
Jesuit trained murderer of tens of millions of his own people. Vladamir Lenin


Eric Dubay, the self-proclaimed father of the Flat Earth modern movement, just published an extensive call out on You Tube on the Freemasons in creating the Heliocentric model in Astronomy, NASA and their Solar Cult allegiance.

Yet, through his 27 minute expose, he mindlessly omits the fact that he comes from a Freemasonic family!  He acknowledges that his Great Uncle was a 32 degree Freemason, yet conveniently omits this admitted fact from his new doc/video below.



Eric Dubay Bullshit? For everyone reading this, James Mays is my great uncle who is a Freemason whom I’ve talked about before. What’s bullshit uncle Freemason Jim? You know what’s bullshit? You lying about the Two-Ball-Cane (Tubal-Cain) 007 Freemason pin you used to wear when my Dad asked you about it. That’s bullshit. I remember that incident clear as day when I asked you about it and you’re claiming I’m a “bullshitter?” Man up and say something more than just “bullshit” uncle Freemason. What’s bullshit?
Eric Dubay’s photo.
7 hrs · Edited · Like · 19

Eric Dubay Ring any bells bullshitter?
18 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview


The Jesuit Superior General, the Black Pope, not only controls his powerful Jesuit Order, but also controls the powerful Knights of Malta, top-level Knights of Columbus, and the top-levels of Freemasonry.

Through his control of the top levels of Secret Societies (especially Knights of Malta and high-level Freemasons), he controls the top intelligence agencies of the world.

– Darryl Eberhart (2005; Editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics” and “Examining the Tough Issues” newsletters – Please see web site: http://www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net.)


“It’s easier to fool someone than to be deceived by these Masons…” ~ Coadjutator? Eric Dubay

Et Tu, Mr. Dubay???

How can someone do such in depth research, yet omit the overpowering  role of the Jesuits behind the scenes for 500 years…or even mention Jesuits in any depth in his in depth expose on Freemasons???  hmm.

His only comment on a piece that I did and submitted to IFERS by a member about the connections to Jesuits in the 500 year Flat Earth Conspiracy was to say it “is a many headed Hydra”, yet IFERS bash Jews incessantly.

The Order (of Jesuits) controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatikan Treasury (1830).” Eric Jon Phelps, „Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90.

(~ Ed. Disclosure, Mr. Phelps is a racist and though his research appears sound and reliable)

Jesuits 1890 – Masters of Jewish Elite – Created Zionist Tool:

Jews have have, and are, being used as whipping boys to hide the Jesuit powers. Yet you will never hear about any of this at IFERS or on his blog, Atlantean Conspiracy, or in his books. Hmm.

This recent post details and chronicles the majority of Astronomers, who Globalists rely on today for their “science”, yet is not even discussed or mentioned in his recent video.  hmmm.

Chronology of 500 Year Jesuit Deception and Flat Earth

Eric Dubay’s Latest Video Outing Freemasons and their connection to NASA and Solar Occult Worship.

It’s the Jesuits, Mr. IFERS!

not the Hofjuden Jews,

not the Freemasons,

not NASA

That Jesuits controlled Hitler (through Himmler), just like Obama is “handled” by Jesuit Coadjutor, Joseph Biden, and Stalin was a Jesuit handled by

Also, the lead “candidates” for U.S. Presidency in 2016….Jesuits!

Next President? Jesuit or Jesuit? You Choose Amerika?!?

Please educate yourself, Mr. Dubay, et. al.


10 Things You Must Know About the Jesuits


Is this how a Flat Earth promoter should be presenting themselves as authoritative and credible?

Mr. Dubay, and his vicious henchmen admin’s on IFERS do not promote open Flat Earth debate and discussion to the detriment of the rapidly growing Flat Earth Movement.

They continue to refuse to allow other Flat Earth Researchers credit or even posts on their now past prime forum. Yet no matter, the Flat Earth movement grows and grows with or without his significant contributions to date.

This is the reason I became the first member of IFERS to resign in disgust of their betrayal to their headline Mission Statement…”Flat Earth Researcher”.


