Sega fans should be very happy. The company has just unveiled its upcoming lineup of new and upgraded games for iOS devices.
First up, a remastered Sonic The Hedgehog 2 will be available next month. Sega promises that special stages and classic levels, like Casino Night Zone and Chemical Plant, will feature upgraded audio and visuals running at 60 fps.
The update will be available free to iOS users who have already downloaded the $2.99 game for the iPhone/iPod touch.
Next, the pictured Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will arrive in the App Store sometime this winter. Gamers can race as Sonic or one of a host of legendary Sega characters across land, sea, and air. Along with a reimagined World Tour, the game will also sport four player local and online races.
Also arriving this winter, Demon Tribe is set in a dark fantasy world facing the threat of a demon infestation. Blending card collecting, action RPG, and multiplayer online battle arena, gamers will need to capture and fuse demons to build the ultimate team.
Finally, landing in the App Store early next year, Rhythm Thief & the Paris Caper is touted as a rhythmic adventure that sees Raphael, and his faithful canine companion Fondue, investigate his fathers strange disappearance.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Leads A Lineup Of New Sega iOS Games is a story by
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