
~ Hat Tip to Modern Gnostic


Satellites Don’t Exist

Arthur C. Clarke

The origins of satellites came from the mind of famous science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications.  Arthur C. Clarke was a high level Freemason as well as a homosexual and self-professed pedophile, throw in satanism and you’ve got a heck of a guy. Arthur C. Clarke was writing science fiction stories along with other notable sci-fi writers Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard. Arthur C. Clarke did initially claim to know Hubbard, however later he denied that statement and thought L. Ron Hubbard to be completely crazy. That link to Hubbard had to be broken, all out rebuke works well.

There is a seven year overlap between 1945 to 1952 when Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Arthur C. Clarke were all alive and were witness to the Science Fiction industry exploding into the eager minds of young people. I find the Roswell crash in July 1947 quite timely and it certainly propelled the interest in space to mania levels.Hollywood didn’t miss the cue since they’re owned by the Khazarian Rothschilds. Hollywood started cranking out sci-fi movies by the truckload. At the top of the Sci-Fi movie heap was the great undiscovered frontier — Space

The Khazarians saw an opportunity to make a ton of money by pushing the space meme. At some point a scheme was hatched to fake launch satellites into space for profit. NASA also became a tool to constantly remind humans of our insignificance in the boundless cosmic order. NASA has been beating the divinity out of us with pseudoscience, propaganda and spiritual delineation. In other words “control” Pre-NASA had accumulated and assimilated the intellectual property from Jack Parsons to the point where he was no longer needed or wanted.  Sputnik 1 was launched first in 1957 shocking fooling the world and Explorer 1 soon followed in 1958 the year NASA was created. NASA was also created to militarize space and the atmosphere below it, but why?

Simple, in order to conceal the deceptions of the Khazarian Mafia and their Freemason minions, the Khazarians needed to “secure” the perimeter and operate above any jurisdiction. All information above our heads skyward was now in the hands of NASA as the “official” source, in other words the propaganda machine was created. It’s laughable when you realize we’re solely reliant on just one source for all information regarding the cosmos–NASA. Along with the Controlled Major Mass Media NASA is free to dispense as much GGI/Pixar/Photshop fairy tales as fast as we can gobble them up. I guarantee the satanists of NASA have been laughing along time about their ruses, however they’re being exposed more than ever as incompetent pseudoscience degenerates when real scrutiny is applied.

Seemingly unrelated, in 1959 the Antarctic treaty was signed and is now totally off limits backed by military force. The North Pole is also militarized, though no formal multilateral agreement exists. Still any attempt to traverse either will result in immediate military expulsion and possible jail-time. To date no human has ever traversed Antarctica, EVER!! Think about that for a moment and consider the absurdity of it. There’s still a continent that has never been explored and we’re not allowed access to it! Why?

Satellite Composite What A Joke!

Even the treaty wiki page  uses a “satellite composite image of Antarctica, where’s the real photo?  Hold on now….NASA can somehow send a satellite to Ceres 257 million miles away without a hitch, but the deepest hole ever drilled is only 7.5 miles out of 3,959 miles to the center of the earth. The other 3,952.5 miles is unknown and pseudoscience fills in the blanks with no true hypothesis just blather. Man hasn’t even been to the bottom of his own ocean (Challenger Deep) So if we haven’t mastered our own domain how probable is it NASA  could send a probe 257 million miles to Ceres and retrieve such stunning images? Probability ZERO. The only real images of Ceres that exist reside where they were created, on the hard drives of NASA computers. We will return to the aspect of Antarctica a little later so consider it a seed that has been planted.

The Khazarian Mafia saw another opportunity to steal billions along with their fiat currency central bank thievery and debt-based slavery. That opportunity was satellites launched into orbit. They had their man Freemason Arthur C. Clarke waiting in the fold to ride shotgun, writing sci-fi genre as if it were science. He was a key piece in creating the exploding interest in space and the great mysteries of the cosmos.Clarke was the perfect asset that NASA needed, thus building on the occult foundation of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons,  L. Ron Hubbard and Walt Disney. Clarke’s sci-fi prowess elevated his fictional ideas as seemingly plausible and scientific. Behind the veil of NASA a symbolic baton was passed to Clarke who becomes the key to both the Apollo fraud and the ongoing satellite fraud.

