I can't believe how fast time is flying! Hey, only one month until Christmas and this year will end! However, let's take advantage of every day till then!
Here are my October favorites:
Nu pot sa cred cat de repede zboara timpul! Mai avem dor o luna si ceva si vine Craciunul, iar anul asta se sfarseste.
Totusi, zic sa profitam din plin de fiecare zi ramasa pana atunci si sa ducem la indeplinire cat mai multe planuri pe care le aveam pentru 2013. Stiti, un fel de last minute shopping sau last minute booking, sa incercam sa rezolvam cat mai multe intr-un timp cat mai scurt :)
Asa, sa va prezint acum si favoritele din octombrie:
1. Olay Foaming face wash for sensitive skin- I usually use Olay at night and in the morning I use Nivea Aqua Effect foam (review here). This product is very gentle and has a creamy consistency, doesn't dry my face, but needs to be rinsed thoroughly.
Gelul de curatare de la Olay- il alternez cu cel de la Nivea Aqua Effect (review aici). Olay folosesc de obicei seara. E foarte bland cu tenul si e cremos, nu usuca fata (e destinat tenului uscat), insa trebuie clatit temeinic. Nu face neaparat multa spuma, insa are textura unei creme si se indeparteaza putin mai greu de pe ten.
2. Dove Go Fresh Antiperspirant -I don't like at all roll-on or stick antiperspirants, but lately after three tubes of Dove Go fresh spray, I decided to try the stick version, because the spray doesn't seem to work like it used to. The stick is much better than the spray and I love that it's not sticky, doesn't leave white marks and the smell is very pleasant.
Deodorantul Dove Go Fresh- nu imi plac deloc antiperspirantele roll on sau stick si nu mai folosisem unul de ceva vreme, insa, in ultima vreme dupa vreo trei tuburi de spray Dove Go Fresh, am zis sa incerc si altceva, deoarece acela nu mi se mai parea atat de eficient.
Varianta stick e mult mai buna decat varianta spray si ador faptul ca nu e deloc lipicios si nici nu prea lasa urme albe, iar mirosul e foarte placut.
3. Moment de Bonheur and Jardins du Monde with macadamia nuts from Yves Rocher - they are simply brilliant; Moment de Bonheur smells sensational and it feels like you wash your body with a perfume, while the Jardins du Monde with macadamia nuts is very creamy and lathers up pretty well, very foamy shower experience, though I don't like the smell very much (Cristina loves it instead :P). I like to combine both of them and it results the perfect shower gel :)
Gelurile de dus Moment de Bonheur si Jardins du Monde cu nuci de macadamia de la Yves Rocher - sunt pur si simplu geniale; Moment de Bonheur miroase senzational, simti ca te speli cu parfum pe corp, in vreme ce Jardins du Monde cu nuci de macadamia e foarte cremos si face multa spuma, desi nu prea imi place mirosul, de prajitura cu nuci (Cristina il adora in schimb :P). Imi place sa le mai combin si rezulta gelul de dus perfect :)
4. I love... body butter with vanilla- it was a big disappointment at the beginning, because it doesn't smell like vanilla, not even synthetic vanilla. With all this, I love its texture, of pudding, and the fact that moisturizes well enough compared to other similar products, better than I love ... with lemon and limes version for example.
Untul de corp I love... cu vanilie- a fost o mare dezamagire la inceput, deoarece nu miroase deloc a vanilie, nici macar a vanilie sintetica, ci miroase uratel. Cu toate astea, ador textura lui de budinca si faptul ca hidrateaza destul de bine fata de alte produse similare, mai bine decat varianta I love... cu lamaie si limes.
5. Garnier Ultra Doux shampoo (with aloe vera and vegetable milk)- I've read many positive reviews of Garnier Ultra doux shampoos, so we (me and Cristina) decided to give them a chance. Anyway, we have tried almost all the drugstore shampoos, so we don't have too many choices :))
Surprisingly, we liked Garnier. It's not perfect, but it's gentle, doesn't cause itchiness or dandruff, cleans well enough and it's very cheap- just $1,5. It was a nice surprise, but I will not repurchase now because I have ordered something else from iHerb.com.
Samponul Garnier Ultra Doux cu aloe si lapte vegetal- am citit cateva review-uri pozitive la sampoanele Garnier Ultra Doux, asa ca am hotarat sa le dam si noi o sansa. Oricum, am incercat cam toate sampoanele din supermarket si plafar, asa ca nu prea ne mai ramasera variante :)))
Suprinzator, si mie si Cristinei, ne-a placut Garnier. Nu e extraordinar, insa e bland cu scalpul, nu provoaca mancarimi sau matreata, curata destul de bine, face multa spuma si e foarte ieftin- in jur de 6 lei.
