
Welcome to another Monday Musings, where we share blog updates and interesting links.  Just a quick one today;  end of the year is a busy time at the day job.

Doctor Prepper radio show.   I had a nice chat with James Talmage Stevens, of Dr. Prepper radio show.  “Dr. Prepper” also wrote Making the Best of Basics-Family Preparedness Handbook, which is a huge, comprehensive volume on preparedness and self-sufficiency.   I’m not sure when the interview will air, but I will keep you posted.

There’s still time to submit your entry  Today is the final day to enter the giveaway for the  Fuel-less Portable Solar Generator by Humless or a One Month Supply Kit by Food Supply Depot. 

I am lining up new giveaways for October, so keep checking back.

Now for the links…

James Wesley Rawles has a new book.  The latest installment in his bestselling Survivor novels, EXPATRIATES: A Novel of the Coming Global Collapse comes out tomorrow, October 1st.  I’ll be reading the book as well, with a giveaway planned later this month.

Can “Total Recall” be far behind?     The article highlights the amazing possibilities and great applications planned, but on the other hand it makes you wonder, what else could it be used for. Scientists Create New Memories by Directly Changing the Brain

The possibilities for fraud are endless  This reads like a spy story, yet it deals with an everyday item we consider to be “local”  The Honey Launderers: Uncovering the Largest Food Fraud in U.S. History

A good items for storage  When I interviewed Glen Tate, author of 299 Days book series, we talked about pancake mix being a good storage food, because it’s so easy to prepare, is versatile, just needs water and is generally liked by most people.  I can’t wait to try a homemade version.  See Premade Pancake Mix

Take care and have a great week everyone!

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