Hofjuden Jews server the Jesuits and Roman Catholic popery.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges. They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews’ badge. They were permitted to stay wherever the emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed.


Hofjuden (“Jews of the Court” or “Palace Jews”) was written for Streicher by Peter Deeg and sought to trace the influence of Palace Jews (Jews employed by the Royal Courts) in the monarchies of Europe from the Middle Ages through World War I

Streicher intended it to be the first of several volumes examining the questions of, “Jews, Jewish Criminals, and Jewish Law in Germany Throughout History.”

Hofjuden (pronounced hOf-youden) was begun by Deeg in 1936 and completed in time for a very proud Julius Streicher to present a copy to German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in the fall of 1938.


(German: Court Jews) – term applied from the 16th century to Jewish bankers and merchants active at the courts of German feudal rulers. They were placed under special care, were not subjected to state jurisdiction or, in case a Jewish Council existed at their place of residence, to Rabbinate Courts. Amongst most prominent dynasties of Hofjuden were: descendants of S. Oppenheimer and S. Wertheimer, the Eskeles, the Arnstein families and the Pereira family from Vienna, as well as the Gomperz family of the Hohenzollern court.



In the early modern period, a court Jew or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor) was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including in some cases being granted noble status. Court Jews were needed because usury did not apply to them, whereas it did to Christians.

Examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged in the High Middle Ages, when the royalty, the nobility, and the church borrowed money from money changers—among the most notable are Aaron of Lincoln and Vivelin of Strasbourg—or employed them as financiers. Jewish financiers could use their family connections, and connections between each other, to provide their sponsors with, among other things, finance, food, arms, ammunition, gold, and precious metals.[citation needed]

The rise of the absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought numbers of Jews, mostly of Ashkenazi origin, into the position of negotiating loans for the various courts. They could amass personal fortunes and gain political and social influence. However, the court Jew had social connections and influence in the Christian world mainly through the Christian nobility and church. Due to the precarious position of Jews, some nobles could ignore their debts. If the sponsoring noble died, his Jewish financier could face exile or execution. The most famous example of this process occurred in Württemberg, when—after the death of his sponsor Charles Alexander in 1737—Joseph Süß Oppenheimer was put on trial and finally executed.[1] In an effort to avoid such fate, some court bankers in the late 18th century—such as Samuel Bleichröder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, or Aron Elias Seligmann—successfully detached their businesses from these courts and established what eventually developed into full-fledged banks.

Prohibited from nearly every other trade, Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans, since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, the majority of the European Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations, and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[2][3] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents, causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[4] By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[5] However, despite this economic prosperity, the community was not safe: religious hostility increased to the extent that it manifested itself in the form of massacres and expulsions, culminating in the repetitive expulsion of all Jews from various parts of Western Europe in the late medieval period.

By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts. Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as “Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan”, became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, not only trading with the Fuggers and Imhoffs, but also with the nobility and the Church.[9] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca. On the dawn of Mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[10] Not always on account of their learning or their force of character did these Jews rise to positions close to the rulers: they were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges. They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews’ badge. They were permitted to stay wherever the emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed.

Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors. These roles built up a long standing enmity between Jews and Christians, the results of which had far-reaching consequences in the history of European Jews.

The last actual court Jews were Israel Jacobson, court agent of Brunswick, and Wolf Breidenbach, factor to the Elector of Hesse, both of whom occupy honorable positions in the history of the Jews.

Examples of court Jews

In rough chronological order:

Abraham Senior (1412-1493)

Isaac Abrabanel (1437–1508), financier for Portuguese and Spanish courts[11]

Sir Edward Brampton (c. 1440–1508), a godson of King Edward IV, he was made the Governor of Guernsey[12]

Abraham Zacuto (c. 1450 – c. 1510)

Moses and Rachel Fishel of Kraków, court Jews during the reign of John I Albert of Poland; Rachel was lady-in-waiting of the Queen Mother Elizabeth

Josel of Rosheim; de (1476–1554)[13]

Mordecai Meisel (Miška Marek Meisel) (1528–1601)[14]

Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg (a noble) (1580–1634)[15]

Chajim Fürst, (1592–1653), court agent in Hamburg, elder of the Jewish community in Hamburg, richest Jew in Hamburg.