How convenient it was that Clarke’s 2001 A Space Odyssey was made into a movie by Stanley  Kubrick in 1968 and the Apollo 11 moon landings were faked by Kubrick in 1969. One could surmise that 2001 A Space Odyssey was a “dry-run” prior to Apollo. It also smacks of predictive programming with a little MK-Ultra mixed in. 2001 A Space Odyssey was the primer for the Apollo hoax. Since we know from part 1 that the ISS is fake, than I posit that all satellites are illusory and don’t exist. The only thing that exists are the profit margins of the Khazarian Mafia. Satellites are pseudoscience and there is no credible evidence that they exist. No actual photos, no actual video footage, only CGI/Pixar/Photoshop satellites. The staunch evidence that satellites do not exist is paradoxically simple because there’s no credible proof they do exist.

People remark “yeah but I saw the International Space Station!.” Consider for a moment that what you saw was an inflatable replica. In WW2 the U.S. made wide use of inflatable tanks and rubber airplanes to deceive Hitler’s reconnaissance efforts.


William Cooper said “Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being discovered. And of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. No man has ever ascended much higher than 300 miles, if that high, above the Earth’s surface. At or under that altitude the astronauts are beneath the radiation of the Van Allen Belt and the Van Allen Belt shields them from the extreme radiation which permeates space. No man has ever orbited, landed on, or walked upon the moon in any publicly known space program.”

How many manned missions to a planetary body could they fake? Just enough to set the table for the real goal, thousands of fake satellites launched into space and big profit margins. This was a much safer and secure revenue stream for the Khazarians and having never returned to the moon makes the case.We’ll use the same method of financial investigation that was used in Part 1 to connect the Khazarian subsidiaries to NASA and back to Hollywood. Lets look at some of the companies involved in the Satellite sector. You want to look for four Khazarian Rothschild companies that are majority shareholders. Vanguard Group, State Street Corp., Fidelity and Black Rock. Go to investors.morningstar.com and put in the ticker symbol. Look for Equity Ownership/Institutions and you’ll see the same entities in control. As you’ll see, the are plenty of publicly held companies and a bevy of privately held contractors whose majority stakeholders could quite possibly be the Khazarians.

Why do I say that? As it turns out the Rothschilds are into the Venture Capital game, for example The Edmond De Rothschild Investment Partners. They can capitalize startups and have a major equity stake in them while adding another pawn to their chessboard. Also khazarian alliances such as the Rothschild Investment Partners and Global Corporate Partners can be forged to gobble-up smaller companies as vassals. Here is a telling quote from the press release;

“Gerald Rosenfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, said, “We believe the combination of Rothschild’s global relationships and Global Technology Partner’s access to and knowledge of the international defense and aerospace industry will create high level strategic advisory and investment opportunities. These opportunities will arise from the continued consolidation of second and third tier defense companies, the anticipated relationships that are forming among aerospace and defense companies on a cross border basis and GTP’s insight into defense markets and technologies.”

FYI, current Secretary Of Defense Ashton Carter is one of the original seven Global Technology Partners which pretty much sums it all-up. Read his corporate bio and realize he’s in bed with the Khazarians too. Below are a few examples of Satellite related companies that have Rothschild majority ownership.

Sample Of Satellite Majority Shareholders:

United Technologies, Intel Sat, DirecTV via ATT, Loral Space and Communications, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, Ball Aerospace and Technology Corp., Lockheed Martin, General Electric

Don’t forget as in Part 1 the same institutional majority shareholders of major Hollywood companies and subsidiaries such as Disney, Comcast, MGM, Time Warner, Dreamworks, Sony Entertaiment are Khazarian owned. Again, go to invest.morningstar.com and look-up these companies. Look for Vanguard Group, Fidelity, BlackRock LLC and State Street Corp. as majority shareholders, and thus Hollywood and The Controlled Major Mass Media become defacto propaganda machines for NASA. With the aquisition of Pixar by Disney in 2006 and Disney as a proven co-conspirator, we already have been subject to Pixar fakery as well.

