
PEMANDU is so used to shocking the nation with their claims, statistics and projection to sell their wares. When being shocked, it took them weeks,  if not months, to respond. [Read Rocky Bru here and Kuala Lumpur Post here dated July 5th, 2012]

Idris Jala's reply for PEMANDU is merely a standard denial. It dismisses allegations and claim this and that without highlighting where the allegations are wrong. Basically, it has no news worthy substance.

It is his defense of Farah Intan, his claims are questionable.

Under attack

PEMANDU did try to answer their detractors through the Omar Ong friendly The Chronicles and Dato Idris Jala's series articles in The Star but it was only explaining and as said, it is not answering allegations and expose.

Why The Star which Helen Ang have continually exposed to be the mouthpiece of DAP? Is it because PEMANDU is only interested to tell their side of the story to their converted left-leaning and liberals?

Since Syed Akbar's damning posting on August 29th [read here], there was another set of expose on a staff of PEMANDU by The Benchmark here and Syed Akbat here that shocked PEMANDU.

The "establishment' attempted to fight back the few pro-UMNO bloggers questioning the integrity and competency of PEMANDU. These campaign have catched on and political columnist like Joceline Tan have touched on the PEMANDu attack in her recent column [read here.]

Their pathetic attempt was to label bloggers attacking PEMANDU as anti Najib.

Syed Akbar, who denied he has burned his bridges with Najib [read here], answered back by exposing PEMANDU Twitter promoting pro-opposition Loyar Buruk group. It also affirm PEMANDU staff's neo-liberal leaning and disloyalty to Najib.  [read here]

Idris Jala's first page reply below:

It is all denial and claim they have system and process in taking in staff.

Idris Jala basically try to say that as an organisation that is supposed to improve performance delivery that they are practising the system they believe will improve performace delivery. But unfortunately, they used the quantitatively skewed, mechanically driven and now much discredited KPI system.

Note the part they are 100% committed to delivering results for the government. Are the words of Idris trustable?

Did Idris Jala delivered the results for MAS when he chopped 3,000 staff under MCC and ridiculously rehired back 3,000 know nuts about aviation newbies? No... he had an operational loss but lied to say MAS had record profit. He was subsequently fired after our expose.

Did he really did turnaround when he was in Shell? No... he was merely doing textbook turnaround to butcher staff that he is known as Butcher from Shell. True turnaround specialist are operation man who knows how to truly cut wastage and improve efficiency.

Defending Farah

Idris defended Farah gallantly:

Still very much standard reply devoid of information and details to say Farah had conducted herself to the rules and regulations all staff of Prime Minister's Department supposed to adhere.

Someone conversant in the code of conduct for civil service can easily debunked that claim to defend her personal conduct outside office. There are many civil servants in our family!

Commendable KPI?

Idris claimed her performance have been KPI-ed as commendable. Is it really so?

The promiscuosly pictured Farah Intan is a Senior Analyst in charge of crime. She must have been a party to the process to recommend Emergency Ordinance and Internal Security Act was abolished to pacify the opposition and pro-opposition NGOs before the general election.

Farah was not the PENASIHAT but since Transformation is the agenda of PEMANDU and political transformation is also on the menu. Abolishing EO and ISA was also intended as part of political transformation.

Sources confirmed to this blogger that Dato Omar Ong, the hidden hand behind and with office at PEMANDU, convinced the Prime Minister to do so. Farah may have helped prepared the paper and talking points.

To know how commendable Farah is, read this Bernama report, below:

K'jaan cadang pasang EMD pada penjenayah SOSMA bulan depan

10:04PM Ogos 24 2013

Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) bercadang menggunakan peranti pengawasan elektronik (EMD) ke atas penjenayah tertentu yang ditahan di bawah Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (SOSMA) pada akhir bulan depan.
Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail mengesahkan bahawa kerajaan telah meluluskan pemasangan EMD bagi mengesan suspek jenayah terancang dan kejam bagi memastikan mereka tidak melakukan jenayah lain semasa dalam jaminan.
"Bagi saya, adalah lebih baik jika EMD ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan segera," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan ucapan khas di Forum Pencegahan Jenayah di Petaling Ja;ya hari ini.
Abdul Gani mengulas komen penganalisis kanan Unit Pelaksanaan dan Pengurusan Prestasi (Pemandu), Farah Intan Burhanudin, bahawa peranti itu akan digunakan terhadap suspek yang ditahan dalam Ops Cantas.
Dalam forum itu, Farah Intan berkata peranti tersebut, yang digunakan di banyak negara termasuk Amerika Syarikat sejak 1994, akan mengurangkan risiko pesalah berulang dan memainkan peranan penting dalam penguatkuasaan polis secara berkesan.