Moses Israel Fürst, (1617–1692), court agent in Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Leffmann Behrends (Liepmann Cohen) of Hanover (c. 1630–1714)[16]

Samuel Oppenheimer (1635–1703), military supplier for the Holy Roman Emperor.[17]

David Cohen, Count of Larvotto (1628-1704), financier & advisor for Louis I, Prince of Monaco

Samson Wertheimer (1658–1724), Austrian financier, chief rabbi of Hungary and Moravia, and rabbi of Eisenstadt[18]

Issachar Berend Lehmann; de (1661–1730)

Baron Peter Shafirov (1670–1739), vice-chancellor of Russia, under Peter the Great

Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698–1738), financier for Charles Alexander, Duke of Württemberg

Aaron Beer († 1740) of Aurich and Frankfurt

Löw Sinzheim (c. 1675 – 1744), court purveyor of Mainz[19][20]

Israel Edler von Hönigsberg, (1724–1789), court agent and lessee of the tobacco monopoly from the Habsburgs. “Bankaldirektor” for Joseph II. First Austrian Jew to be ennobled without converting to Christianity (1789).[21]

Joachim Edler von Popper (1720–1795), court agent and lessee of the tobacco monopoly from the Habsburgs. Second Austrian Jew to be ennobled without needing to be converted (1790).[22]

Daniel Itzig (1723–1799), a court Jew of Frederick II the Great and Frederick William II of Prussia.

Raphael Kaulla († 1810) and “Madame Kaulla” (1739–1809)

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), “court factor” for William I, Elector of Hesse

Israel Jacobson (1768–1828), philanthropist and reformer, court agent of Brunswick.[23]

Wolf Breidenbach (1751–1829), factor to the Elector of Hesse, father of Moritz Wilhelm August Breidenbach

Bernhard von Eskeles (1753–1839), a court Jew of Joseph II and Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire and I of Austria

Roman quotes against jews  https://pepehateme.wordpress.com/2014/06/23/the-hofjuden-court-jews-have-been-serving-caesar-for-centuries/



In the West. the prime cutout for Dope, Incorporated is the Zionist Lobby.

This cutout begins at the top with the cohesive grouping of Hofjuden (“Court Jews”) who serve the British monarchy as loyal. wholly owned servants. These families, whom we will meet by name, have a centuries-long tradition of attaching themselves to the predominant noble houses of Europe, providing indispensable services as tax-farmers and errand boys for the Pope266 DOPE, INC.

The types of missions that the aristocrats would prefer to plan out not get caught in carrying out. Many of these Hofjuden families migrated from Amsterdam to Britain after the “Glorious Revolution” (1688), which brought the Dutch House of Orange onto the British throne in alliance with the most bucolic, feudalist landed gentry of the Isles.

That Anglo­Dutch merger of the late 17th century turned Britain into the most powerful center of the European oligarchical faction – a status it has maintained for three centuries. For these Hofjuden families, the relocation to Britain marked no shift in allegiance; they have functioned as servants for the oligarchical system, not for specific houses.

Several of the Hofjuden families who converged on London during the 17th and 18th centuries had· served the Genoese bankers in their takeover of Holland, had anticipated in the Dutch East India Company’s first expeditions in opium trade, and had collaborated over the centuries with the British esuits against European humanist forces.

The Hofjuden should not be confused with the Jewish people. In much the same way that one would not condemn an entire nation for the crimes committed by its most deranged citizens, one cannot condemn the entire Jewish people for the centuries of crime committed by the Hofjuden. The only relationship the Hofjuden have had to Jewry is that of persecutors and tormentors. As the clandestine operations bureau for the oligarchy, they quickly learned that they could augment their capabilities tremendously by subjecting Jews to waves of persecutions and then recruiting terrorized Jews into Zionist organizations that had as their obstensible aim the “survival” of Jewry! In street parlance, the Hofjuden have run a six-century·long protection ­extortion racket against the Jewish people -to the overall effect of building up a sizable “Zionist” network at the disposal of British Secret Intelligence.

