Category: Utilities
Latest version: 1.2
Size: 11.54 MB
We believe that downloading to your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad should be as easy as it is on your computer. That is why we created iDownloader Pro.
Now you can easily download anything from the web to your i-Device and then view/play the downloaded files or transfer them to your computer.
iDownloader Pro Key Features:
√ Web browser
- Built in Ad-Blocker!
- Multi-tab Safari-like browser
- Tap and hold to force download
- Full screen mode
- Bookmark manager
- Ability to spoof browser's user-agent
- HTTP authorization support
- Private browsing
- Search History
- Browsing history
- UTF addresses support
- Pop-UP blocker
Web Password Keeper integrated with in-app Web Browser (NEW!)
- Allows to Login into any website in just 3 taps
- Saves and manages as many user profiles for each website as you want
- Exclusions list allows switch off saving your passwords for selected websites
Note: to start the Web Password Keeper, please switch it “On” in the app’s Settings
√ Download manager
- Ultra fast downloading speed
- Up to 50 simultaneous downloads
- Download in background mode (10 min max due to iOS restrictions)
- Supports resumption of interrupted downloads
- Download Files over 3G
√ Music player
- Cover Flow
- Playback Fade-in Effects
- Music playback of mp3, wav and m4a formats
- Play folders as playlists
- Repeat and shuffle songs
- Background / Lock Screen playing mode
- Save the Audio play position.
- Album covers
- Lyrics
√ Video player
- Background Video Playback
- Video playback of mp4, m4v, mov, 3gp & m3u8 videos
- Thumbnails view
- Export videos to Camera Roll
- AirPlay support (iOS 4.2 or above)
- Video Playlists
- Save the Video play position
√ File manager
- Dropbox Integration
- AUTOMATICALLY rename downloaded songs by Artist and Song Title.
- Folder and sub-folder support
- Move, rename and delete files
- Sorting by name, type, size, date
- Extract zip & rar archives
- iTunes file sharing folder support
- USB & Wi-Fi Transfer to/from PC
- Sort files in ascending or descending order
√ File viewer
- Full-Featured Photo Viewer with slideshows
- Full-Featured Document Viewer that supports .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .txt, .html, .webarchive and .rtf file formats
- Video Viewer with Slideshow capabilities
- Open Files in other apps
- Share via USB, Wi-Fi or Email
√ Password lock your files
- Dot Lock pattern
- Digital Passcode
iDownloader Pro is constantly updated with new features. If there is anything you would like to see in the application, just drop us an email through the “Send Suggestion” link in the app’s “Settings” and we will do our best to add this feature in our next app update.
Please note:
The application may collect and transmit your mac address without prompting for perfomance reasons. We will never give your mac address to any third parties.