Hi my beauties! I hope you are all doing well ♥ I've been loving your questions on Tumblr and connecting with you one-on-one. A question that comes up a lot is about which resources / people / videos / books that have helped educate and inspire me these last few months. I would not have been able to do this unless I was properly informed and I am so thankful to all these people for sharing this information. I feel so much "richer" and whole as a person since discovering this lifestyle. So I created a new page (on the top of my blog) for those interested, dedicated to the YouTube channels, Instagram accounts, books, documentaries and videos that have inspired me. I will add to the list if / when I find new inspirations. Hope you find it helpful!
Vegan Plant-Based Lifestyle
Resource Page
I've complied a list of a few resources that really inspired me and literally changed my life in terms of diet, lifestyle and outlook on life. There is a lot of miscommunication when it comes to food and it's so important to get educated on health and proper nutrition. It can save us from a lifetime of varying diseases and emotional upsets. Not only does a plant-based lifestyle have a tremendous positive effect on human health, but also the health of the planet. Through eating this way, I am able to practice peace and compassion at every meal time. The answer, most importantly, is so delicious and so beautifully abundant!
Follow me on Instagram @AnnieJaffrey for
healthy food posts and inspiration
I follow a plant-based, high carb, low fat, vegan lifestyle consisting primarily of raw fruits and vegetables with the addition of starches (like potatoes) and grains (such as rice). I go through periods of eating fully raw and "Raw Till 4" (more info on this below). I never restrict my calories, and try to get at least 2500-3000 each day (a good tool to use is cronometer.com to make sure you get enough). The more I eat (specifically carbs), the more energy I have and the better I feel. I don't believe in voluntary fasting (unless your body insists on it if you are feeling sick), but I think doing a watermelon / banana / mango "island" is an amazing way to cleanse and detox without putting your body through starvation or pain.
To thrive successfully as a low fat high carb vegan or raw vegan, you have to make sure to EAT enough. Plant-based foods are naturally lower in calories than processed animal foods, so make sure to eat till you feel totally satisfied. If you are properly nourished with the right foods you will have minimum to zero cravings for anything else.
Why do I follow a vegan plant-based diet?
Optimal health
High energy
Peacefulness / nonviolence
Respect and compassion for other beings
Spiritual and mental clarity
So much variety of vegan food, animal products are not a necessity
I love to eat in abundance
Health and conservation of the planet
Support local / organic / sustainable farming (our dollar is our vote)
YouTube Channels
Note: Some of these channels promote varying opinions on certain subjects,
but their overall message is the same in promoting a high carb low fat vegan plant-based diet, and that fruit is best.
Freelee The Banana Girl
Happy Healthy Vegan
Durian Rider
Food n Sport
Life Regenerator
Fully Raw Kristina
Kerry McCarpet
40 Below Fruity
Plant Based Athlete
The Raw Boy
Mango Island Mamma
Instagram Accounts
There are so many great accounts that I follow, here are just a few of my favorites!
@Vegan Take0ver
A few of my favorite food-related documentaries. All of these are available
on Netflix and you might be able to view them on YouTube as well:
Forks Over Knives
Food Inc
Food Matters
You can also watch The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall (originally a book) on YouTube - lots of great info!
YouTube Videos on Going Vegan
101 Reasons To Go Vegan
Gary Yourofsky's Best Speech You'll Ever Hear
Does Meat Cause Brain Damage?
If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls
Know Where Down Feathers Come From
Know Where Wool Comes From
Know Where Fur Comes From
Know Where Leather Comes From
Low Fat Vegan Recipe Websites
Fat Free Vegan
Low Fat Vegan Chef
Fat Free Vegan Kitchen
Accredited books on the high carb, low fat, vegan lifestyle:
The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham
Whole by Dr. T Colin Campbell
Reversing Diabetes by Dr. Neal Barnard
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
The China Study by Dr. T Colin Campbell
The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall
Learn More About "Raw Till 4pm"
How To Eat Raw Till 4 / Guidelines
Freelee The Banana Girl
30 Bananas A Day Website
So why am I so passionate about this? Two reasons, one is for personal development and optimal health (and the fact that I feel so good!). The second, almost as important, is you guys. I've gotten so many emails from young girls (and older women) who are struggling with their weight and body image. It brakes my heart to read about this, especially severe eating disorders, when we shouldn't have to be dealing with problems like this. The answer is so satisfying, so simple and so easy! We just have to get educated on health and the latest nutritional science - we cannot let ourselves become products of society or live out of habits just because "that's what everyone is doing". This information is so powerful and it can help so many people, and that's why I want to get this information out, especially to my younger audience.
The key to succeeding is FUELING yourself properly, eating enough of the right calories. Don't be afraid to eat a lot on this lifestyle. It will keep you feeling great and avoiding unhealthful foods while keeping you slim in the long term. It's also important to keep learning and to always be curious. I recommend subscribing to the YouTube channels above to keep the positivity and information flowing. I started this lifestyle beginning of March and I feel so great. I eat SO much, and I've lost weight (about 4kg), my energy is at the best it's ever been (without stimulants like caffeinated tea / coffee / cacao) and I feel more peaceful and in touch with my spirituality than ever before. Anyone can do this!