If there are no satellites than how does GPS, Global Communications and other supposed space-based platforms really work?

LORAN tower station on Sand-Johnston

Island, 1963

APN-4 installed in a Royal Canadian

Air Force Canso (PBY) aircraft

The first is Land-based technologies. Land-based communications have been around along time and are still used today. Loran (long range navigation) was developed during World War Two with a range up to 1,500 miles. Towers like these were positioned to provide relatively seamless coverage for navigation. Towers positioned on islands would provide the necessary contact points for propagation at sea. The signal bounces off the ionosphere and creates a “Sky Wave” which in turn   creates the “Skip Distance” to the next tower. Remember, this technology is about 70 years old and incremental improvements in power, range and efficiency have been made since.

Sky Wave & Skip Distance

Thiis is a simple video on land-based communications and the capabilities of microwave transmission. Global Positioning Systems are based on cel-tower triangulation as Google kindly explains here and this accompanying video explains how it’s done.

Underwater High-Speed Cables

The next mode of propagating data is through undersea cable. As you can see on the map below, cables connect all the continents with redundancy. There’s an excellent website here that explains how undersea cable is laid and it also lists the advantages of cable versus satellites below.

Why don’t we use satellite communication instead:

1. Satellites aren’t used because they can’t carry terabytes of data for less than a billion dollars per communication line.

2. The bandwidth available using a single fiber optic cable and a laser beam is much much greater than you can get from a single satellite radio channel. This is due to the higher frequency and shorter wavelength of light compared to microwaves. The higher the frequency, the greater the bandwidth.

3. An undersea cable is a bundle many fiber optic cables. Consider each fiber cable as a channel. You can have more channels, each with a higher capacity, than you can build radio channels into a satellite.

4. The uplinks and downlinks cost  and putting the satellite in space is a huge huge ask and far more risky.

5.  The delay for satellite communications would be around 255ms both uplink and downlink. For continuous traffic this not to a bad price to pay. But for burst traffic (like voice) you pay for the delay at each pause. The Rule of Thumb is 10MS per 1000 miles so Rule of Thumb to Europe on say TAT-8 would be about 75MS vs 510MS for satellite.

6. Finally, you can fix a broken cable. Once you launch the satellite you don’t get a chance to fix it if it gets broke.

More Nails In “The Satellites Exist” Coffin

Besides land-based technologies, the real pig-in-the-poke that creates the illusion of Satellite utility are Light-Than-Air-Vehicles (LAV), High Altitude Airships (HAA) and High Altitude Platforms (HAP).

This updated concept of a proven technology takes lighter-than-air vehicles into a realm that gives users capabilities on par with satellites at a fraction of the cost (1 to 2 orders of magnitude less). The HAA will also integrate reconfigurable, multi-mission payload suites. HAA is significantly less costly to deploy and operate than other airborne platforms, and supports critical missions for defense, homeland security, and other civil applications. Its operational persistence eliminates the need for in-theater logistic support. In position, an airship would survey a 600-mile diameter area and millions of cubic miles of airspace.

-Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin has built more than 8,000 lighter-than-air platforms which is a pretty significant number for that fact alone. They also have a nifty brochure about LTA’s. Lighter Than Air Brochure

LTA’s are said to reach altitudes of 70,000 ft, but 100,000 ft and higher have been attained. They can stay aloft for months if not years, unmanned and controlled by ground based operators akin to drones. LTA’s also have the capability to maintain a geosynchronous position that satellites purport to do also. With the massive amount of money that NASA embezzles you can bet they’ve poured significant resources into developing these platforms. The more cost-efficient platforms, the bigger the profit margins are in NASA’s fake satellite deployments. It’s also important to remember that without the illusion of satellites and probes, NASA could not pretend to venture into the void of space to explore and reveal the wonders of the cosmos.