This traditional relationship to Jewry was carried to its lawful conclusion in the 20th century when the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, Schroeders, and other Hofjuden became the leading financial backers of Adolf Hitler.

One of the greatest benefits that the Hofjuden gained by their complicity in Hitler’s genocide of the East European population was that they could henceforth hide behind the memory of the 267 ORGANIZED CRIME awesome fate of millions of Jews and conduct the filthiest sorts of operations -from drug-running to terrorism to genocide against Arab and related populations -without being exposed for these crimes against humanity.

Whenever any critic attempted to expose these crimes, he was quickly assaulted as a “Nazi.” a “fascist.” or an “anti-Semite.” It is neither unrelated nor coincidental that these Zionist Hofjuden were delegated the role of cutouts between the inner circles of the British nobility and the filthiest gutters of organized crime. Even within the Hofjuden. we encounter two levels: one is the centuries-old families (the Hofjuden “elite”) who rub shoulders with and are intermarried with the nobility; and the second. the “initiates” -“chosen” by the Hofjuden elite to be the drug-runners. the bootleggers. the murderers. and extortionists – who themselves hope that by slavishly serving the British oli­garchy they will be placed among the ranks of the Zionist “respectables”.

” Within the first category. we find such “respectable houses” as these:

The Montefiores trace their origin as “special operations” experts for the European oligarchy to the 13th century in Spain, when they ran errands as tax farmers and Inquisitors for their masters, the Genoese. The Montefiores later moved to Holland to help found the Dutch East India Company and the Bank of Holland. After the Stuart Restoration of the mid-17th century, the Montefiores moved to England where they helped establish the Bank of England and the British East India Company.

Under Sir Moses Montefiore. the family collaborated with Lord Palmerston and Prime Minister Disraeli in the founding of the present-day Zionist “movement.”

The Goldsmidchts and Mocattas have been the leading bullion merchants for the royal family of England since the Stuart Restoration, predating the founding of the Bank of England. As we have seen, both families conduct a significant portion of the black marketeering in precious metals for the Hong Kong drug traffic.

The Oppenheimers control a large portion of the diamond and gold mining in South Africa and are interlocked with the 268 DOPE, INC. HongShang Bank to provide yet another means of exchange for drug transactions.

The Canadian de Hirsch family bankrolled much of the Jewish migration from Eastern Europe to Canada and is still a bank­roller of Zionist organizations.

The Sassoons were the first Hofjuden family to concentrate their resources primarily in opium production. Known as the “Rothschilds of the East,” they settled in India at the beginning of the 18th century. The Sassoons relocated in 1949 to the Carib­bean where they established themselves on the ground floor of casino gambling and unregulated offshore banking.

The Rothschilds began their fortune in Hesse-Cassel, Germany by supplying Hessian mercenaries to the Hanoverian King George III of Britain against the American colonies. They are “johnny-come-Iatelys” to the Hofjuden circle, having only seriously gained a place in the oligarchical court with the Treaty of Vienna in 1815.

From that point, however, the Rothschilds have expended considerable resources toward the subversion of the American republic; they maintain an “investment” presence in Dope. Incorporated.

Immediately below the Hofjuden elite are those “initiate” families selected and sponsored to run the criminal underworld and its “legitimate” front organizations. Into this category falls the powerful Bronfman family of Canada. the Hong Kong of North America. By all accounts one of the richest families in the world, the Bronfmans are a sterling example of a family hand­picked and raised out of the gutter to become some of the best paid crooks in the world. A Bronfman illegal loan of $350.000 to the Campaign to Re-Elect Hugh Carey as Governor of New York recently caused a public outcry, but as the story we now tell shows, the Bronfmans themselves are owned and operated by the British banking elite of Dope, Incorporated.


