
Target: Jeff Hagener, Director of the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee

Goal: Deny the permit for a cruel fur farm that keeps wild animals in cramped cages until they are killed

Larry Schultz is the owner of the Schultz Fur Farm, the only commercial fur farm in North Dakota that specializes in raising and selling bobcats for their pelts. The establishment currently holds over 50 of the cats, all of which are kept in small, wired cages. Schultz, who has been in the farm business since 1982, sees these innocent animals solely as crops to be sold on the international market. It is a common practice at the fur farm to tear kittens away from their mothers, and sell bobcats to taxidermists once they can no longer reproduce.

Since there are no federal regulations regarding the humane treatment of animals on fur farms, the cats can undergo this torture legally. Schultz now wants to move his farm to Montana to get away from oil drilling disturbances near his North Dakota farm. Unfortunately, the State of Montana views fur farming as a “form of agriculture” and plans to approve Schultz’s request in hopes of bringing in extra revenue. Convince the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks committee to deny Schultz’s permit. We need to send a clear message to the public that cats are not “crops.”


Dear Mr. Hagener,

If Larry Schultz’s permit for the Schultz Fur Farm is approved, innocent wild cats will be put in immediate danger.

His farm currently holds over 50 cats, many of which are kept in horrible, inhumane conditions. These animals barely have any room to sit comfortably in their small wire cages and many times, kittens will be torn away from their mothers in order to increase profits and generate revenue. To Schultz, the cats are merely “crops” that can be sold in the international market. Once the cats cannot reproduce or provide fur, they are entirely useless to him.

Unfortunately, because there are no federal regulations regarding the humane treatment of animals on fur farms, the cats have to undergo this type of torture daily. This practice is completely legal.

Now Schultz wants to move his farm to from North Dakota to Montana. I urge you to do the right thing and deny his permit. This cruel and inhumane industry has no value to Montana. It needs to be stopped today.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: The Columbia Missourian via media.columbiamissourian.com

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