Here are some examples of LTA’s

HAA’s, LTA’s and HAP’s can take all shapes and certainly can be mis-perceived as satellites by the public. Besides High Altitude Airshsips there are HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance) stations or SPR (Stratospheric Platform Radios). As you can see from the list below there’s alot going on right above our noses. But the real beauty of the deception is hidden in plain sight. If we happen to spot various airships in the sky (even the Goodyear Blimp) we only know them as blimps, no big deal. In reality they can be providing all the capabilities that satellites allegedly provide and we’ve had no idea it was a trojan horse. Below are more proofs that the skies are more than likely crawling with these platforms.

High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)

Stratospheric Platform Radios


High Altitude Long Operation (HALO) is the name of network based on the piloted Proteus airplane (mentioned earlier). 11 The pilots will assure a continuous service in three eight hours shifts using two or more aircrafts. The transmission capacity of a single platform, initially of 10 Gbps, can grow up to 100 Gbps and beyond, serving the coverage area of 100 km diameter by more than 100 separate antenna beams. Consumers will be offered access to video, data and Internet at rates of 1…5 Mbps. A broadband radio link at 52 Mbps has been demonstrated in 1998. 12

Sky Station

Sky Station is the name of a solar-powered aerostatic HAP system planned by Sky Station International.13 Initially, ion engines were envisaged. A single platform will provide mobile and fixed telecommunication services to an area of 150…1000 km diameter using spot-bam antennas. The planned data rates are 2 Mbps uplink and 10 Mbps downlink in fixed services. For mobile applications, 16 kbps for voice and 384 for data are planned. The cost of a worldwide broadband infrastructure is estimated at $2.5 billion.


StratSat is a solar-powered aerostatic HAP system planned by Advanced Technology Group for civilian and military applications.14 When needed, the platform can be dispatched at distances of thousands of kilometres, from one region to another, and kept operational up to five years in the stratosphere. The platform could be kept quasi-stationary within a 1 km cube. The cost of calls from a mobile phone is expected to be an order of magnitude lower compared to satellite phone calls.


The Airborne Relay Communication (ARC) system is an aerostatic platform planned by Platforms Wireless International.15 It is designed to operate at sub-stratospheric altitudes of 3…10 km. Originally, it was designed for defence radar uses. Its communication version is to provide fixed and mobile broadband services to areas of 55 … 225 km diameter, servicing up to 1.5 million subscribers.


SkyTower is a solar-powered radio-controlled aerodyne platform planned by SkyTower Telecommunications.16 It is based on Helios airplane (mentioned earlier). The interactive network systems are being designed for the total throughput of 10…20 Gbps per platform (125 Mbps per user), with an average transmission speed of 1.5 Mbps. The company claims that the system, applied to solve the last-mile problem, will have over 1000 times the broadband local access capacity of a satellite (as measured in bit-per-second- per-square kilometre), a fraction of the cost of cable and DSL to deploy (as measured in dollars-per-subscriber) and to be capable of set up in days. In June-July 2002, the first HDTV and IMT-2000 transmission capabilities were successfully demonstrated, including video telephony using an off-the shelf handsets and Internet wireless modem at a speed of 384 kbps.


HeliPlat is the name of an unmanned solar-powered stratospheric platform developed in the framework of a European project. Its applications cover localisation, environmental monitoring and broadband communications. The project involves some ten partners from Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Hungary, and Switzerland. A number of interconnected HeliPlats will create a HeliNet, offering broadband fixed wireless access (BFWA) or local multipoint distribution services (LMDS). The services can include Internet, Intranet, e-mail, telephony, data, LAN, videoconferencing, video-on-demand, TV broadcast, etc. Burst data rates can be as high as 155 Mbps. The present design foresees up to about 120 cells, each served by a single horn antenna.17

Japanese HAPS

The Japanese project aims at an aerostat platform that will offer classic mobile, fixed, and broadcasting services and new terrestrial wireless interactive multimedia applications. Include will be multimedia mobile access (mobile handsets, personal mobile terminals), emergency access, business access, car access, ITS, train access, air access, maritime access, etc. The concept embraces relaying of digital television, direct newsgathering, local broadcasting, and many other applications. A network of five HAPS will cover almost the total Japanese territory with signal of arrival elevation angle above 5 degrees. For 10 degrees elevation angle, 16 stations will be needed. A similar UK project foresees six HAPS to cover the whole United Kingdom.18

Smaller specialized companies like ILC Dover work with NASA and DARPA on various platforms and support their development.

