
CVs for School and College Leavers

Now the summer holidays have begun and the sun has started shining just at the right time for most of us, you might be thinking about what you are going to do come September.

If you have just finished mainstream school or have completed your 6th Form years, what are you planning to do next?

For many teenagers, the balmy summer weeks can be a time of worry, trying to decide whether to continue with education or to get a job, or maybe you fancy a bit of both, combining education with a part-time job?

Whatever you decide, one thing you will need is an excellent CV but we find many school leavers don’t really know where to start when writing one, particularly as your experience this far is likely to be limited.

Don’t worry, we can help you. Even if you have no real work experience, we know how to sell your key skills, attributes and experience to a potential employer whether that be with a conventional CV or a more functional, skills-based CV.  Our CV writers will compose a dynamic CV that will put you ahead of all the competition in your age group.

You may have written a basic CV at school, you might not. Either way, our comprehensive questionnaire will guide you through the information you should include on your CV and we can then present all this information for you in a professional CV format.

If you want an excellent CV but don’t want to spend too much money, then take advantage of our special offer for summer 2012. 


You can get your CV written and prepared by a Professional CV Writer for just £31.99.

Or, why not maximise your chances with a CV and Cover Letter for just £41.99.

[wp_cart:STUDENT CV Makeover:price:£41.99:end]

This offer is limited to 50 CVs only, so don’t miss out and order now!







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Personal Profiles for School Leavers

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