not ok.

Clutch your pearls, see if I give a shit. Like that Neil DeGrasse Tyson says:

The cool thing about science is that it’s true whether you believe in it or not.

Biology is a science, and humans are sexually dimorphic. A trans woman is male. If she was female, there’d be no need to transition, right?

As for homophobia, it’s awfully rich to lecture me on being homophobic when I’m a lesbian. All because I point out the obvious.

Here is a long list of articles, studies and videos on the Science of Gender Identity. I invite anyone else to add other resources for this person to read.

















Hi, fellow queer human here. It does not matter if you are a lesbian, you still said some homophobic things. You are still homophobic. You know how many Jews I have met who are anti-semitic? Many. Black people who are racist against black people? Many. LGBQ people who were homophobic? So many I lost count.

I could go on, but I do have to do my school work. My biology school work…

So in short, and to use the accurate quote: “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson from Real Time with Bill Maher.

I’m not queer, I’m lesbian, and I’ll thank you to remember that.

Thank you for the quote, it is lovely, isn’t it?

You know what I noticed, though?

None of those sources actually demonstrate how to quantify gender. Yes, they explain that trans people feel like the other ‘gender’–but don’t explain what the other ‘gender’ feels like.

They also fail to demonstrate that gender is an innate characteristic; in fact, it’s observable that it isn’t. If it were, it would be a steady trait across all members of the species. Gender isn’t; what’s considered appropriate for a man to do in Bombai isn’t necessarily the same in Bogota or Burbank.

So while that link spam may look very impressive, it’s just a pseudoscientific circle jerk.

“Transgender kids show consistent gender identity”

Which is why something like 80%+ of gender non-conforming youth don’t pursue a trans identity and instead are simply butch lesbians and swishy gay guys.

You are a homophobic, transphobic, sad lesbian, I will thank you to remember that.

Science is ever changing, and something I noticed is I see no “link spam - circle jerk” from you, which is how adult debates work. Until you produce your science that supports that trans people are not real, I am inclined to think this thought process of yours is based hatred, but you have already proven it thus, so it is redundant to clarify your statements.

Anyone who has more spoons want to take on this hate filled human who is attempting, and failing to debate at the adults table?

Really? I’m the homophobic one?

Let’s recall which of us here is defending same-sex orientations, and which of us here is defending coercive sexual practices.

In any case, hold your horses. It’s the Internet, your post isn’t going anywhere. You can wait.


“Until you produce your science that supports that trans people are not real, I am inclined to think this thought process of yours is based hatred, but you have already proven it thus, so it is redundant to clarify your statements.”

That’s called coming to conclusions. You’ve straight up just said that nothing I can present will change your mind. Why is that?

Are you always so reactive?

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