Am fost placut surprinse, insa nu il vom recumpara deocamdata deoarece am comandat altceva de pe iHerb.com.
6. Palmer's Cocoa Butter lip balm- I really liked the Palmer's body lotion (review here), so when I see this lip balm at sales, I've decided to give it a try. I really like its form, you can't exceed the contour of your lips when you apply it and moisturize well. I will not repurchase this lip balm because is a little expensive and is doing the same thing with other similar products.
Balsamul de buze de la Palmer's- aveam o impresie buna despre produsele Palmer's dupa ce incercasem lotiunea de corp de la ei (review aici), asa ca am zis sa incerc si balsamul, mai ales ca a fost si la reducere. Imi place mult forma lui pentru ca nu depasesc niciodata conturul buzelor cand il aplic si hidrateaza binsor. Nu l-as mai recumpara pentru ca e cam scump si nu faca cine stie ce fata de alte produse similare.
7. Moment de Bonheur and Comme un Evidence perfumes from Yves Rocher- They're wonderful and I've alternating them this month, but I clearly prefer Moment de Bonheur which is my favorite of all my collection at this time.
Parfumurile Moment de Bonheur si Comme un Evidence Intense de la Yves Rocher- sunt minunate amnadoua si le-am alternat luna asta, insa prefer clar Moment de Bonheur care e preferatul meu din toata colectia in acest moment.
8. Alverde Brow gel- I love thick and bold eyebrows and how I haven't been gifted with them I use small tricks that help me to fill my brows and make them seem bigger. No matter how much I like thick eyebrows, I hate those which looks drawn with pencil. The results obtained with this gel are very natural, far more natural than those obtained with a pencil and this gel secure the brows during the entire day.
Gelul pentru sprancene de la Alverde- ador sprancenele groase si cum eu nu am fost inzestrata cu asa ceva, ma folosesc de mici trucuri care sa ma ajute sa le umplu si sa le fac sa para mai mari. Oricat de mult mi-ar placea sprancenele groase, le urasc pe cele care arata ca si cum ar fi desenate, conturate extrem cu creion, mai ales daca mai au si o forma arcuita. Mi se pare ca rezultatele obtinute cu acest gel sunt foarte naturale, mult mai naturale decat cele obtinute cu un creion si gelul le si fixeaza pe toata durata zilei.
9. Pink Crystals lipstick from Avon (Glisten)- I didn't like it very much initially because I've seen that has small glitter particles, but after I used it, I started to love. It has a beautiful shade, perfect for fall and it last pretty good. I don't like that it's not creamy.
Rujul Avon Pink Crystals (nuanta Glisten)- initial nu mi-a placut foarte mult pentru ca am vazut ca are mici particule de glitter prin el, insa dupa ce l-am folosit, am inceput sa-l indragesc. Are o nuanta tare frumoasa, potrivita pentru toamna si rezista binisor. Nu imi place ca e destul de rigid, nu prea e deloc cremos.
10. Avon Super Shock eyeliner (black)- I've wanted to try this eyeliner for a long time, but I never got it, don't know why. In October I finally put my hands on it and I was impressed from the beginning: it's very creamy and pigmented.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell the same thing about its resistance. After a few hours ends up melting and spreading out in the corner of my eyes, in the same way as it happens with most eyeliners.
I thought that I have a problem (especially because I had read many positive reviews), but after I have talked with my friend Elena, she told me that same thing happened to her, so it's not just an isolated case. I still love that it's very easy to use and very pigmented.
Creionul de ochi Avon Super Shock (negru)- mi-l doream de ceva vreme, insa nu ajungeam niciodata sa il iau si tot amanam. In octombrie am pus in sfarsit mana pe el si am ramas impresionata de cat de cremos si pigmentat e. Din pacate, nu pot spune acelasi lucru si despre rezistenta lui.
Dupa cateva ore mi se intinde in coltul ochilor (in special in coltul extern) si daca nu sunt atenta sa ma sterg, ma trezesc murdara, la fel cum mi se intampla cu majoritatea dermatografelor folosite.
Credeam ca am eu o problema (mai ales ca citisem multe review-uri pozitive), insa dupa ce am discutat cu prietena mea Elena, mi-a spus ca si ei i s-a intamplat la fel, deci nu e doar un caz singular.
Cu toate astea mi l-am comandat si pe cel mov pentru ca imi place mult cat de usor se aplica si cat de intens e.
What were your favorite products this month?/ Care au fost produsele voastre favorite luna aceasta?
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