The complex position of Court Jews is suggested in a single object in the show’s first gallery. It is a small amulet given by Mordecai Meisel (1528-1601) to Rudolf II. Made of gold, enamel and precious stones, it is an extravagantly beautiful gift from a subject to his lord, yet it bears the engraved image of a seven-branch menorah, and its dedication to the ”eternally powerful” Emperor Rudolf is in Hebrew.

Through such offerings and loyal service, Jews gained not only immunity from the law (they were exempt from the Christian proscription against usury), but also access to wealth, to social position and to cities — Vienna, Berlin — from which they had long been excluded. Although initially only the Court Jews themselves were permitted to take up residence, communities were gradually formed and synagogues established.

Many of the show’s most lavish objects were created for these houses of worship. One is a silver Torah ark cast in Vienna around 1700. Another is a silk curtain, densely embroidered with floral designs, commissioned for a synagogue in 1723-24 by the daughter of Behrend Lehmann, one of the most prominent Court Jews of the 18th century.

Lehmann and other Court Jews of comparable rank — Samuel Oppenheimer, Samson Wertheimer, Leffmann Behrens, Daniel Itzig and Mayer Amschel Rothschild — were complex public figures. They were both aggressive entrepreneurs who emulated the lives of the court elite and philanthropists ever mindful of their duty to the Jewish community.

Alexander David (1686-1765), the Court Jew in Braunschweig, Germany, amassed a group of exquisitely wrought objects very much on the lines of a royal treasure cabinet. But his collection consisted entirely of Judaica, and, bequeathed at his death to a city synagogue, amounted to the world’s first Jewish museum.

David’s career was relatively quiet, but for many Jews life at court held dangers, as is clear in the case of Joseph Oppenheimer (1698/9-1738), known as ”Jud Suss.” Employed by Karl Alexander, Duke of Wurttemberg, Germany, he was both professionally brilliant and personally indiscreet. When the Duke died in 1737, Oppenheimer was arrested, tried on charges of abusing his office and keeping Christian mistresses, and promptly hanged.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1773-1855), who rose from the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt, was among the last of them, and in terms of wealth, social standing and generational longevity, one of the most successful.

The exhibition ends, with a great flourish, in a room of wonderful Rothschild family portraits. Mayer Amschel is here, as are his five sons who, in the new Industrial Age, set the paradigm for modern international banking. Four of them established branches of the family business throughout Europe, while a fifth kept the home fires burning on the Judengasse in Frankfurt.

A popular French print titled ”Museum of Horrors” displayed nearby depicts her son Nathan Mayer, who had lent money to the English during the Napoleonic wars, as a dog with a hook-nosed human face digging gold coins from a grave marked ”Waterloo.”

Like Gutele, the Rothschilds, even after their absorption into the European aristocracy, remained conscious of their ghetto roots. And those roots subtly underlie even the grandest objects in this show.

So it makes some sense, after spending time with the Rothschilds on Fifth Avenue, to take a September stroll farther downtown, where New York’s Jewish communities began. The tiny, early-19th-century Sephardic cemetery tucked between buildings on West 11th Street in Greenwich Village, for example, was already there when the Rothschilds’ ascent in Europe was new. Its thin stones are few and its grounds dark and narrow, but it speaks of beginnings and endings that few of the Court Jews ever forgot.

”From Court Jews to the Rothschilds: Art, Patronage and Power 1600-1800” remains at the Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue, at 92d Street, through Jan. 19.



Please remember folks that the Roman power directly over Jerusalem and the Middle East is via their powerful ancient arm known as the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.  Now remember how Jesuit-trained, Knight of Malta, Juan Carlos of Spain is also within the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.  Jesuit-trained Szymon Perski [Shimon Peres], the Vatican assassin, is a loyal Hofjuden Sabbatean Frankist controlled fully by the Papacy and its shadow ruler, the Zoroastrianist Papal Nobility, Arcana Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis and its Society of Jesus.  Israel is controlled by the order stated above and also the next-in-line Knights of Malta, another ancient crusading order of old.  In the lower-down power structure you’ll see how Roman, Westminster controls Israel via The Institute for Jewish Policy Research and of course their U.S. arm, the Council On Foreign Relations.  If you want to study some very powerful beings in this country called “Israel” then I suggest you study both Pierbattista Pizzaballa and Fouad Twal.”