"Peranti itu juga kos efektif dan mendorong kepada pengurangan masalah kesesakan dalam penjara," katanya ketika membentangkan inisiatif semasa dan masa depan Pemandu dalam membendung jenayah.
Dalam ucapannya, Abdul Gani berkata Malaysia tidak memerlukan undang-undang pencegahan bagi membendung jenayah serius kerana negara mempunyai pasukan polis yang bagus untuk menangani jenayah dengan berkesan dan cekap.
"Saya mempunyai kepercayaan penuh terhadap polis untuk melakukan tugas tanpa memerlukan undang-undang pencegahan. Ini terbukti apabila mereka (polis) membuktikan kemampuan mengendalikan jenayah sejak beberapa minggu lepas.
"Oleh itu, saya mendapati sukar untuk alasan secara rasional sebab-sebab mengapa kita perlu memperkenalkan semula undang-undang seperti Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dan Ordinan Darurat (EO)," katanya.
Walaupun undang-undang pencegahan baru akan dibentangkan di sesi Parlimen akan datang, Abdul Gani berkata Jabatan Peguam Negara akan mengkaji semua sebarang pindaan dan input daripada pelbagai pihak.
Beliau berkata jika negara benar-benar memerlukan undang-undang pencegahan bagi membanteras jenayah berat maka satu kajian menyeluruh dan cadangan terhadap undang-undang ini perlu dipertimbangkan secara teliti.
Memetik kes penjenayah kejam Botak Chin pada tahun 70-an, Abdul Gani berkata Peguam Negara ketika itu berjaya menyelesaikan kes itu dan mensabitkan hukuman ke atas penjenayah itu tanpa menggunakan undang-undang pencegahan (ISA atau EO) tetapi hanya menguna pakai undang-undang biasa.
Ditanya pendirian beliau memperkenalkan semula EO, beliau berkata: "Pendirian saya tetap sama."

Read on in Malaysiakini here.

Two and half year in PEMANDU and she is deliveraing a presentation in a seminar as though she is an expert? Gani Patail was giving government and PEMANDU a hand but in an earlier report by NST, there were mixed opinion. Read below:

13 August 2013

Pemandu to study usage of tracking devices

By ADIB POVERA AND BALQIS LIM | news@nst.com.my

CRIME PREVENTION: Govt mulling its use on recidivists at early stage

KUALA LUMPUR: THE Performance and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) is conducting a study on the effectiveness of the electronic-monitoring device used in several other countries  to  reduce crime.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri said Pemandu was studying the models adopted by the United States and other countries, which had used electronic devices on prisoners under parole and repeat offenders.

"Pemandu is looking into the matter.

"The unit will study the systems used in other countries, such as the US and Singapore, to understand how the device can help to curb crime.

"We will make a complete analysis to decide if we should go ahead with introducing the electronic-monitoring device."

Nancy, however, said should the government proceed with the implementation of the tracking device, it would be applied to recidivists during the initial stage of implementation.

She was commenting on the government's plan to fit tracking devices on former Emergency Ordinance (EO) detainees, many of whom were linked with the recent spate of murders.

The approach was one of the options considered by the government in managing those with a tendency to commit serious crime, apart from the proposed legislation of tougher laws to prevent crime.

The proposal received mixed reviews from legal experts and criminologists.

Although the plan to fit detainees with tracking devices is seen as an innovative approach, experts doubt its effectiveness against hardcore criminals and gangland members.

Senior lawyer Ragunath Kesavan said the tracking device would be an useful tool in tackling serious crime.

"The device would allow the person detained to only go to specific areas."

On opinions that there were no laws to allow the government to slap prisoners and detainees with the device, Ragunath said it was not necessary.

"The court is entitled to enforce the admission to set bail and is allowed to specify the terms and conditions of bail to the detainees.

"Therefore, no laws are required to make them wear the tracking anklets," he said, adding that no human rights issue would be violated if it was related to criminal proceedings.

Another senior lawyer, however, had reservations about the system. Yeo Yeng Poh said in the US, the device would be used on those who had been convicted or are undergoing parole.

"Individuals under house arrest or under parole and those who are sentenced but requested to serve their terms outside prison are often required to wear the ankle monitor.

"But here, if the government is linking the detainees with serious crime, they should not just be made to wear the tracking devices, but should instead be charged with the crime."

His views were supported by prominent criminologist Associate Professor Dr P. Sundramoorthy.

"I know that the devices have been used in Singapore and the US.

"However, I believed the device would only be suitable for first-time offenders and those who commit non-serious crimes.

"I do not think the device would help to reduce organised crime."

The views by lawyer Yeoh Yong Poh and criminologist Associate Professor Dr P Sundramoorthy is also shared by former Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan. Without EO and ISA, that device cannot be lawfully applied.

Musa was asked of the EMD in a close door function. He said that he had proposed this when he was IGP when there were legal provisions to do. He said, "Sekarang apa ada cerita?"

Upon checking with several police officers at Bukit Aman, there said PEMANDU did not consulted with the police. This PEMANDU Senior Analayst proposed to the government without consultation with the police.


The policeman suspected that it will be like IES, which was linked to Omar Ong.

No consultation made with the releveant party and we, policeman and Road Motor Vehicle, are directed to implement it and when it failed, government will takeover from the two companies.

Is it true Omar have interest in the two companies, Mustapha Ong? He has been going around town telling his son has interest in the company.

The sceptical police high official said PEMANDU will direct us without consultation to implement and there will be someone getting some "Chinese businessman" to supply for cheap and sold at inflated price to government officers by supplier.

He added on, then the "Chinese businessman" will help release EMD-ed gangster for a price and the whole program would be made meaningless.

Already murderers had outstmart the device. Read here. 

If Farah had not consulted the police or Musa Hassan, wonder where did she get the idea of EMD.

From a movie?

Or by plagarising Musa Hassan proposal and claiming as her's?

Or while under intoxication on the streets of Kuala Lumpur or from too much cocktail by the beach?

Personal conduct outside work does affect work performance. Itu pun tak faham ke Idris Jala? Tak habis-habis kaki kelentong....

Bet if presurred to reveal amount consultancy fee, it will be the same style of answer. PEMANDU yang perlu ditransformasi dari menjawab stail lama.

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