

This Comprehensive Prep Course on Project Management Professional PMP® prepares participants to clear the PMP® certification from Project Management Institute (PMI) USA. The course contents are in line with the latest version of the Project Management Body of Knowledge - PMBOK 5th Edition, and have been developed by vastly experienced and qualified PMP Professionals. PMP certification exam is based onPMBOK Guide, popularly referred as the Bible of Project Management. Project Management Professional (PMP)® is one of the most demanded professional certification in project management. Candidates need to fulfill PMI eligibility criteria of educational qualification and professional experience before attempting the PMP exam. PMP exam is of 4 hours duration that includes 200 multiple-choice questions.

Benefits of PMP Certification.

Globally recognized professional certification

Valid across industries

Demonstrates PM skills to potential employers

Better job opportunities

Increase in salary

Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/pmp-pmp-certification/?couponCode=tintin

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