
Update: If you’re still having issues with your redemption code from Apple, here are instructions as to how to fix the problem.

As expected, Apple has releasedthe first public beta for OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Thepublic beta is the same version released to developersearlier this week.

Want to join the OS X Beta Program? You can still sign upby followingthis link.

Known issues include:

Safari may hang when playing certain Netflix content.

iPhoto 9.5.1 and Aperture 3.5.1 are required on OS X Yosemite. Update to these versions from the Mac App Store.

When entering edit mode in iPhoto, a black screen may be displayed instead of the selected photo.

Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Sharing may not function properly when both iPhoto and Aperture are installed.

The shared purchase history page on the Mac App Store is disabled for Family Sharing accounts.

iCloud Drive may appear empty in the Finder after first time setup. Restart to resolve this problem.

AirDrop may not show nearby Macs.

Sending files to another Mac using AirDrop may not work.

Please note: Early reports suggest some beta members are receiving errors when attempting to verify the code sent by Apple. These folks are receiving the message “This code has been already redeemed.”AppAdvice is trying to find out more about this issue.

See also:Apple unveils a beautiful new iTunes 12 design for OS X Yosemite,Apple’s OS X Yosemite Is Already More Popular Than OS X Mavericks, andShould you upgrade to Apple’s iOS 8 beta 4 or OS X Yosemite developer preview 4?

Apple releases the first public beta of OS X Yosemite is a story by AppAdvice.com

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