
Hello beautiful ♥ It's now been 56 days since I started my raw vegan journey (so about 2 months)! I am the happiest and proudest I've been of myself when it comes to my body and health. I know I still have ways to go, but I feel like I'm on a pretty good path! One of the questions I get asked the most is "What do you typically eat in a day on this lifestyle?" This was also something I was (and still am) super interested in knowing about other raw vegans. I follow some great health educators to get inspiration from them, as well as following the 80/10/10 recommendations.

I love this lifestyle for it's simplicity, it's purity and it's numerous health benefits. You eat super delicious foods that are just buzzing with enzymes, vitamins and nutrients. You can't help but feel amazing when you eat this way.

Raw pizza! Oh yes!

The food I eat varies day to day. Some days I may eat more greens or more fruits, it depends on my activity level, my desires, what I have in my kitchen, what's ripe and in season etc.

This is what I had today

Wake up:
500ml water with a touch of squeezed lemon
Breakfast (about an hour later):
Banana milk - 8 bananas (a few of them frozen), 1 liter of water, dash of cinnamon & vanilla extract (I sometimes also add in some dates). Blend up in a high-speed blender to a smooth "milky" texture! (Always make sure your bananas are ripe before consuming, otherwise it can lead to digestive discomfort. A banana is ready when it's got little black spots all over and the skin feels more thin.)

Snack: A few dates

I always start my mornings with lots of water to wake up and hydrate my body! In the mornings, I typically have either banana milk or a smoothie (in a huge jar) or I will have a big "mono meal" of fresh fruit (usually either a whole watermelon or several oranges). Or I sometimes make myself a large jar or fresh juice from oranges, grapefruits and lemon. With all these vitamins I have no urge for caffeine! 


Mango lettuce salad - 4 chopped mangoes over bed of 8oz butter leaf lettuce 

Green juice consisting of cucumbers, celery, apples, kale, dandelion, lemon, ginger

I aim to eat mainly fruit (and a few tender greens) up until about 5pm. Fruits are what give you energy throughout the day. They are easily digested so you don't feel "weighed down" digesting food. Instead you remain energized and focused. I also try to get in a good amount of water between my meals - never during. When you drink too much water right before / after / during a meal, it can dilute the digestive enzymes needed to break down the food, causing indigestion.


Raw pizza - still perfecting the crust ingredients, but the base is made from dehydrated cauliflower. The toppings are tomato sauce (blended tomato, sundried tomato, basil, lemon juice), spinach, sliced tomato, mushrooms and avocado

After the pizza, I went back and had a few more tomatoes. 

In the evenings, I get in my leafy GREENS! I usually have a smoothie / soup and then a big green salad, but last night was an exception, but nonetheless super healthy! I leave my more "raw gourmet" meals for the evening as they can be harder to digest compared to more simple meals.  

Water Total: 3 liters

Some other raw foods I've been eating ♥

Follow me on @AnnieJaffrey on Instagram for more!

I want to say thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of this change I've made. I'm so happy to be sharing this life changing experience with all of you. I have noticed however, a lot of criticism (some light / some harsh), but it's something I anticipated before starting this lifestyle. I knew some people would be naturally critical of it since it's such a departure from the "mainstream" way of eating. I can understand this as I also thought it was a little "crazy" when I first heard of it, but after reading up about it, opening my eyes and really educating myself about this lifestyle, it just makes so much sense! It took me a while to build up the courage to commit myself to it, but it's so much easier than I ever expected and I feel great!

I'm purely doing this for my health, my wellbeing and for ethical reasons. I am not however, doing this for "vanity" or to get "skinny" (I don't think I'd be able to last long if that was my goal lol). If you're interested in loosing (or gaining) weight in a healthy steady way however, then this lifestyle (along with regular exercise) can help balance you out to your perfect shape.

Even though I've read up quite a lot about raw foods already, I still love watching videos about this lifestyle - it is just so interesting to me! Yesterday I watched this beautiful video and thought I'd share it with you ♥

Also check out the links below! I love getting meal ideas from:

"80/10/10" book by Dr. Douglas N. Graham

Freelee The Banana Girl on YouTube

Fully Raw Kristina on YouTube

Raw Boy on Instagram

I don't follow any of these strictly however, I use them for ideas and inspiration.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I will be doing another Q&A video soon to answer more specific questions I've been asked by you guys. I hope everyone's having a beautiful day! XOXO

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