
Hi everyone!
Took Rest Day on Wed. RAINED ALL DAY.

Today: woke up to breezy cloudy and RAIN again. Didn't feel like driving to gym so dressed what I think I might wear for similar conditions on race day (Sat.). in case it does rain. Temps were 'warmer'....about 51 degrees. Actually felt pretty good despite the rain and puddles. "It could be worse." Decided to run first around paved portion of neighborhood and then head to fairgrounds ...... so alllllmost made it a mile when a huge dog which I have not seen before ran up fast at me, barking!! Stopped me in my tracks. Was ready to use my pepper spray but he backed off. I walked as fast as I could as he kept barking and thought he was turning back to the house he came from ........so started running SLOWLY ......and he ran at me again, barking but backed off again!! He kept doing that as I ended up walking ALL THE WAY HOME!! About 3/4 mile!! $&%!#%$!! Ran into house and grabbed a horn (used on boats) and the loud sound scared him into the woods ............ guess he knows a shortcut home!! So had to reset my Garmin & run different route. Ran along frontage road, then around fairgrounds area, finished about 5.1 miles!! Not counting the .80 mile before the darn dog scared the heck out of me. Rest day tomorrow. Leaving for Lutsen, MN after DH gets home from work. I'll be waiting in the car, LOL!! It's about a 4.5 hr drive. Staying the weekend to explore upper Lake Superior. No rain predicted on race day .......uh, huh. Note to self: Pack umbrella!! Website: http://spring.superiortrailrace.com/race-info/25km-info/

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