ILC Dover has been involved in the design and development of high-altitude airships since the early 1980s supporting development programs for the Navy and NASA. The subsequent growth of the cellular phone market generated renewed interest in the use of high-altitude airships as a means of providing economical coverage in developing countries. ILC has supported Lockheed Martin in the development of HAA vehicles including HALE-D (High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator). We are also supporting DARPA’s ISIS (Integrated Sensor is Structure) high altitude program.

Notice the Freemasonic use of the word ISIS!

Also companies like Near Space Corporation have other technologies such as (HASS) High Altitude Shuttle Systems, (SBS) Small Balloon Systems and (NBS) Nano Balloon Systems. HASS can reach altitudes of 100,000 ft and carry the HASS Shuttle as a payload.

If that’s not enough to cast doubt on the existence of satellites check out Project Loon by Google. Their motto is “Balloon Powered Internet For Everyone”

“Project Loon balloons float in the stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes and the weather. In the stratosphere, there are many layers of wind, and each layer of wind varies in direction and speed. Loon balloons go where they’re needed by rising or descending into a layer of wind blowing in the desired direction of travel. By partnering with Telecommunications companies to share cellular spectrum we’ve enabled people to connect to the balloon network directly from their phones and other LTE-enabled devices. The signal is then passed across the balloon network and back down to the global Internet on Earth,”

Four basic facts that NASA can’t or won’t explain.

1.  How Do Satellites Survive 4,000F + Degree Heat in Space? There are only seven elements on the periodic table that could withstand this heat and none have been used for satellites. Satellites allegedly mainly reside in the thermosphere where temperatures can soar to 4,000F + Degrees. Not plausible

2. Estimates seem to vary on the number of satellites in supposed orbit. The latest number to date is 1265 functioning satellites with as many as 370,000 pieces of space-junk whizzing around at speeds of up to 22,000 mph.  Click Here for the latest database of supposed satellites. This article in the Daily Mail had three points listed below. I find it odd that they report 22,000 objects can travel up to 22,000 mph. The odds those numbers are identical by chance is as likely as the sun being exactly 400 times larger and 400 times farther away to create the illusion it’s the identical size of the moon. 22 is considered an occult signature event number. Not Plausible.


There are around 22,000 objects in orbit that are big enough to track


Many are ‘space junk’ such as old rockets and abandoned satellites


It is estimated as many as 370,000 pieces of space junk are floating in Earth’s orbit, travelling at speeds of up to 22,000 mph

A German photographer, Michael Najjar, has created the below image to show just how serious a problem space debris has become.

The image above by German photographer Michael Najjar for the article allegedly shows the massive space junk problem. How was this picture taken and from what satellite? Obviously this CGI/Photoshop/Pixar image looks like it was done with an Etch-A-Sketch. Not Plausible

3. No “Real Pictures or Video” exists proving satellites are whizzing around the globe, not one! Think how preposterous it is that one of the other 1,264 satellites couldn’t snap a simple picture or shoot a few frames of video? We have no visual evidence of actual satellites, the only evidence offered are sophomoric Photoshop/CGI/ Pixar images. Space.com has posted How To Spot Satellites but conversely Universe Today says

“If we could see these satellites from Earth’s surface, they would appear to hang motionless in the sky. The fact that they remain over the geographic same area means they provide the perfect platform for telecommunications, broadcast or weather observations”

So which is it, can you see them or not? I never have. I now understand how extremely difficult it must be to take actual photos of other satellites and earth simply because Satellites do not exist!!  Not plausible

4. If the Van Allen Belts are so lethal (1,000 km to 60,000 km)

“Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors can be damaged by radiation. Geomagnetic storms occasionally damage electronic components on spacecraft. Miniaturization and digitization of electronics and logic circuits have made satellites more vulnerable to radiation”


As my research as indicated there are a plethora of platforms that can mimic satellite utility, so lets review.