Jesuits once known as the Company of Scion (Zion)

1B Committee of 300, Rothschilds, Opus Dei, P2

Rothschilds, keepers of the Vatican Treasury


when the SMOM got taken over by the Jesuits

A force of over 30,000 Frenchman which had sailed from Toulon, Corsica, Genoa, and Civitta Vecchia arrived off of Malta on 9 June.[6]  The majority of the roughly 300 knights were elderly, which resulted in a poor defense of the island.[7]  Also, the local militias were poorly trained and terrified at the prospect of engaging the French.  Napoleon wasted little time once his fleet arrived off of the island.  Two brigades commanded by future marshals Marmont and Lannes under General Charles Henri Vaubois landed near Valetta, the capital of the island.  Vaubois’ column quickly dispersed the Regiment of Malta, who retreated towards Valetta.  Meanwhile, General Louis Charles Desaix landed and defeated another body of Maltese troops.  A third column under General Jean Louis Ebénézer Reynier captured the neighboring island of Gozo after he promised to do the locals no harm.[8]

The arrival of the French caused widespread panic in the streets of Valetta.  Several knights were killed by a mob after rumors had spread of the island’s surrender.  As all of this chaos raged within the walls of the city, the Grand Master remained indecisively in his palace.[9]  Finally, the knights came to terms on 11 June, surrendering the island to the French.[10]  The Order’s tenure on the island had met a dishonorable end

Pallavacini family financed French Revolution.

Given control of the Vatican after the 11th century.

Names the names in the British Nobles families that, allegedly, ultimately call the shots as well as their tools around the world, mostly tightly-knit ethic minorities, including Sicilians (mafia), Jews (mafia), Ch’ao Chou Chinese, etc. Presents very signifcant data debunking the “Jewish Conspiracy” theory so common in “conspiracy research” circles, showing the infamous “Jewish villains” of conspiracy lore, the Rothschilds, Warburg, Schiffs, Bronfmans, etc., to be “Hofjuden” or “House Jews” of the British Crown. The rise of the Bronfmans from Prohibition Era rum runners to high society leaders of Zionism and International Finance, sporting Knighthoods awarded by Queen Elizabeth II, is very instructive in this regard.  Dope inc.

False Messiahs: Zabeti Zevi 17th cen.,Jacobean Frank 18th

The New Pope Francis I is a High Level 4th Vow Jesuit Provincial – serving the Black Pope – http://blogdogcicle.blogspot.ca/2013/03/the-new-pope-francis-i-is-high-level.html

Jesuits, Illuminati, The Black Pope – http://blogdogcicle.blogspot.ca/p/jesuits-illuminati-black-pope_14.html


THE BRITISH CROWN = Jesuit Controlled since King George III 1773- http://blogdogcicle.blogspot.ca/2013/03/the-british-crown-jesuit-controlled.html

New Pope in Jesuit Order – A secret society older than the Illuminati or Templar Knights – Scripted Armagedon Looms Large – http://blogdogcicle.blogspot.ca/2013/03/new-pope-in-jesuit-order-secret-society.html

The High Jesuits control The Masonic Muslim Leaders of The Middle east


The High level Sunni Muslims have all the oil and Money and are close with the papacy , Mekka and Turkey are both controlled by The Jesuit order , The Muslim brotherhood is controlled by The Knight of Malta Palavincini’s through The Masonic High Council of Egypt and The Knight of Malta controlled CIA……….

