Mumbai: Addressing the challenges as well as the opportunities in the Rs. 5,500 crore analytical instruments industry, the seventh edition of analytica Anacon India 2013 jointly organized byMesse München International (MMI) and Indian Analytical Instruments Association (IAIA),commenced today with an unprecedented number of industry professionals who visited the show. The three day event is being organised at the Bombay Convention and Exhibition Centre, Goregaon from 12th to 14th November, 2013. The event was inaugurated by Dr Niloufer Shroff; Scientist ‘G’ & HOD, EMCD & Photonics Cell, DeitY, Government of India; Mr. Michael Siebert, Honourable Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany; Mr. K.V. Venugopalan, President, Indian Analytical Instruments Associaiton; Mr. Chad Stark, Optical Society of America; Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitz, University Duisburg-Essen, Department of Applied Analytical Chemistry; Dr. S K Sarkar, President, India Laser Association; Dr. Martin Lechner, Director of Business Unit New Technology, Munich Trade Fairs International; Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders, Chairman, Advisory Board – LWOP; Dr. Bishnu Pal, President, Optical Society of India.
Speaking on the contribution of Indian analytical industry to the overall growth of the economy, Mr. K V Venugopalan, President, Indian Analytical Instruments Association, said, “The Indian analytical instrument market including consumables and spares is estimated at around $1 billion with a growth rate of above 10 per cent. This along with the rising demand and developments in food safety and pharmaceuticals production will help the industry grow at a steady pace. There is high dependence on import of technologies for research and at times they are not easily available for various commercial or legal reasons. The time has come to focus on developing cutting edge technologies and instruments in India that will give us advantage in the coming decades. Considering all the aspects, participating in analytica Anacon will give you maximum returns on investment and will be a worthwhile investment.” analytica Anacon India is attracting visitors from various domains like, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Petrochemical, Health Care, Food, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Medical Laboratory, Medicine, Universities and Research Institutes. Offering potential to revolutionize other growing industries, the event is witnessing participation from a broad range of leading local, national and international analytical instrument manufacturers and distributors.
This edition of the event is witnessing an impressive line-up of over 105 exhibitors from the instrumentation industry, like Waters India, Agilient Technologies, Bruker AXS Analytical Instruments Pvt Ltd, Metrohm India Limited, GCE India Pvt Limited, S.V.Scientific, TA Instruments, LCGC Chrom Consumables LLP, Labcon, Marsap, Contech Instruments, Borosil, Inkarp Instruments, Eppendorf, Phenomenex India, Vishva Protech, Genedirex, Skytech Systems, Medispec Instruments, Merck Millipore and many more. Next to German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) as well as the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) supporting German group participation, the event also has international country pavilions from China and Japan.
The event, spiced by extensive conference programs, is one-of-its-kind platform for exchange of knowledge and ideas in this niche sector. Addressing various concerns in instrumentations industry, the analytica Anacon India Conference with the topic “Research & Regulations: Challenges for the Pharmaceutical, Life Science and Food Industries” was presided by industry leaders as well as international speakers from the science, giving expert insights into the latest research developments in the analysis, chromatography, biotechnology and life-science sectors. The program was organized by the IAIA and Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitz (University Duisburg-Essen, Dept. Applied Analytical Chemistry).
Mr. Bhupinder Singh, Deputy CEO, Messe München International India, said, “analytica Anacon India 2013 has been successful in bringing a new momentum to Research, Business and Technology of analytical instruments in India. The event has consistently showcased top manufacturers and suppliers of analytical instruments form all over the world. With a strong focus on innovation, this specialized event provides a platform for key professionals from around the world to link to the exciting Indian market.”
With a grandeur closing in the year 2013, the event is looking forward to its next edition in 12 – 14th November 2014.
Source : Lokesh Shastri