1. Land-based technologies. Loran (long range navigation)

2. GPS uses Cel-tower triangulation not Satellites

3. High Altitude Airships (HAA)

4. High Altitude Platforms (HAP)

5. Lighter-than-air vehicles (LAV)

6. High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)

7. High Altitude Long Operation (HALO)

8. StratSat

9. Airborne Relay Communication (ARC)

10. HeliPlat which connects to the HeliNet System

11. High Altitude Shuttle System (HASS)

12. Small Balloon Systems (SBS)

13. Nano Balloon Systems (NBS)

14. Google Loon System

15. Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS)

16. High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator (HALE-D)

17 Undersea Cable

18. DARPA Integrated Sensor is Structure or ISIS

So as you see there are at least 18 platforms that can be used independently, in tandem or groups to provide all the services that satellites provide. The most glaring aspect of satellite fakery is cost. All 18 platforms I’ve mentioned are substantially more cost-efficient than satellites and inherently more reliable. It makes no sense to continually risk hurling satellites into space if more cost-efficient, reliable and readily maintainable terrestrial systems already exist, which they do. Based on the previous five frauds revealed in part 1, the dubious existence of satellites is even more definitive since NASA cannot furnish a single actual photo or video footage of real satellites.

Which is more probable. That satellites exist but NASA seems incapable of confirming their existence or simply they do not exist at all? Occam’s Razor makes it simple, they don’t exist at all!!

Breaking News!!
Pentagon spy blimp breaks free, floats menacingly over US East Coast
Published time: 28 Oct, 2015 19:05

Edited time: 29 Oct, 2015 19:04

The US military is scrambling to recover an expensive spy blimp that broke loose from its moorings and is threatening air traffic north of Baltimore, Maryland. Fighter jets are shadowing the helium-filled balloon as it drifts over Pennsylvania.

According to the US Army’s North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the runaway blimp was first reported at an altitude of about 16,000 feet (4.8 km). It is trailing 6,700 feet (2 km) of cable below, posing a navigational hazard to aircraft.

The article was carried on RT News with nary a wimper. Question, when was the last time you heard in the controlled major mass media about “Spy Satellites” Answer, almost never or none. This was confirmation that high platform communications and surveillance technology has been deployed on a large scale. At 100,000 ft try finding a white or stealth designed 50-100ft blimp. That would be like trying to find a nano-particle in a bowl of soup. With cloud and geoengineering cover obscuring more they’re essentially invisible. Continue Reading

And to top it off here’s a recent article about the TARS program that has been deployed over the eastern seaboard.

Though halted by the US Department of Homeland Security in February of 2013, on 1/26/2014, the Washington Post reported that the TARS system has been, in essence, reactivated as a test program designed to scan an area in radius spanning from North Carolina northwards to Boston and extending as far west as Lake Erie, in order to offer greater radar protection. Of even greater interest was the fact that the epicenter of the new surveillance dirigible program will focus on Washington, DC, which already utilizes what could easily be described as the most exhaustive radar net in North America, if not the world.

TARS, which stands for “Tethered Aerostat Systems,” utilizes radar equipped dirigibles in order to detect low-flying aircraft ostensibly seeking to evade the US air radar net along Mexico’s border. The system originally provided high resolution radar coverage over the US border while extending its range into Mexico, the Florida straits, and even a section of the Caribbean Sea, while also providing drug-trafficking surveillance for the US DOD counter-drug programs. In addition, TARS was considered a segment of protection for the North American Aerospace Defense Command with regard to their air sovereignty missions for the continental US.

