
Just started setting up your iPhone or iPad? It is no secret that the operating system is Apple tracking your location, collects data about your preferences on the Internet and other information a few who would like to share. Experts “Kaspersky Lab” told how to protect your iOS device from being tracked.

Disable data collection entirely is not recommended — in this case, you will not be able to use a large number of useful features of the mobile device. However, you need to understand that each of these options is not free — you pay for it with my data.

Configuring iOS — a process that can hardly be called simple and intuitive. The first tip is that if you can’t find some particular system configuration, use the built-in search. Search bar located at the top of the Settings section. Apple has hidden many interesting privacy settings deep in the maze of menus and search is the simplest way to reach them.

Location services

Go to Settings > Privacy > location Services. Location services to track your movements in space. Apple uses the data in weather forecast and builds on the basis of their routes in Apple Maps or Google Maps. Your location location services determined by cell towers, access points, Wi-Fi and GPS satellites. By the way, this feature actively eats up the battery.

You can allow or prohibit the use of location data each app individually. Just decide which programs didn’t know about where you are, and disconnect them access.

For example, applications for weather forecasts or navigational programs like “Yandex.Navigator or Apple Maps, these data are simply necessary for normal work. Siri uses geolocation to give you adequate answers, when you are looking for, say, hotels, cafes, cinemas or any other places nearby. But, for example, Facebook, Twitter and most other applications, these data are completely useless — they can work, not knowing where you are.

By the way, it is worth considering that you can select mode of access to the geolocation data for each application: “Always”, “Using” or “Never”.

Never: the application does not access your location information.

“Using”: the app can get access to this data, if it is open and displayed on the screen.

“Always”: the app can access your location even if it works in the background.

Contacts, Calendars and Reminders

Now go to Settings > Privacy > Contacts, Calendars and Reminders. That data want to access only a few applications. Either they are doing a backup, or allow you to share contacts, or they must be able these contacts change. If you think that some application should not delve into your contacts and plans — feel free to unplug him access.

Photos, Camera and Microphone

In Settings > Privacy > Photos, Camera and Microphone also has settings for software restrictions. Applications for voice and video calls (like Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and so on) require access to camera and microphone, and along with your photos, because they can be send to interlocutors. Here you will surely find the all apps to control the camera (except for built-in — he access given default), and voice recording. As well as programs for sharing files like Dropbox (she needs access to photos to sync with the cloud) and Evernote (it allows you to add pictures to notes). Well, some number of other programs.

If you don’t know why the app access to your camera, microphone or photos, try to disable it and see what will change will change anything. You can always re-enable access, if it turns out that without it the app may not work properly.

Movement and fitness

Now go to Settings > Privacy > Motion and fitness. Access the built-in fitness tracker need different applications to exercise and maintain health. The fitness tracker records your movements, counts steps, considering separately the steps up the stairs, and so on. Access data about your physical activity, of course, also you can restrict. Not really do you like fitness? Turn off the access to this information for all applications — nothing to lose.


The important data are stored in Settings > Privacy > HomeKit. If you have a device “smart” house, then you probably know what makes HomeKit: it controls connected to your home network devices, such as lighting, thermostat and so on. In this part of settings, you will find a list of such devices connected to your gadget.

The tracking of advertising

In Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Limit ad tracking is the option to control advertising. Apple collects data about you, including information about your field and nationality, information about the books you read and the music you listen to. The company is interested in your location, device type, your name, address and age, well and everything that you can learn with the help of your gadget.

No need to panic — these data are used in depersonalized form. They are grouped with similar data for another 5,000 people to show the whole group the same “relevant ads”. Information can be used as Apple itself, and third parties — but again without the ability to look at someone’s individual data. However, we would not be surprised if you don’t like it. So this feature can be turned off:

Go to Settings > Privacy > location Services > System services.

Disable Location-based IADs.

Now go to Settings > Privacy > Advertising.

Turn on to Limit the tracking of advertising.

Click to Reset the ID to delete all collected to that information — in this case from the point of view of the advertising engine Apple you will look like a new user.

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