In 1773 “Infallible” Pope Clement the 14th banned the Jesuit Order by a perpetual decree due to public outcries against the Jesuit ORDO AB CHAO method of causing false flag terror, political unrest, assassinations, etc.Anyone old enough to remember 9-11-01, should relate..same Order, same supheric odor.The following Pope who succeeded the poisoned one, signed a guarantee that the Jesuits would never be banned again. Therefore the Jesuits have ruled the Vatican and over Protestant Seminaries since then “the Jesuit Order it was banned and suppressed in 1773 by a Papal decree” Now we all know why the Jesuits were being suppressed and banned in more then 80 countries and why the Bavarian Illuminati was created and why all these Pope serving Jews (Like The SMOM Roth-Schilds (Red-Shields)) have risen to places of power , we could say the answer to all these Papal Illuminati Court Jews (hofjuden) is 1773 , they are ALL controlled by The Jesuits. So that’s how The Jesuit Order took over the Papacy (Papal (Ptolemaic) Bloodlines – Council of 10) in 1814 by a Papal Bull ! And That’s how we find so many Masonic labour zionist in places of power…..as a front to hide the Jesuits until this very day ! Their appearance is of Priests but infact they are behind the whole NWO agenda and worked on it for at least 500 years ! Make no mistake people , true history does not lie , they are spreading many lies about this history accross the web , to try and destroy the truth. The Brittish Crown is Jesuit Controlled since King George III , They controlled The House of Stuart before that but were banned by The Protestants. The Head of The Dragon: The current Dictators of The world are Hans Peter Kolvenbach (still active) and Adolpho Nicholas The New Jesuit Superior General since 2008 adviced by The Papal Bloodlines The Council of 10 (The Arcane Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis) , Pope Benedict XVI was Jesuit trained many years before he became Pope and he grew up in The Hitler Youth.

The Jesuit and SMOM invasion of Iraq by George Bush was nothing else then a crusade and an inquisition on Shia Islam discrediting christianity ans slaughering Shia Muslims of whom the papacy knows that they will oppose the Vatican , Iraq expelled the Jesuits in 1969 , this was paybacktime

Protocols of Zion


timed for the rise of communism and the Baltics. Allowed Jesuits back into France

Created in 1492!!

protocols of the elders of bourg (same as Protocol os Zion)



In 1978, in their secret

Conclave, the Cardinals selected another Italian to be Pope, John Paul

1st. But, soon it became evident from a geopolitical and religious

standpoint, they most likely made a wrong selection.

He soon enough let it be known that he was for modifying the Vatican

position of absolute prohibition for Catholics to use birth control. In

simple terms, he was against birthing more children than a couple could

financially take care of. It was a reasonable, humane position to


Furthermore, he was determined to put an end to the traditional Sicilian

and Italian Mafia, jointly with certain corrupt Archbishops, and the

American CIA, in using the Vatican Bank as a money laundry for stolen

gold treasuries, dope money, illicit weapons deals, assassination funds,

and superior counterfeit currency dealings, among other dirty, bloody


Some Italian editors dared demand that Pope John Paul 1st, do something

about the Continental Bank of Chicago, the majority owners jointly being

the Vatican and the Queen of England. The bank, some Italian editors

stated, was a laundry for the Mafia.

[As we dared point out publicly, the Chief Judge of the Chicago Federal

Appeals Court, Walter Cummings, Jr., was a “man of trust” for the

Vatican, and held a large block of shares, as nominee and front man for

the Pope. Judge Cummings, a banker-judge, did NOT disqualify himself

when his Continental Bank and their major clients were litigants in his

tribunal. Guess who won in his crooked Court?]

[As predicted accurately by this writer, Continental Bank collapsed in

1984 and was taken over later by Bank of America owned jointly by the

Jesuits and the Japanese underworld, the Yakuza.]

Thirty-three days after taking office, Pope John Paul 1st was poisoned

with a cup of tea. It was a symbolic warning and death warrant by the

Free Masons, the Jesuits, and Opus Dei, the super-fascist, super-secret

group (by 2005, Opus Dei occupying their own large building in New York


[More details of the plot against Pope John Paul 1st in the book “In

God’s Name” by David Yallop.]

Thereafter, the Vatican secret Conclave of Cardinals put together a

scheme, with the urging of the American CIA, to topple the Soviet



In his Inauguration speech in 1841, President William Henry Harrison directly angered the Jesuits. He dared confront the Jesuits and then Pope, by proclaiming:

“We admit of no government BY DIVINE RIGHT, believing that so far as power is concerned, the beneficent Creator has made no distinction among men; that all are on an equality, and that the only legitimate right to govern, is upon the expressed grant of power from the governed.”

