Here i want to post about the jerk who first got me questioning feminism:
to demand that women dress “decently”, going by your standards, would be a return to the days where society frowned upon women doing so and where men found it acceptable to subject women to all sorts of oppression. we’ve come a long way from those dark days, and shame on you for your antiquated opinion.
my 2cents/1pence/1.2yen worth on the ?NUS Fashion Police? saga | blueballs
Pray tell,how does asking women NOT to resort to wearing torn hotpants and tube/croptops in open public and malls constitute subjecting women to all sorts of oppression?NEVER once in my post did i say that they should wrap up from head to toe,so ive no idea what "standards" he is accusing me of.I would have been totally fine with girls in t shirt and berms,which is the minimum casual boys are usually seen in.Would not this mean that men are also being oppressed in all forms,and if so,by whom then?
Furthermore,when i wrote my opinions wrt to an alleged campus 'fashion police',as stated here
if their purpose is to denounce all those shameless girls who cant dress decently,as seen in so many shopping malls nowadays,then they are doing right.waste of time maybe,but revealing a fundamental wrong in current society.ive seen girls dress horrendously on campus numerous times in recent yearssince when have they learnt to wear shorts shorter,thinner n tighter than their boy counterparts.n their tops not just sleeveless but so low n they still think that can pass as a normal shirt?n wearing long tights to replace long pants in the lab?serious;ly if these sort of females gets any sexual harassment i'l say they deserve it.a girl in short skirt havnt the right to call anyone else a perv since shes one herself
this is how the same jerk bombarded me(mind u i didnt even know he existed until this):
saying that a female deserves to be sexually harassed because she is dressed provocatively is just plain wrong and stupid on so many levels that i won't bother dignifying that comment with a rebuttal. you make yourself sound like an animal who can't control yourself around exposed legs or plunging necklines.
Pray tell again,where the hell did i say i would commit any act of savegery or violation like he accused?all i said was the girls are asking for trouble by being obscene.To someone who never once thought of having sex with anyone,let alone forced sex,his words were a blasphemous slander.His tone is total condescension.I regret not mocking him on the fact that,by even posting such a disgusting reply,he was in essence rebutting.Goes to show that feminists' words cannot be trusted,and they'd go back on it as they please
The rest is here: NUS Fashion Police takes voyeuristic photos of undergrads ? the kent ridge common
Bear in mind,back then,i was very much more conservative about how people should dress in public,especially being grown ups,unaware of shifting standards and mindsets of decency,and especially since i havent seen boys dress provocatively in public at all.Back then too,i was very frank and open,and didnt worry about sounding politically correct.But at least i didnt use the word rape.To think he demonised my comment just like that.It gets worse in his blog.No amount of explanation could get through,just like what u all know fems to be,he just kept his accusations coming.He claimed to be impartial towards men but he doesnt address why he hasnt said a word on platforms where men are shown to be marginalised.