
Advontemedia has launched a digital edition platform solution called VERTIQUL.™ The solution for magazine publishers and digital content marketers allows publishers to display magazine and marketing publications in a responsive vertical designed format.

Murrieta, California, USA – Advontemedia has launched a new vertical magazine edition publishing service for print and digital magazine publishers. The company started in 2009 to focus on publication web design and digital strategies and now works with startup, independent, and group magazine publishing clients to create modern magazine website designs with online revenue strategies. The firm’s digital publishing consultants understand the unique challenges and opportunities for publishers seeking increased engagement of digital magazine editions for modern audiences. The company’s new digital edition platform VERTIQUL™ allows publisher clients to display responsive vertical editions custom designed from existing print magazine design assets.

The vertical orientation issue display format is accessible via browser on any mobile device and removes the cost and complexity of using multiple digital publishing software tools or the need for individual digital newsstand mobile apps. The format represents the logical evolution from the horizontal format “flip-book style” digital edition software tools that have always presented usability challenges and low engagement. The designed vertical magazine content flow editions allow for magazine publishers to present their content in a format that gives complete content velocity control via scroll and progression awareness from the VERTIQUL Progression Filmstrip to the reader. Issue progression feedback has always been a missing user experience element for digital magazine issue audiences utilizing traditional digital publishing conversion software platforms. Thumbnails and cover strips on the first generation digital magazine web based or app based UI (user interface) improved usability for progression feedback, but diminished the engagement of the reader with the uncluttered content experience.

Vertical screen orientation has become standard for tablets, smartphones, and touchscreen device mobile apps based on typical newsfeed and material design patterns. The vertical content experience is intuitive for magazine readers and online research for general vertical content viewing, as referenced in the 2015 KPCB Internet Trends report, vertical orientation is rising to 29% of viewing time since 2010 while horizontal declines.

Publishers are investing in their magazine website redesigns and digital publishing initiatives based on analytics of their own site visitors. Forbes Media cites 60% of Internet usage was via mobile devices in 2015. Magazine publishers can expect that by 2016 and certainly before 2020 the majority of their readership audiences will also be mobile and conditioned to the vertical content experience.

The publisher design services agency principal, David Blankenship stated, “Vertical UX has become the standard for digital content and is a logical orientation for sequenced linear designed periodical content”. He adds, “the deliverable digital periodic magazine brand content as the ‘Magazine Issue’ is critical to the future of the magazine media publishing industry. Organized and designed content conveys to audiences the expectation of journalistic standards that differentiate magazine media from other content distribution mediums and broadcast sources.”

The design firm has previously published several publishing industry focused definitions for specific print and digital edition formats. This definition encompasses the general magazine media industry as a modern definition for the Magazine where magazine printing and binding are not inclusive. The implicit clarification in the submitted definition is that a magazine can certainly be digitally derived and focused without the traditional brand extension label as a digital magazine or digital edition implies print as the cornerstone. The growth and near future of magazines and entire publishing industry will be primarily digitally based such that exception will be placed upon the novelty or brand extension value of a printed magazine edition. This new magazine definition demonstrates how the design firm’s publishing consultants believe digital magazines will become the default connotation for magazines.

The magazine digital edition has always been a digital publishing challenge due to complexity in presenting book page layout content online where it would be recognized as a magazine issue by it’s readership. Digital circulation audit also suppressed creativity for digital and linear compilation of innovative magazine content as measurement remained focused on delivery only and not issue audience engagement. Classification as print replica magazines and the actual email delivery notifications had little relevance to measuring the actual magazine issue engagement by digital readership. Media buyers will expect a higher level of visibility for their magazine advertising placements and vertical editions can deliver high level content engagements and direct ad engagement reporting. The designed advertising mix in the vertical magazines allows the publisher to control the balanced advertising and editorial linear experience without software driven ad zones and banner ads typical for website based ad content. Vertical magazine editions preserve the magazine advertising viewability and allow for direct ad creative conversion results.

For publisher websites the creative firm’s partnership begins with a digital strategy to identify the approach for new digital revenue and user experience that increases conversion for email newsletter opt-in or magazine subscriptions. Traditional print magazine audiences view the publisher website as the key niche destination for news, information, and community between periodic issues. The publisher website must be configured to work together with the publisher’s digital magazine or digital editions for today’s modern magazine media experience.


Advontemedia provides digital strategy, magazine website design, and modern digital magazine editions services to magazine publishers. The creative design agency focuses on the magazine audience user experience and maximization of advertising revenue. In addition to rapid recommendation engagements on digital publishing strategies for vertical editions and creative magazine web design improvements, the company also offers web development for publisher web CMS (content management systems) projects. For publisher website redesign and digital magazine solutions, focus is placed on new revenue while creating an engaged cross-platform UX that supports the consumer or trade magazine publishing business model.

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