The TARS dirigible

The discontinued TARS anti-incursion program was designed to be extraordinarily low-cost and had been in service since the early 1980’s, run largely by private contractors under government supervision. Despite increasing concerns over terrorists’ ability to use the porous border as a means to create havoc, especially in the air, the TARS program was said to have been of low priority, too expensive at about $ 3.5 million, and even technologically irrelevant in the modern day, which were all reasons being offered in 2013, for the program’s discontinuance.


The newly announced three year test, which is being run by the US military, will tether a starting team of two dirigibles, set at an altitude of about 10,000 feet, over the Aberdeen proving Ground, which is an Army base located in Maryland. JLENS, visually, a startling similar platform as compared to TARS, except at about $2.5 billion dollars more The base is only about 45 miles north of Washington DC. The stated goal of these dirigibles will be to detect cruise missiles launched from somewhere off the East Coast, a long-held problem apparently, which is only now being unveiled as a valid concern, at least in some upper-level circles.

However, many believe the updated program which will be identified under the acronym JLENS (Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System) may have another use altogether, which centers on extraordinarily unique surveillance capabilities centered along one of the most populous corridors in the entire US.

The US Army’s PTDS system

These same aerostat systems were used to great effect over both Iraq and Afghanistan while using state of the art surveillance systems powerful enough to detect movements of both insurgents and US soldiers, individually.

A Higher Perch

Despite the Army’s recent statements of “no plans” for surveillance cameras, the system has already been touted as having the ability to detect and radar track cars, trains, and even boats, however, the system has been stated to have no actual capability of tracking individuals, despite the use of the word LENS being omnipresent within the acronym.

Experts offering a defense of the program, indicate that the high angle of view for these types of heightened surveillance systems severely limit such system’s capability to detect a face or a license plate. This despite the fact that a JLENS system over Kandahar positively identified the images of recently convicted Sgt. Robert Bales, returning to his base during the night after murdering numerous Afghan civilians in their sleep.

The dirigible, long a mainstay of dystopian science fiction novels, may become a permanent part of the US urban skyscape, at least if government designs are maintained. Indeed, the other questions of such surveillance systems over the US, center on the extraordinary abuses still being discovered concerning NSA eavesdropping on US citizens, and drones being used to strike civilians. In March of 2013, Conservative Sen. Rand Paul, supported by the ACLU and other Liberal groups, instituted a US Senate filibuster designed to force the Obama Regime and Attorney General Eric Holder, to answer the question of whether or not drones might be used by the US government to strike US citizens.

The US military, under direction by the White House, has plans for at least 16 surveillance systems such as the one being test deployed over the nation’s capital. However, the possibility of an aerostat system theoretically being used to direct drone strikes can’t be dismissed, as the US continually seems to be more and more directing its security systems inward towards its own civilians, while previously stating that the same system along the US-Mexico border was both too expensive and largely outmoded by modern technology.

Strategically, while the US East coast might be construed as vulnerable to cruise missile attacks, the JLENS system’s first deployment might beg the question of why the East Coast? The US Pacific Coast appears far more vulnerable to attack by certain increasingly hostile Pacific powers, which are significantly more likely to use the Pacific Ocean as an attack approach to the US, rather than the Atlantic.

The JLENS development cost, currently pegged at $2.7 Billion for 2 systems, is far higher than the discontinued TARS program with its cost of about $ 3.5 million annually, despite being described as using essentially the same technology. (source)

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud: Part 3: Space Does Not Exist!

See Related:

How Do Satellites Survive 4,000F + Degree Heat in Space?

Did We Go to the Moon? The Van Allen Belt Mystery

The Hubble Telescope Hoax

How Can NASA Measure Stars a Hundred Million Quadrillion Miles Away?

How Did Apollo Moonwalkers Survive 200 F + Temps?

How Did Gemini and Apollo Crews Not Break Their Backs on Splashdown?

Why Was NASA Created?

Do These Look like Satellites to You?

<a class="rg_l" href="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.esa.int/var/esa/storage/images/e

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