(Emphasis added.)

Thirty-five days later, for the benefit if not actually aranged by the Jesuits and the British Monarchy, President Harrison was posioned to death.

All told, SEVEN U.S. PRESIDENTS were assassinated from 1841 to 1963, as orchestrated if not actually arranged by the Jesuits and the British Monarchy. four by gunfire, three by poisoning.

[Visit www.skolnicksreport.com and links on Home Page there, to extensive series, “Overthrow of the American Republic”.]

Seldom more publicly mentioned, is that over the last two centuries and more, various Jesuits and Popes have labeled the Declaration of Independence as “wickedness”, and that Popular Government, provided by the U.S. Constitution with its Bill of Rights is a “satanic instrument”.

Are we Americans heading for Nazi doctrines if not actually here already? It is documented beyond dispute, that Prescott S. Bush, Sr., father of George Herbert Walker Bush, and grandfather of George W. Bush, had instrumentally financed the rise of Adolf Hitler.The term Homeland Security is an anglocized version of the abbreviated German term Gestapo.

Adolf Hitler, 1933,, and George W. Bush, 2000, and repeated in 2004, were installed in the highest office of their nation by arbitrary and corrupt powers.

From Vatican Assassins Web Site:

The World System in 1963

“…the god of this world…” II Corinthians 4:4

Jean-Baptiste Janssens

Jesuit General

Giovanni Battista Montini

“Infallible” Pope Paul VI

Francis “Cardinal” Spellman
Archbishop of New York and Knight of Columbus

American “Military Vicar”

J. Peter Grace, CFR
Head, American Branch

of the Knights of Malta

Head, W.R. Grace & Co.

Sponsored “Operation Paperclip”
Military Industrial Complex

John A. McCone
Knight of Malta

Military Industrial Complex

Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Reinhard Gehlen
Knight of Malta

General, Nazi Intell

Betrays German Army

General, U.S. Army

Builds CIA

Trains Israel’s


James Jesus Angleton
Knight of Malta

OSS Officer in RomeNKVD / KGB Agent

Chief, Counterintelligence, CIA

Manned “Vatican Desk”, CIA

Manned “Israeli Desk”, CIA

Kim Philby
Knight of Malta

British SIS

Member of Jesuit Maly’s “Cambridge Spy Ring”



False Defectors

Blamed Castro & Oswald

William F. Buckley, Jr.
Knight of Malta

CFR / CIA Officer

“Skull & Bones” Member

Editor, National Review
Blamed Castro

Blamed Oswald

Clay Shaw
Knight of Malta

CIA Officer

Director, Intl. Trade Mart

New Orleans
Tried by Jim Garrison, 1969

Lee Harvey Oswald

False Defector to Russia

KGB/CIA Connection

“I’m Just a Patsy”

Murdered by Mafioso

Jack Ruby
Ruby imprisoned, murdered

Warren Commission

Gerald Ford, Congressman
Shriner Freemason

Cartha D. DeLoach, FBI
Knight of Malta

DeLoach aids Ford

Blames Oswald
The Great Jesuit Cover-up
1963 to the Present

Henry Luce
Knight of Malta

CFR / CIA Officer

“Skull & Bones” Member

Editor, Time / Life

Blamed Castro

Blamed Oswald

Howard Hunt
CIA Assassin

Proven to be in Dallas, Texas

on November 22, 1963

in Miami’s Federal District Court in
Hunt v. Liberty Lobby, 1985

Documented in Mark Lane’s
Plausible Denial, 1991

Charles Colson
Pro-Jesuit Protestant

Aids in Cover-up

Gordon Liddy
Fordham Jesuit-trained

Aids in Cover-up

Assassination of President Kennedy

Knight of Columbus
“Rebel” to the Pope, in attempting to destroy the Jesuit General’s CIA and end

“Spelly’s War” in Vietnam, and therefore was a “notorious tyrant”
whose assassination was lawful, according to the Jesuit Francisco Suarez

in his Defensio Catholicae Fidei.

“Vatican Assassins“, p. 39



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