
Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Pet Rabbit

Written by Jordan Walker

Jordan Walker is a regular contributor at the Coops And Cages blog where he shares his expertise about a wide range of pets such as dogs, cats and rabbits. In this article, he will be giving us some pieces of advice before you buy a pet rabbit.

Aside from dogs and cats, rabbits also make wonderful indoor pets. They are cute, fluffy and with a very lovable personality. Just looking at them would definitely make your heart melt. If you don’t have a pet rabbit yet, it’s easy to get one. However, there are a few things that you need to know before getting a pet rabbit. Knowing these factors will ensure that having a pet rabbit is really best for you and these will help you become a better pet owner.

A quick jump on rabbit facts

Rabbits are not all about being adorable. In fact these tiny leaping animals have something to tell you if you are a rabbit owner.

Rabbits don’t want to be alone

Of course, human company would keep your pet entertained. However, your single pet rabbit will be more satisfied if you provide him a bunny friend. You see, rabbits are really social animals. If you observe rabbits in the wild, they usually live in groups. They’re happy communicating in their own language, playing with and grooming each other. If you want your pet to be happy, buy another bunny.

Rabbits live long

Rabbits usually live about 10 to 12 years. Could you possibly give them the same love and affection continuously? Could you still provide your pet rabbit with a clean shelter, nutritious food and bunny essentials as always? If you think that you could handle the long commitment, then feel free to do so.

Rabbits actually hate you cuddling them

If you think of buying a pet rabbit for you to cuddle, let us tell you this information. In reality, rabbits don’t like it if you constantly pick them up. They don’t feel comfortable if their tiny hinds are not feeling the ground. If you do pick them up, they’ll get irritated and kick you until you let them down.

Rabbits like to dig

If pet dogs like to chew and bark and cats like to chase everything that’s on the move, rabbits like to dig. Don’t get mad if your pet rabbit has already made a tunnel hole inside your garden, or if its hay nest is in disarray due to digging. Digging is actually their favorite pastime when they’ve got nothing to do. In turn, support their digging habits by providing them with earth pits for them to dig. This way, you will also prevent them from digging in your garden.

Rabbits may get easily bored

Having wild rabbits as their ancestors, captive rabbits have acquired the bloodline of being social and adventurous. If your pet rabbit always sees the same scenery and has the same set of rabbit toys, your pet may get bored and it might affect their current health. To prevent this from happening, redesign the scenery of your pet’s home from time to time and provide them with new toys.

Now that you know these a few interesting facts about rabbits, let’s go on discuss about your children and your pet rabbit.

Patching things up with children and a pet rabbit

Though rabbits are a perfect pets for a small space, if you have children, your children might be your pet rabbit’s most formidable enemies. If you think of buying a pet rabbit for your child, then think again. Kids often get too excited when they see something fluffy and cute such as your pet rabbit. Kids often show their affection to pets by hugging them, squeezing them, or pinching them. In other words, children can’t control exhibiting this quite harmful affection.

When rabbits are close to children, they may be startled with your children’s extraordinary and uncontrollable behavior. As mentioned earlier, rabbits hate to be cuddled, much more if they’re being hurt. Rabbits are fragile little creatures. They have surprisingly delicate bones which could be broken due to mishandling or dropping.

Your pet rabbit might not be the only one hurting but your child may get hurt as well. Rabbits have the tendency to bite, kick and scratch when they’re picked up or cuddled. Hence, your poor little child might be unintentionally hurt by your pet. Rabbits are social creatures but they also want peace and quiet.

If your child really wants to see the rabbit, watch your child and pet rabbit closely. However, if you can’t handle the responsibility of caring for a pet rabbit with children at home, you could take your children to rabbit rescue centers instead. It is the best place for children to interact with rabbits through feeding them. This way, your child would never miss the chance to pet an actual rabbit even for a little while.

Rabbit costs per year

And here’s another factor to consider before buying a pet rabbit – the cost of keeping one. Keeping a pet rabbit could cost you roughly as much as $1,300 per year. These costs include one-off costs such as the rabbit hutch, bowls, neutering fee and toilet trays. Other costs include ongoing ones such as food, treats, hay, toilet litter, injections, unplanned vet bills, checkups, as well as bunny toys. Since rabbits are usually kept in pairs, double these approximate costs and you’ll come up with $2,600 per year.

Keeping a pet rabbit might be a little bit costly on your part. However, keeping one or more would be truly rewarding because of the friendship that rabbits offer. A pet is not supposed to be viewed as only an animal, you should also consider it as a part of your family. No matter the costs, you should be able to exhibit responsible pet ownership.


Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Pet Rabbit, #petrabbits
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Author: Jordan Walker

Jordan is the lead content curator for Coops And Cages as well as a couple of other pet related blogs. His passion for animals is only matched by his love for ‘attempting’ to play the guitar. If you would like to catch him, you can via Google+ or Twitter: @CoopsAndCages

I hope you have enjoyed, “Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Pet Rabbit“]”

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