
If you have reached a decision that your business needs a site, it is good to ensure that the web hosting provider you select will offer you a site that is not only secure, but also reliable. In order to maintain the reputation of your business and boost its growth, both security and reliability are very crucial. The following are features that you should ensure they are offered by the web hosting service you select.

1. The defense the provider offers:

All web hosting reviews hold that a perfect and reliable web host will provide more than just your general run of the mill defense. An effective host will offer several web defense applications in addition to the common applications such as antivirus, anti spam software and firewall. It is good to check whether the web host provides denial of (DoS) defense or intrusion prevention systems (IPS).

2. Does the host Offer secure FTP:

Another ways of ensuring your site is safe is to make sure that the web host you select provides secure FTP, which is more that the common regular file transfer protocol. For instance, in the usual FTP, a password is sent in clear text while in secure FTP vital data is encrypted.

3. Check for socket layers that offer maximum security:

Safe socket layers are very crucial for security maintenance. This provides an extra safe way to connect with your visitors. Most of that socket layers should be the most basic things that you need to check when deciding the web host to hire.

4. The amount of bandwidth offered:

While security ought to be at the top of priorities you have, reliability should come second. One of the ways to make sure that you have a website that can be relied upon by your prospects is to ensure that you are being provided with enough bandwidth. Many of the good hosts will offer you an unlimited package and if this is not the case, the next thing is 500GB each month. If you get less than this, then you should expect to get less than the average traffic to your site.

5. Check whether customer service is offered:

A site that is reliable must have reliable customer service. This is because more often your site will experience some complications or difficulties thus will require customer service from your web host provider. It is good to note that website problems can happen any time of the day or night. These problems can have negative effects to your business, meaning that customer support must be available when needed any day. You also need to ensure that the support is offered instantly to minimize such effects.

6. What is the amount of the uptime promised:
A good site should have a 99 per cent of promised uptime. When doing research on web hosts and reading the web reviews search and find out whether there are frequent problems. If website is down in most of the times, you have to look for another web host option.

Having a site is key to your business success in the modern days. However, it is good to note that it is not good to just get the cheapest and easiest options because such host might not be reliable for the success of your business. It is also worth noting that when it comes to the success of your website, reliability and security are very crucial. By just spending some times to carry out some research and spend just twenty dollars a month, you can be able to find a web host that will offer the security and reliability you require in a website.

Author Bio- This post has been written by Lisa Holland. She loves to write about Web Hosting. She recommends websitehostreviewed.com for providing best WebHostingHub reviews.

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